CVS Live - 2020-01-05 - Episode 0002
There are 17 episodes in the Live:Early series.
A shout out to my latest Patreon Patron, Connor Norris. I talk about Ignatian Spirituality and the Newman Centre of McGill University. And to wrap up I look at a few more of my books on Kindle.
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this is CBS and now here's your host so if anyone was listening over the past half-hour I've tried a couple times to get this to work it turns out I had an audio issue because some YouTube age that I had open was playing audio I couldn't hear it but I guess my listeners could hear and I got a heads up I should keep my eye on the live chat over here because I got heads up warning what I didn't see until it was too late so this is my third right at episode two so please forgive me thanks for being patient and thanks for watching thanks for listening and I do want to give a shout out to everyone who has been supporting me and watching me in spite of the sloppiness of this maiden voyage into the world of live-streaming it's fun for me I'm enjoying it but don't expect a lot of great content for the first couple of weeks because I'm just getting my feet wet learning how to do everything how to multitask how to keep eyes open and yeah shouldn't expect too much from me but once it'll be worth it once I get comfortable once I have the experience then I can just talk about Catholicism and have guests on a lot of guests on different worldviews I had a couple people asked me are gonna still interview people with different worldviews non Catholics and Catholics and I said yes of course I will but I just need to keep practicing the live-streaming so thanks for bearing with me thanks to everyone who listened I want to give a special shout-out to my Chris who's one of my guests you can listen to him Catholic versus other hi Chris he's done one or two maybe three I think two interviews with me I'll probably have him back again nice guy he's a Satanist I used to be a Satanist the difference is he is a theistic satanism it-- not be anymore I don't know I'm talking to him violence over here but I was in a theistic Satanists so quite a big difference the a theistic Satanists are what I considered the real Satanists theistic Satanists or more just pagan and polytheists very soft and light and no agent nothing too threatening but the atheistic Satan is they're the ones to watch they're the dangerous ones that's close and yet so far there's so many similarities between a theistic satanism and Catholicism is a very short leap to make people from a theistic satanism oasis right down to their model of the law of the lemma I always love the lame I think it was probably it came up with that do it that wilt but he stole that from San Agustin who said love God and do what thou wilt so just a little twist just a little perversion just enough but still about that marketable hour comes from a saint and comes from the Catholic Church just like everything else in Satanism comes from Catholicism but I see because of the Alta saying hi so I'm keeping my now on the on the chat I can't type as I'm just gonna completely lose my concentration but thanks for being there and I want to give a very special shadow to Conor Norris and all okay you're listening Conor but I really appreciate you became a patron on patreon you're supporting the work that I do I can't for the life of me figure out why you like it or why you support it but I'm glad that you chose to do that I really appreciate it I thank thank you for that you're a sweet guy even if you didn't support me financially it's uh but you're a very sweet guy and I look forward to having you back on the live stream we can chat more about your worldview in mine and it's all very cordial and friendly so I am going to finish up what I was talking about gonna just burn really quickly through the books just because I want to get it over and done with and just burn really quickly through it but as I said yesterday I've gone over this miscellaneous category then we've got the full philosophy category of books just want to mention briefly some of the books that I've got here a story of a great medieval book that's Peter Lombard sentences if you've read Western philosophy at all you know you can counter this it's a great turning point and it's a great landmark I should say in history of Western philosophy I haven't read it yet but I'm looking forward to it I think the sentence is a collection of writings by st. Agustin and perhaps others we're looking forward to that coffeehouse compatibilism wasn't crazy about it I was just trying to learn about compatibilism Sophie's world someone recommended to me one of my guests and it was okay just a little bit too light and fictional for my taste but touches on the history of philosophy quite a bit especially a Socrates one Rene Descartes of course got a couple books by him this corner this course on method is the one that actually brought me into monotheism by Oh him a great grip a great debt of gratitude but that central idea I think therefore I am is really the only thing that moved me and that comes straight from San Agustin so and you know my friends at the Colby Center and at foundations restored have a lot to say about Descartes none of it very good they linked him very strongly with the myth of evolution working together with the ideas of Darwin and others so that's obviously not a great thing for our society at large and for the church in particular which is buying into the myth of evolution and speaking of evolution my friend Kevin mark sent me an interesting link to a couple of links to a couple of CS Lewis quotations put to animation so there's a really colorful animation that's done and it illustrates the words and the ideas of CS Lewis having to do with the myth of evolution I'm going to put the links in the description or in the comments below this but really really interesting very pithy and insightful and debunks the myth of evolution I think pretty handily back over to my books here and the Pope's and the papacy category I've got the Pope's and science haven't read it introduction to Christianity this is by n Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger looking forward to that always loved our German Shepherd thinking - infallibility I'm interested in that but haven't read it here's one about Rodrigo Borgia otherwise known as Pope Alexander the six I got it because a lot of people critique Pope Francis and they compared on to the bad Pope's I think it's ridiculous but I owe the Vicar of Christ my loyalty and my my love in my respect and he has the charism of infallibility and he's guided by the Holy Spirit to teach the faith the morals of the church so I have to respect him and I have to submit to him and I have to give him the