CVS Meta - 2019-04-28 - Why I am no longer a Young Earth Creationist
There are 20 episodes in the Meta:Rants series.
Recorded September 11th, 2019
CVS Meta - 2019-09-11 - Matthew Responds to Responses to Nick and Matthew
In this episode of Meta I explain why I no longer call myself a Young Earth Creationist. It was fun while it lasted. • Support the CVS Podcast: • Be a guest on a livestream:
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meda as you know my name is David I'm the creator and host of CBS in this episode of Mehta I'm going to talk about why I am no longer a young earth creationist if you haven't discovered my recent foray into young Earth Creationism you might want to go back and check out a couple of videos where I talk about it in my first and only sub subs video I talked about it in my Joel Pearson part 2 interview we talked extensively about my tentative acceptance of young Earth Creationism and that's all it was I made that very clear that it was only a tentative commitment to young Earth Creationism and then finally my BOB any art episode also focuses quite heavily on young Earth Creationism so if you haven't listened to any of those maybe you can go back and listen to one or more just to get an idea of the progression how I got from there to where I am today and it really is today on Divine Mercy Sunday that I decided that I am no longer a young earth creationist I am NOT a young earth creationist I am a Catholic I am a Christian I am a monotheist the true monotheists are Christians and the true Christians are Catholic and every true and faithful Catholic believes that God created Adam and Eve by Fiat there were no secondary causes involved there were no natural processes involved to call myself a young earth creationist as I've been doing for the past three weeks and two days was tentative it was contingent on my misunderstanding whereby I thought that the church allowed different opinions on this I've since come to discover as of today mercy Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday have come to believe and no one understand that we are forbidden from believing in evolution we are forbidden from believing in theistic evolution we are forbidden from believing in Old Earth Creationism progressive creationism or anything else we are bound by the infallible teachings of the church to believe in a special creation of atoms soul yes and of atoms body and that Eve was created from the side of Adam I have come to understand and to firmly believe that if you're Catholic you are not an evolutionist you are not a theistic evolutionists you cannot be this is not to condemn anybody I'm not condemning anyone who does not yet have the gift of faith that I have received it took me 10 years to come out of the closet as a young earth creationist and then once I came out of the closet as a young earth creationist it took me three weeks and two days to understand that I am NOT a young earth creationist I am simply Catholic and so that's why I'm willing to drop the title young earth creationist it would be absurd to call myself a young earth creationist now that I understand that there is no other position available to me as a Catholic it would be as if I were to call myself a transubstantiation estoppel to believe in transubstantiation it's not an option to deny transubstantiation and it's not optional to believe in the special creation by Fiat I now know and understand that this is a gift of God this faith because I prayed for faith because I prayed specifically for faith in the special creation my eyes were opened and now I see that that is the Catholic way there is no other alternative and as I said this is not to condemn those who are still blind to the fact and it is a blindness I was blind for ten years but in the back of my in my heart of hearts I always knew that evolution was not true I never believed in evolution I never believed in theistic evolution but I thought that we were outnumbered by the facts and by the science and by all the evidence and just the numbers and the fact that popes have spoken in favor of evolution and all this sort of thing well I've since understood that it's been wildly exaggerated the support that has allegedly been given by the recent Pope's and by the church and by the documents of the church to evolution it's been wildly exaggerated and so I am NOT a young earth creationist just as I'm not a transubstantiation ax stand I'm not a Trinitarian Catholic if you don't believe in the Trinity you are not Catholic it's not optional believing in the Trinity so I'm not a Trinitarian Catholic just as tradition is not optional so I'm not a traditional Catholic although I am feeling more and more sympathy for those who call themselves traditional Catholics I still think it's a danger I'm still very very cautious I'm still wary I still shun those who call themselves traditional Catholics i shun and avoid them with a few exceptions I'm very very cautious of the right very cautious because their ways are so subtle and enticing and alluring and attractive to me I don't look because it's a temptation for me it's a temptation it's seductive it's a luring so I avoid them the same way I avert my eyes when I see a woman who's revealing skin to me I'm not her husband I don't belong to her and she does not belong to me I look away I crossed the street I changed the channel it's the same thing with rad treads and those so-called traditional Catholics they are a temptation to me I'm attracted I'm attracted to the emphasis on tradition on morality on clarity I'm tracted - the whole thing i don't bash the right because i think that they're wrong i bashed the right because there's so much that they have that is attractive to me and i have to maintain my priority my top priority is the church my top priority is docile submission to the church docile submission to the living Magisterium my top priority is to the person and the office of noah he has the keys so it is absolutely essential that I do not let myself stray from Noah or let myself be tempted to denigrate Noah or to mock or ridicule Noah he doesn't matter how drunk he gets it doesn't matter how naked he gets