Catholic vs. Other - 2017-04-19 - Their Child

Author Recorded Wednesday April 19th, 2017

There are 41 episodes in the Versus:Other series.

Recorded September 21st, 2017

Catholic vs. Other - 2017-09-21 - Tino

Recorded September 10th, 2017

Catholic vs. Other - 2017-09-10 - Judah

Recorded September 2nd, 2017

Catholic vs. Other - 2017-09-02 - William

Recorded October 21st, 2016

Catholic vs. Other - 2016-10-21 - Ben

Occasionally I find long and obscure religious comments on my YouTube Channel. This nice lady, who humbly asked to be left unnamed, reached out with a form of Monotheism that I have never encountered. She asked to be labelled simply as Their Child. • Support the CVS Podcast: • Be a guest on a livestream:

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I know who raised me I know who taught me and I know who guided me it's my father who is the creator majestic God Almighty of all the universes the galaxies in Heaven's I was going to ask about your actual biological father if he was a strong presence or a good presence or absent father or what your home life was like my home life when I was young my mom it was said that she had mental issues but in my heart I don't believe that and then before my mother passed away she told me that he wasn't my dad and I believe in my heart of hearts of hearts because of all the things that have happened that he is my true biological father are you referring to God now yes but he's not biological at all he's not physical at all is he no no no see the reason why I get that is all my life since I was little I've been saying we've been put on this earth to give glory to God I was not taught that by anybody but it came out of my mouth and I have said well everybody's making their plans God has his and I have said when I had my children my most important job is to teach my children about God and I have said honor thy father and mother is hell like a man with the promise and some years back probably five years ago somewhere in there right before Christmas I sat down and I said I want to tell everybody how much God loves them see for me it's always been about God and there's only been one God and people ask me about the son and I would say well throw grass all over the world that He gave His only begotten Son who everything lost I believe in him I believe he took the beating and died on the cross but I'm not going to worship them and I never had never once and I had a lot of things happen to me and I asked him what's going on God well why is all this happening to me and have I heard voices Elias I've heard voices have I seen what do you want to call them spirits yeah I've seen them I don't really call them spirits because see the fallen angels they've been around a long long time those are the ancients so they've been around a long time and they can do all sorts of things just like Elijah and Elisha they exchanged their quote-unquote powers their abilities well the best way I can explain it is like a painting a picture a long time ago my father this canvas is the universe's the galaxies in the heavens and in my father's house are many mansions well those ones are mansions are in the galaxies the heavens and they're like planets this is where he showed me that's why you see in the Bible when he talks about loosening the bands of Orion plead ease to the bear all these things pertaining to the stars in the heavens and his will be done on earth as it is in the heavens in the universe the galaxies however big only he knows also in the Bible it since three heavens so he showed me this he showed me how big he is and I got attacked people say by him I said well no I'll have a nose that's all that matters it's almost like they knew who I was before I knew who I was and they tried to kill me or somebody did because I was literally poisoned and I wasn't poisoned with just one thing I was poisoned with multiple things and God didn't let me die he did not literally die I've been in health care all my life I'm a registered nurse and I'm like what is going on I've never been sick of my life and all of sudden I got autoimmune disorders well my father can be more than all mine's collectively combined can imagine and he started telling me you've been poisoned oh it's not just once it's multiple time not late how many more times is it going to be then I started I heard voices I'm hearing things I'm seeing things and I'm asking him what is going on why is why am I seeing all this I remember distinctly sitting at my door looking out onto the street and I said everybody's giving Roy to everybody but you I said what have they done well he showed me children their little babies you know they get their poopy diapers and whatnot and then they make their messes then they get a little older they start covering our walls then they get a little older and they you know their terrible twos their temper tantrums then we get to the teenagers and they get defiant and then they get a little groan and then I see a little weed you know more my father gave his children off-the-chart abilities they abused him they took off from home and they started having their little rooms they tear up the room move to the next room Planet whatever you want to call it they move and pretty soon they're all on or fighting they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting unless a will welcome you