Ott's Fundamentals (Ep.00) - Front and back matter
There are 18 episodes in the Live:Fundamentals series.
This is the general intro to a new series of livestreams in which I will read and comment on The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Dr. Ludwig Ott. I read the front and back matter in order to familiarize the viewer with the scope of the book.
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okay i'm live i'm starting a new series i'm excited about this because uh i'm going to be reading a book one of my favorite books by ludwig a one volume encyclopedia of the doctrines of the catholic church showing their sources in scripture and tradition and their definitions by popes and councils so i'll be going through this the way i read books at the end i start at the back of the book so at the back of the book this book by dr ludwig ott is a conspectus of all dogmatic theology and quite the most remarkable work of compression of its kind that i have encountered the book will appeal particularly to busy priests who are anxious to review quickly the teachings from tradition from the bible and from reason on any particular point of doctrine it will be especially useful to students and it makes available for educated laymen a scientific exposition of the whole field of catholic teaching finally dr ott's work will be invaluable for use as a textbook by those priests whose duty it is to present to students in a systematic way the teachings of the catholic church this taken from the forward by james cannon basketball dd doctor of divinity i guess that is this is a tan book fundamentals of catholic dogma this episode 0 is an introduction i have started on the back page now i'm going to just go and take a look at the very last page and i'll go backwards until i get to the end of the main body of text i started reading this i read it first i first read it in 2010 just shortly after my conversion and here i have a little drawing illustration i did of the i've got the pf and s for the father son holy spirit so we've got in one god we have two generations three persons four relations and we see the asymmetry in these relations here between the passive and the active generation intellectual generation and the passive and active spiration spiration is volitional of the will generation is intellectual of the reason okay pf does not become a fourth person so if you group together the father and the son who together spirate the holy spirit the third person that does not mean that the father and the son become a fourth person so we see i'm just gonna quickly go through these intro these indices at the back we can see references to the texts of the old and new testaments very useful i recommend you get a copy of this book a kindle format ebook format or pdf or anything like that so i just went ahead and bought the book so the index this particular index is the index to the old new testament it gives the credits there very exhaustive index we also have very okay the index of subjects and then we have going backwards of course we have the index of persons so very thorough once again saint ignatius of antioch there you can see i'll just skip ahead or backwards then we have the corrections so the index of persons there excluding authors and literary references so the next page going backwards is the errata or core agenda and i've gone through and i've actually now we have quite a thorough bibliography with headings the bibliography is very good and here i just put a little cross at the end of the final chapter so as a little spoiler alert let us read this final chapter of the book the end of the world and its renewal brings to a conclusion the work of christ as all enemies of the kingdom of god are conquered he surrenders the overlordship to god the father without however divesting himself of the lordship and royal power founded in the hypostatic union with the end of the world that begins the perfect lordship of god which is the ultimate object of the whole creation and the final meaning of all human history so a little spoiler alert the spiritual battle he's already determined it's already one god wins in the end i do this when i read fiction to i go to the very end and i read the last page or so just to see how things end up that's just the way i do it so i'm gonna now go to the beginning of the book fundamentals of catholic dogma edited in english by james cannon bustable dd translated from the german by patrick lynch lynch phd 10 books and publishers incorporated rockford illinois and uh put my name and the date when i started reading it i also have a little note here difficult concepts have an exclamation point i don't know how many of those we'll discover to go through because it's been quite a while since i've gone through this book this bro this book was first published in english in may 1955 by the mercier press first published in german in 1952 under the title grundris der catholicen dogmatic by verlog herder and uh this is the fourth edition that i always good to see the nihil opstat and the imprometer so we have uh the nihilopstat we have jeremiah j o'sullivan for the imprimatur we have bishop cornelius not sure what the latin is there that follows his name so these were granted on the 7th of october 1954. printed and bound in the united states of america 10 books etc so i'm going to read the entire book because i'm going to use it later in an edited audio form as sort of uh audiobook for myself just to brush up on all the concepts that are contained in this wonderful so as part of the introduction