it doesn't matter what he does in his vineyard he's building the ark and I have to get in I have to remain in his ark I don't care if you can point out all the flaws in his character all the flaws in his beauty the mall on his chin the gap between his front teeth the fact that he has bad breath I don't care I don't want to hear about it he is the most important man on earth Noah I have to submit him I have to kiss his feet his hairy stinky feet I have to kiss them because he holds the keys and I do love him because he's righteous and he is chosen by God to hold the keys in spite of his sin in spite of his flaws so this is the emphasis that I always place on Noah and the Ark and of course those of you who know me and know my podcast know that I'm speaking of st. Peter I'm speaking of all the bishops of Rome throughout the ages including Pope Francis this is my emphasis this is what protects me against the set of a contests this is what keeps me from getting sucked in to rad trance and those who would denigrate our Holy Mother Church by denigrating our Holy Father Pope Francis whom I love whom I like whom I respect my trust not as a man but as Pope I trust him I don't trust any man I don't trust any human myself first and foremost I don't trust any human I'm not attracted to the left I'm not tempted to get a sex change I'm not tempted to get an abortion I'm not tempted to desire female priests I'm not tempted to establish socialism or communism or anything like the sort I'm not tempted by the left the only thing on the left that tempts me is the sexy women who let it all hang out walking down the street or on television or wherever the case may be that's the only temptation that I have on the left that and of course a false mercy whereby everyone goes to heaven and of course hell is empty and these sorts of things that is a temptation for me so sexy women and universalism those are temptations for me but they're minor temptations they're easy to manage whereas the temptations that come from the right are way more powerful they're way more seductive because they make more sense they draw on tradition they draw on the fathers they draw on the Saints they draw on the ecumenical councils they draw on tradition they draw on everything that I love and adore about the church they are the temptation for me so all of this to say that I am NOT a young earth creationist just like I'm not a traditional Catholic I'm not a transubstantiation aestethic I'm just Catholic and as Catholics as I've come to understand thanks be to God and thanks be to the prayers of those Catholics who are faithful to the teachings of the church and who know and then who already have the gift of faith and that understand that Jesus was not speaking in parables when he talked about Noah and the Ark as a type of the salvation that comes through baptism as entry into the church and Saint Peter who talks about these same issues these are not parables if the type is a parable than the anti type has no value if we can mock and ridicule the so-called parable of Noah than we are mocking and ridiculing the sacrament of baptism which is the only sacrament that is essential it is the only essential sacrament so how can we mock and ridicule the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who pointed to Noah and to the ark how can we mock and ridicule him and maintain our faith in the Catholic Church we can't through baptism we are saved this is ordained by God we cannot dispense with the sacrament so we certainly cannot dispense with baptism there may be some in heaven who were not frequenting the other sacraments but I guarantee you that each and every soul in heaven was baptized there can be no doubt about that there are many types of baptism there's a baptism of desire there's a baptism of blood and there's the baptism with water I have no doubt that everyone in heaven is Catholic and they are not young earth creationist but each and every one of them knows that God created by Fiat and they see it they're able to see it and enjoy it now and I want you to see it and to enjoy it and so to see it and to enjoy you need faith you need the faith that I've been given it took me 10 years to get this faith but when I stumbled upon that one argument about the Immaculate Conception I knew that I had hit something very very important in my Catholic journey special creation is the only option for Catholics it's the only option for Christians it's the only option for monotheists and it's the only option for those who have not yet even discovered God even they have no choice but to believe in special creation but there's a learning curve like I said it took me 10 years to fully comprehend that evolution is untenable it's philosophically untenable you cannot give what you do not have this is called the principle of proportionate causality and there's another principle the principle of sufficient reason everything has existence either from itself or from another there's no third way you can't have your existence from nothing you can't get something from nothing this is the principle of sufficient reason and it's sufficient this principle alone is enough to tell us if we meditate on it if we think about it that evolution is untenable philosophically it is absolutely untenable I've come to see that I want to read to you chapter 40 of book 18 of san agustin city of god one of my favorite books the title of this chapter is quote about the most mendacious of vanity of the egyptians in which they ascribe to their science and antiquity of a hundred thousand years that's just the title of this short chapter chapter 40 of book 18 of st. Augustine's City of God and the chapter reads and I quote in vain then do some bobble with most empty presumption saying that Egypt has understood the reckoning of the Stars for more than a hundred thousand years for in what books have they collected that number who learned letters from Isis their mistress not much more than two thousand years ago faro who has declared this is no small authority in history and it does not disagree with the truth of the divine books for as it is not yet six thousand years since the first man who is