guys do not understand Commandments do not kill I said you guys grab everybody worshiping you and we forgot all about father and mother who is the mother I don't understand okay my father showed me a scripture in Genesis let us make man in our image did he make two men no he made a man and a woman now you go to proverbs 8:20 and it starts off I was the first of his works before his visible I was and it continues before he made the world or the dust of the world I was given birth and I'm like wisdom is a child wisdom is a female everybody says wisdom is a attribute but it is not that's a child of my father Winston has built her house on seven pillars wursten mixes her meat and wine proverbs lime it's a female is a woman in Revelation who built her house on seven hills babylon the great mother of prostitutes the woman in Revelation 18 come out of her my people she's got all the nations beginning from adenine line and say whose wisdom why does she say in Proverbs she has power and she rules all the kings of the earth I say is that the same mother a prostitute in Revelation are those two different women one built our house on seven pillars and one build her house on seven hills now I probably showed me in the scripture Mary when it came time to make the water the front quarter woman and I say son because he said many would come in his name and thus that's why you see Jesus Jesus Christ Christ Christ Jesus Lord Jesus Christ etc many are right there in the Bible Shiloh Immanuel toward more the world I mean let's go on I'm like I don't know which one is the correct name on this whole column son so he Clara for women and then when he's wrong when he's outside and the Apostles come and they say teacher teacher your mother and brothers are out you know whoever does the will of my father is my brother sister mother okay so there is another red flag he called her a woman he said she's not doing the will of father and then the wise men come wrong when he's a baby and we tell her things and she Ponder's 15 June or hike her why is she pondering things and then there's a woman who wanted John and James to be on the other side of the Father those are the strengths of thunder and then I found the scripture Mary gets a sword through her soul I said what'd she do I said well the catholics cover being mother of god over there does she try to make herself be somebody that she wasn't because the calf has got her being the mother of god they got the trinity thing going on they twist things they have taken scripture they have cherry pit from squisher they have chosen to focus on quote okay the Gospels get the woman fuzzies but they avoid the certain verses and they saying there that doesn't apply that doesn't apply like it says in matthew 23:9 you're the crime no man on earth father you only have but one father and he is in heaven oh but that's not the same father honor thy father another the one with the commandment that's not him that will post all no no haha alright how can you even do that you can't man does not live by bread alone but every ward of God the bread is the body the one that was took a beating and died the Holy Spirit the one thing that's unforgivable is the same spirit you have to be born in and to be born you come from a mother and that is my mother in the commandment and in Isaiah 45 do you question a father about what he's begotten well God so loved the world he gave His begotten son that's the father or the mother as to when she's given birth on earth i father I let her and then when we get to the commandment do not bear false witness I said boy I don't know who did what know what this is in the Bible but I already know with me personally I had a whole bunch of things write about about me that I didn't do sure I can see it happening in the Bible it says in the Bible every since John the Baptist there's been violence on earth and in heaven I said what did John do this Satan change his name everybody think Satan didn't change his name I said you even leave to think again he's supposed to be the father of lies if Jacob got his name change Sarah Abraham saw the ball Peter Simon that makes people think Satan didn't change his name I said oh oh yeah I'm just gonna pray for every one of them I said do your children you're not gonna kill your own children you discipline Shakespeare you discipline your children they won't get hard but sprinkles if they don't straighten up I know they tried to kill me if somebody did I don't know who this probably a whole bunch of them is really my brother's trying to kill me where is wrong with him he said they're fighting over a crown I like really I said you guys are fighting over a crown I said what happens you gotta become as a child where are we going to our parents house father and letters do you think he needs helping in his house no he'll also be being children he wants children who obey and stop fighting stop coveting stop committing adultery stop killing each other stop at all as it says in scriptures the heavens declare his glory when in Robins Park there won't be more out there than there is down here on earth that's how big this is you know Abraham is supposed to be remembered as the grains of sand it's huge and I know I know I know I speak the truth I know without a doubt there's a bunch of them went home because there's been going on for a while a good while for me