benefit of the doubt whoever's Pope whether it's Alexander the six if I lived in his time I would've done the same thing would have said the same thing we have to respect a man who is holding the keys that god-given keys to the ark if you're outside of the ark you're doomed so get in here's that book on Peter st. Peter Canisius that I mentioned yesterday in yesterday's episode and the same thing I mentioned this one yesterday hope is the tenth that book haven't read it yet another book on infallibility and on heaven and earth this book I got in just so that I could search it and find one particular quote it was relevant to a case of father Grassi in Argentina when then Archbishop of Argentina Braga Leo was involved in some sort of controversy they felt some people felt his enemies felt that he was strong-arming though the legal system were trying to influence the judge by hiring a lawyer to defend this priest who is accused of pedophilia and I've looked into the case it's pretty clear to me that he's innocent I did the meta up so Don if you're interested check it out that's a CBS Mehta and father Grassi those are the keywords you can use to find out on my youtube channel really interesting and I believe Pope Francis is innocent in that whole affair and I believe that father Grassi is innocent I truly believe that I could be wrong but I did get his lawyer I contacted father grassi's lawyer and he sent me quite a strong statement clarifying in Spanish but I translated it and I had it verified my translation verified and a pretty strong defense of on the grassy so in any case god only knows but moving on now too we've got the Catechism Oh mental prayer looks good haven't read it general general Catholic devotions I don't know what haven't read it looking forward to it the examine prayer this is a big one this is one that I have read and I every night before I go to bed as I'm laying in bed actually I pray the examine prayer I do my own version of it's a short version looking at what races have received what sins I've committed and I mean I'm examining my conscience at many times throughout the day including during the Rosary every evening when I pray the rosary I examine my conscience going through the ten commandments but the examined prayers over a particular nation spirituality and I've had two priests today today alone I had two priests offered me to do Ignatian spirituality and to guide me through the Ignatian spirituality so I'm a big fan of the Jesuits I know they're hated by especially those on the right but I like them because I love st. Ignatius of Loyola and yes so one of the priests that offered to coach me was my parish priest and another one and I spoke to him today and then I went and had Mass I tried to celebrate participate in the mass a Newman Center which was a student a Catholic Student Center at McGill University here in Montreal and it turned out that the former directory of the former director of the Newman Center other Jerry Westfall he is no longer the director but he just happened to be filling in as a favor for the director who was absent so I chatted with him a little bit and we talked about a common friend we have in Chicago because he's from Detroit he's a German but he's from Detroit and he's really good soul at priest and we have a common friend and father Aldo who is part of that Scalabrine a league of missionary fathers of st. Charles Borromeo they've been friends for 50 years and they both been increased for about forty five years so we had a nice chat but then as it turned out there were no keys to let him in to get all the vestments and everything he needed to perform the mass and you know the the gifts the bread and wine that would be consecrated and so on and so forth so he threatened to kick down the door because he's from Detroit and he threatened to just do old-school mass using regular leavened bread and some wine that the student offered to to the head to the priest so that he could do the mass but you know he we were about to do that and then the keys showed up and so he got in he got the stuff you needed and we celebrated Mass as it should be celebrated so that it was all good very powerful homely very very excellent atmosphere with the students there were about twenty students there all young there was a choir a little mini choir and nice faithful young people McGill students some of them studying computer science Anatomy different things that I'm gonna bring my Catholic saint cards game they're the dave williams turned me on to that he created and i'm gonna play the saints kurds st. cards with them and get to know our family in heaven that's the whole point of the game so I had an interesting evening at the Newman Center today but moving on we've got the discernment of spirits this is another one by the same author Gallagher look forward to reading that one I haven't read that one yet the excellence of the rosary conferences for devotions in the honor of Blessed Virgin Mary don't know why about that but I'm definitely interested in the Rosary so I have to read that some day the Muslims prayer not sure why I read that why I got that one haven't ready yet moving on facts about Luther this isn't my Protestantism category okay we have a couple of books on Martin Luther here but joint declaration on the doctrine of justification this one I've read the reason I got the facts about Luther is because I talked to Protestants a lot and they don't really seem to know how Catholic Luther was in a lot of his doctrinal teachings and just how dark and evil he was as a person and how it lost us and how he indulged in sin and he said famously sin and sin boldly because you know there's nothing that can can once saved always saved that sort of thing in any case I do I do I do admire some aspects of Luther and I hope he's I hope and pray he's in heaven seems like quite a character but the dark dark character in his latter days that's for sure he's caricatures and his his disparagement of the Pope really is unforgivable but that's about all I can save for today we've got of course another book on justification by faith and works and that's what Jimmy a Bacon's probably pretty a popular popularized version of it one more category questionable authors have got a book here by Karl Rahner and about Karl Rahner so that's gonna have to be it for today once again thanks for listening as little as $1 per month we can support a charitable mission of CBS which has already enrolled hundreds of guests and patrons and their immediate families in the Scalabrine league of the millinery fathers of st. Charles Borromeo by your generous support you to participate in these benefits a special Mass offered on each day of the year and the devotion and good works performed by the members of the society thank you for your you