called Adam are not those to be ridiculed rather than refuted who tried to persuade us of anything regarding a space of time so different from and contrary to the ascertained truth for what historian of the past should we credit more than him who has also predicted to come which we now see fulfilled in the very disagreement of the historians among themselves furnishes a good reason why we ought rather to believe him who does not contradict the divine history which we hold but on the other hand the citizens of the impious cities scattered everywhere thro the earth when they read the most learned writers none of whom seems to be of contemptible Authority and find them disagreeing among themselves about affairs most remote from the memory of our age cannot find out whom they ought to trust but we being sustained by divine authority in the history of our religion have no doubt that whatever is opposed to it is most false whatever may be the case regarding other things in secular books which whether true or false yield nothing of moment to our living rightly and happily in other words people are confused when they don't have God if you don't build on the rock that is Christ and that is Christ's Church if you don't build on that rock then you are building on shifting sand your edifice may be beautiful it may be intricate it may be very fine and precious but it will tumble because it's built not on the solid foundation of rock it's not built on Peter it's not built on Christ it's built on the shifting sand of worldly wisdom and so you have no way of judging but when we judge we judge rightly because we judge on a foundation that is firm and immovable and the secular books of the godless today are just like the secular books of the godless in the time of saint augustine in the 4th and 5th centuries it matters little what truth and falsity those books contain they yield nothing of moment nothing of import nothing of weight nothing of value to our living and to our living happily the Catholic Church teaches us how to live how to live rightly and how to live happily and if you're not living rightly then your happiness is a false happiness this is straight out of st. Augustine it's a false happiness it's a temporary happiness it's the happiness of the child that looks at the edifice the house of cards that he's built on the shifting sand and those twinkling eyes and that pretty little smile is going to turn into tears and a temper tantrum of rebellion when that shifting sand causes his beautiful little tower to collapse there's no lasting happiness in secular books there's no lasting happiness in godless religion and that includes the secular godless religion of evolution and if you're a theistic evolutionist and you think that you're building on a solid foundation think again think again look back at the tradition of the church look the teaching of the church look at the words of Jesus Christ in the infallible and inerrant Word of God the Holy Scriptures Old Testament and know from Genesis to Revelation look at the inspired Word of God when you submit you'll find joy you'll find peace you'll find freedom this is the true mark of a Christian are you free are you free from the judgment of the marketplace and those who feel the pressures of an overwhelming consensus of the masses in the marketplace and bear in mind that the scientific community is a marketplace it's not an ivory tower if you think they're free from politics if you think they're free from human respect if you think they're free from pride and vanity and corruption you're looted you need to wake up science is good science is knowledge but God is the source of all that's good including knowledge God is wisdom God is truth God is knowledge God is science and if we descend from God into the Natural Sciences we have to pass first through the queen of the sciences theology we have to give theology pride of place in the hierarchy of the sciences and following theology we have to give the next place to philosophy including metaphysics which has been trampled underfoot by the atheists by the secularists who don't understand that there are principles principles that give rise to natural science without which natural science cannot even take place without metaphysics you don't have physics that's why they put the little word meta in front of it it's beyond it's above physics depends on metaphysics if you don't have metaphysics if you reject metaphysics you have rejected physics period this is something that the atheists of our time are unable and/or unwilling to see it's tragic it's pathetic it's funny and it's sad and the only cure is prayer and fasting only prayer and fasting will take out these demons these demons are entrenched deep deep into our society deep into our Western culture deep into the atheists heart and mind choking out any breath of life any breath of light these people are dead inside these people can't see the most basic principles that would allow them to do science in the first place it's a tragedy it's a travesty and all of this for the brief passing pleasure of a few orgasms before they die and burn in hell for all eternity it's beyond chick these people need to wake up if my words are sharp here forgive me but it's only because I love you that I want to wake you from your deadly sleep it's like so many fairy tales we have to wake that prince who has fallen asleep and only love can do it and my love is goading you and if you're not stirred from your sleep if you're not roused from your sleep if you're not startled from your sleep by my sharp words and my threats of eternal damnation then you're not asleep you're already dead you need to wake up you need to get into the urk and you need to thank God you need to thank God for your life you need to thank God for free will you need to thank God for a reason and the intellect that you have and for science for natural science and for those precious fossils that you love so much and for the stars that you gaze out with so much admiration you need to thank God for that it wasn't the scientist that gave you the Sun and the moon it wasn't the scientist that gave you seven days in your week it