he said good put it out so I put it out I'm like how am I supposed to do this I've never done this before I've been taking care of people in hospitals all my life so I started to send me emails out would you be willing to put this on my show what you're willing to put your message out there like that oh yeah absolutely this is for my father this is for all this worry he's got it you see the mark of the beast people need to be I was just reading in isaiah 40:8 the blasphemy my name all day I see it everywhere and I started sending out emails all over the world you know obey the commandments obey the commandments God is married that is him in the commandment honor that father and mother and then you know my son got had you know as it says every plan that they make will come to earn the fall into their own traps I didn't know what that meant until my father showed me when I lived in my other house I was convinced somebody was in my attic I heard noises and when I moved to the basement and I heard noises in my sub-4 and I was convinced somebody was in here people thought I was crazy well one night I heard three distinct knocks and when I woke up I shot up and I was like what is that and then when I woke up I woke up to these words Paul Malcolm stealing three times when he expired I am NOT on the ceiling three times when he expired and then it dawned on me ah that's so Paul asked one in the Bible it has to be and another time I heard the words who needs sure when they got a nice guy like me and the only thing I could think of at that time was John the Baptist when he's saying about the bride right grandma whatever that joy is mine and I like what I don't know who saying these things but you guys are in trouble I'll not pray for all of you guys I've never been afraid I walk through the valley of definite fear no evil I've seen people's eyes change and I've heard heard the voice change I've seen transparent people I was driving down a street a certain Street in all of sudden I'm on another Street and I'm like what happened huh what is this right teleporting I have no idea I know what happened I know my father isn't even very worried about it but I know what happened and so because of this stuff that I have seen I know like Elijah militia when Elijah went to death and he gave it his rule abilities so like Elisha you know Moses is supposed to win upon the hill the guide but Moses and Elijah are talking to the son they come down and talk to him so I know they can do stuff oh yeah I see it but you guys are abusing them off the Charter I said you guys are going to be in so much trouble I said how are you people going to my father doing this stuff I said how many times he's going to try to kill me ain't gonna work I don't care what you do isn't gonna work you're gonna get a lot of trouble go home go home I understand what commandments mean he's going to discipline you however many times it takes every one of them I went through the Bible and I was like I will pray for the soup and I will pray for that man from dust you come the dust you go the dragon I don't care who they were in the Bible I'm praying for me Satan in the demons Legion legend whatever his name is that 2,000 spirit I said he desires for men to perish but all the repent all not excluding nobody on denying nobody it's not my house yeah we're told very clearly in the COS of church that Satan is damned forever and it can't be saved and that we were not allowed to pray for him no no no no that's a lie so you you have a different opinion that's my cuz it honored it's my father's Commandments on kill it call it exist desire for Linda parish do you think that everyone will end up in heaven eventually I know what the scripture I will come and write my laws on their hearts and in their minds and they will be my people and I will be their God and he says every tongue will confess in every knee will bow but this is what I think because I had went through this and mind you prior to this probably three four years ago I didn't know nothing about false gods all my life I've just known when God my father so what he like bring opened the door and showed me all these false gods and show me in Scripture where's that all have fallen short of the glory of God that means to make themselves equal to God see the Catholics they got their stuff all over the world and these questions they're practicing the same Trinity same exact and that's that's where that revelation 18 come out of her my people I don't know what they got in the Vatican but my father being really is made sure that when I was to see I got to see and I never knew none of this stuff I never knew I never knew all the different words in the Bible they're different words you got the capital all capital you got the El capital you got the lowercase those are different words there Jehovah aren't the most high over the earth I like wait a minute I thought it was Satan's earth he told the Sun just bow down to me and I'll give you all of this now who's Jehovah pushed over cuz he limited himself right there he said aren't the most high over the earth my father's way beyond work that's a false God my father showed me all these false odds and I'm like oh my gosh I can't believe this I said to your children what are we doing that's when I said well I don't call him evil I don't call him wicked I call him snotty small bratty brats they're family see if somebody else I guess would have been trying to be killed they would have been out to see blood and they would have tried to get revenge but I was never he didn't make me like that I came back from the Mayo Clinic and I thought I was supposed to take these brothers to court and my father said no I'm coming the judge and I remember being in my house I like oh I yelled it I like I realize that he's coming to judge I said bring it Satan I said you're gonna know the commandments perform that bread did I condemn him no oh oh you're in trouble let's see all right I don't know who you are it would be Jesus Jesus Christ Christ Christ Jesus whoever I don't know because it says all have fallen I said you all are going to understand what these Commandments mean before on them because it's the ancient and they're their family I feel like I am truly a baby ping paired to them I said been around a long long long long time and I'm sitting here in this world that's all black and it's got blood splattered everywhere actually I feel like I'm in a little room and I'm sitting in the corner and I got my siblings who I don't know exactly who they are but all I could see in doing is pulling out their guns shooting or knives or swords they got the whole room painted black they're splattering blood everywhere they're killing all father and mothers on the other side of the door then barricaded the door and my father's eland are they and I'm like you're back no they're still fighting they're strict tighten and everyone know he tries to open the door and they spit in his face this good on the commandments and they slam the door in his face oh yeah I thought something like that have you met anyone in your real life or in the history books that you think is a true god-fearing person like you like yourself I believe my mother was and I believe that son in the Bible now as far as anybody else walking around in this day and age so something I'm walking in this earth giving Boyd God no I don't know I I don't you ever to anything no I never even knew about the Trinity where were the Jews and the Muslims are any of them worshipping God in the right way um this is what I can tell you no baby calls their parent by their formal name you see my father he's my father my mother is my mother and seat when I address him as the creator majestic God Almighty of all the universes the galaxies in the heavens everything but the mess I do that intentionally there's only been one glad all my life I know that for a fact but when all these false gods they were like I knew they were I couldn't see him but I know they were you know how it says in the scriptures shattered out to the great congregation well that's damn I can't see him and I know they're there I'm you're me he lets them hear me and I said just so you know that I know who my father is he is the creator and majestic God Almighty of all the universes the galaxies in the heavens and everything but the mess do you understand how big he is so you may be the little king of Earth and somebody else maybe of another planet or wherever because the aliens whatever they are they're they're real I said whatever you guys are you're not my father I said so keep on keeping on trying to pretend you are your around a B that will never be him and I can tell you this he let me see it and I said no I said you don't have to I told him I said do you not have to go to anybody and say may I have your permission I said go to him directly he says to cry out to him you want to be his child you obey Him and you grow no child has their sibling to talk to their father and that's why he said whoever does a little our Father is my brother sister mother I didn't quite understand what your objection is with the Jews and Muslims is it because of the name that you use for God rather they're just calling up false gods on earth calling out to a false god they are and they don't even know it except for you I I um all up Jehovah they got Jesus being God they got price being God they got Mary being the mother of god they got Jehovah being glad they got Shiloh Yahweh I mean it goes on and on and on and off can you talk a little bit about the burning bush with Moses in the burning bush me your perspective on that I think that you know how says in the Bible did not add to this book ride to the plagues and did not take away in Revelations I think that I am God I think they left the word god off that's what I think there's only one God and Moses the stole to go up onto the hill and die because when he came down with those Ten Commandments and he seen that golden calf he broke the commandments and then he had them take care of the calf the golden calf and then he turned around and had them kill each other and everybody thinks that it was because he hit the rock for water I don't like go back to those commandments he just brought them and broke them and turned around and had everybody kill each other and they're trying to make like my father did that that's where my father said test the spirits I said Moses what'd you do I said you're in trouble doing do you not understand you're on kill means do not kill I think it's right in the scripture I recommend the Moses I like we you're in trouble see like they were right he let his heart hardened I don't know if Pharaoh's still running around you know in a different