wasn't the scientist that gave you the day of rest it wasn't the scientist that gave you each and every breath and each and every heartbeat the scientists are good by nature but they're evil by choice because they're human and they live in a fallen world they've inherited concupiscence the tendency to sin a tendency to evil the tendency to error humans are prone to error humans are fallible unless they're given a special grace as is the Pope to be protected from teaching error they are prone to teach error so we need to stop worshipping science stop worshipping the scientist stop holding up this pristine image of science as a cure-all science can't even get off the ground without God you cannot even take one breath without God so I'm saying this out of love I want you to join the Catholic Church I want you to at least take that step into monotheism I want you to at least look at metaphysics and take it seriously I want you to at least acknowledge your own humanity that you do have free will and reason is this too much to ask am i speaking as st. Paul said am i speaking like a fool now I'm speaking like a fool but it's only for your sake because I love you I want to see you in heaven I want to see you there and although I will be happy when I look down on you burning in hell I'll be much more happy if you're there beside me in heaven celebrating and praising God and singing to enjoy the freedom of heaven and to enjoy the beatific vision to gaze upon your Creator and to thank him if you love the creature then I think you will have to admit that the Creator is good and that he's all good and that he is deserving of all your love and you who are not atheists if you're not an atheist but you're not yet Christian then Jesus Christ is asking you through me right now who do you say that I am look at the history of Jesus Christ look at what the Jews say look at what the Muslims say look at what the Christians say decide for yourself look what what the atheist said about Jesus look at what everyone said about Jesus and look at what they've been saying for the past 2,000 years plus look at what they're saying decide for yourself Jesus is asking you now who do you say that I am you know in your heart of hearts this is an important question so take the time to think about it take the time to look into it take the time to pray about it and if you are a Christian but you're not yet Catholic take the time to look at Authority where did you get your scriptures where do you get this book that you Revere so much where do you get these teachings that you Revere so much as infallible the infallible inerrant Word of God where did you get it and if you're a faithful Catholic who has not yet come to understand that special creation is a reality of the Catholic faith and that you are obliged to believe that God created a perfect paradise a perfect universe with no death no disease no war no genetic defects no mutations no thistles no thorns just goodness perfection and the first couple Adam and Eve that married couple which is the image of Christ and His Church if you don't yet believe in that special creation if you still believe in some sort of theistic evolution Old Earth Creationism more progressive creationism take a look at what the church has taught take a look at the early church fathers take a look at the Bible and ask yourself and pray that God Almighty will give you the faith to see what I see I asked for light and I got light I asked for vision and I got vision I asked for faith and I got faith it took me three weeks and two days but I got what I asked for and I did have some help I've had some people emailing me encouraging me supporting me and like I said some of these people are in the closet they are not even open with their friends with their family with their colleagues too different in various degrees the different people that I've talked with by email some of them are out of the closet but my point is that we live in a time where it's embarrassing to say that you believe in special creation that you take Genesis literally or at least more literally than is in vogue today don't be ashamed there's a prayer that I'd like to share with you that helped me to get over the hump with this issue of special creation it's called the litany of humility I pray this every day and I've seen that this prayer is powerful I've seen the effects of this prayer so this prayer have seen the fruits of this prayer and I want to end by sharing this prayer with you it's called the litany of humility in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit all men from the desire of being esteemed deliver me Jesus from the desire of being loved deliver me Jesus from the desire of being extolled deliver me Jesus from the desire of being honored deliver me Jesus from the desire of being praised deliver me Jesus from the desire of being preferred to others deliver me Jesus from the desire of being consulted deliver me Jesus from the desire of being approved deliver me Jesus from the fear of being humiliated deliver me Jesus from the fear of being despised deliver me Jesus from the fear of suffering rebukes deliver me Jesus from the fear of being calumny ated deliver me Jesus from the fear of being forgotten deliver me Jesus from the fear of being ridiculed deliver me Jesus from the fear of being wronged deliver me Jesus from the fear of being suspected deliver me Jesus that others may be loved more than I jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may be esteemed more than I jesus grant me the grace to desire it that in the opinion of the world others may increase and I may decrease Jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may be chosen and I set aside Jesus grant me the grace to desire that others may be praised and I unnoticed Jesus grant me the grace to desire that others may be preferred to me in everything Jesus grant me the grace to desire it that others may become holier than I provided that I may become as holy as I should Jesus grant me the grace to desire it amen in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen so that's it take care we'll talk soon god bless take care we'll talk soon god bless