form or whatever but I told him I said do you not know who my father is I said why do you think he took favor son contain kill him what Aaron did not kill that son he took him home he took him home to love him as he deserved to be loved I said Pharaoh wherever you are you want your son you better straighten up I said my father we got him others got every soul there is because he is who he is and he can do anything he can bring back anybody he he puts the souls where he decides for them to go he's swirl the Ingram long suffering because he desires from them to perish but all the repent they're his children and they go out of control they have the rebound with commitments or they have to understand a long time ago there were simple instructions and then they became rules then they became laws now they are commands do you either do or you're kicked out now in the scriptures it says he'll put him through the fight or several times get the gross out my kids I wouldn't never give up on my kids I do whatever it takes and he made me like that for a reason and I know that he's going to do whatever it takes to get everyone with his children home because he desires for men to perish but for all the repent and he could make that happen what's impossible for everybody else is not for him I said so I'm here I'm the babysitter of you guys and I'm gonna keep on keepin on until he parts in heavens I love you you're my family I said that you're going to understand I will never give anybody glory but him and I'm never going to honor to anybody but him and mother so if you're looking for me if you guys any honor it ain't happening I'm not doing it and see that's the thing of it everybody all over this world is given glory and honor to everybody but God himself and they're completely oblivious to his wife you know him Arthur read here children you know it is very personal to me because he truly is her father he predestined me for this I mean what would happen if your if your teachings were put into a book and then a hundred years from now they discover this book and that the true teachings about the true God and the true nature of God do you think that book would carry the same way to Scripture or even more because the scripture has mistakes in it apparently according to you you aren't the truth of the matter there's little be notebook written because my father I have no doubt whatsoever will be porting in heavens one of these days before you pass on I'm not gonna pass on okay I'm not either something like a rapture or something like that in your world you know I say I say that I say that because I was totally miraculously healed I felt him I felt him kill me and I even heard somebody say I did that I was like well you may have did it I said but it was only because you were corrected or all I father taught you I said I'm gonna giving you no credit happening I said but this is real this is real how do you know that you're not deluded by Satan and by all the lies how do you know that you that you can trust your own interpretation without a church to bow to it says in the Bible that the church is the pillar of truth right I don't know I don't know about that I don't go to church I don't go to church because I could go through that Bible and tell you when you asked me about testing the spirits I can go back through that Bible and things that are hidden that your interpretation oh but there there there there there there there oh there there and it's not by my interpretation it's you know they are kind of like Esther the book of Esther Esther answer to Mordecai she did not answer to that King she always went back to Mordecai then Haman was trying to kill them but she got the King to switch the table she and Mordecai's the ones killing everybody they took the ten sons put their heads on poles that's not my father it was not there is a reason why Queen veste veste she she left she wants because that kid wanted her to come dance in front of a bunch of drunk men so if he wanted her to do it why didn't he'd want Queen Esther to do it well I believe that she did what happens when you got bunch of drunk men and a woman and from Scripture it says she only had a crown on her head she would butt-naked Esther's feast they have that in the Bible Esther Spees what is the Esther's feast they pieced it on Esther yeah the dark things will be revealed the secret hidden things will be revealed I got to see you walk and I even at one time was like I can't read this one more he said just focus on the things that are pure that all right and then our lovely I was like living the things that I was reading it was horrifying to me and I was like my gosh I said how long has this stuff been going on you know he says in Scripture some of the things that he sees people doing he has to turn away it's horrible I want everybody to know who the women only God is and how majestic he is in every which way and he's perfect and he doesn't make mistakes but he has children that have made horrific mistakes and to go back to love love never fails you forgive you forgive you forgive as long as it takes you do not give up and love will take care of it God Himself he can do anything was impossible for everybody is not for him he can do it thank you I don't want to do if you can get got some questions a piano go all you got to do it all you got to do it all you got to do