i'll read the preface preface this basic course of dogmatic theology appears in place of b bartman's 1938 basic course which has been out of print for years derived from practical experience of theological instruction it is primarily intended to meet the needs of students my aim was to present the essentials of the church teaching and the foundation of such teaching in clear and concise form on didactic grounds the matter was very extensively correlated as the framework of a basic course could not be exceeded only the most important pronouncements of official church teaching only individual significant scriptural texts and only one or two patristic texts could be quoted verbatim the history of the development of dogma has been kept within the minimum limits indispensable for the understanding of church doctrine the scriptural and patristic texts were on a principle quoted in their translation anyone desirous of seeing the original texts can easily find them in the bible most of the patristic texts quoted or indicated may be found in the encoridian patristicum of m j ruiz de journel 1947 on account of the brevity aimed at the speculative establishment of doctrine had to give place to the the many indications of the works of saint thomas are intended to be a pointer to deeper study the reader is directed to the appropriate articles in the dictionary the theology catholic and to the theological vorter book zoom nuan testament of g kittel excuse my pronunciation in foreign languages the present basic course is constructed on the framework of the lectures of my teacher michael rackl who died in 1948 as bishop of ike stop bike stop and of martin grubman who died in 1949 and i ventured to hope it was grab ma it was groudman who urged me to publish this work i acknowledge with thanks that i found many hints and ideas in various religious textbooks particularly those of bartman dicamp paul and van nort i'm indebted to the most reverend dr alfred kempf in oberzell by wurzburg for assistance in reading proofs and for the preparation of the index of persons may this book contribute to the extension of the knowledge of the church's teaching to the deepening of the understanding of this teaching and aikshtaat 15th of august 1952 next we have to the english edition the first english edition this book by dr ludwig ott is a conspectus of all dogmatic theology and quite the most remarkable work of compression of its kind that i have encountered the book will appeal particularly to busy priests who are anxious to review quickly the teaching from tradition from the bible and from reason on any particular point of doctrine it will be especially useful to students who desire to revise rapidly in the vernacular the tracts which they are presenting for examination it makes available for educated laymen a scientific exposition of the whole field of catholic teaching finally dr ott's work will be invaluable for use as a textbook by those priests whose duty it is to present to students in a systematic way the teaching of the catholic church the mercier press has performed a service of major importance in making this work available in english a special word of praise is due to the translator dr patrick lynch whose careful and accurate work made my task relatively simple personally i'm happy to be associated with the first appearance in english of this work i believe it will prove to be of such importance and lasting value as to justify fully the labor which has gone into its production james bastibal university university college cork a little sip of water before i read the forward to the second english edition the exhaustion of the first edition in such short time is most gratifying it may perhaps be interpreted not only as an indication of the need which the book fills but also as a tribute to the book itself in this connection it is of considerable interest to note that dr ott's work has appealed not only to priests and religious but to a very wide circle of lay folk as the author mentions in his preface the object is to provide a basic course in the light of this book in the light of this book is amazingly excuse me in the light of this the book is amazingly comprehensive the references to disputed questions are of course very much an outline but students of theology find them valuable in that they recall to their minds problems which they have studied in detail elsewhere the very many references to sources and the bibliography will appeal to those desiring to study particular points more fully than they are dealt with here this second english edition embodies the many changes made in the second and third german editions further in this edition all latin quotations have been translated wherever this seemed necessary to enable a reader whose latin is rusty to follow the text with ease i don't speak every effort has been made to eliminate inaccuracies but doubtless some slips have been overlooked in this book with its quarter million words i shall be very grateful for any help by readers and correcting these in future editions here we have a list of abbreviations i will not read them but they're on the screen if you want to now on to something i find exciting in every book without giving the page numbers i'll just briefly run through this we have the preface the forwards which i've read and abbreviations which i have not read but which you can introduction under the heading of introduction we have concept and object of theology theology as a science concept and method of dogmatic theology concept and classification of dogma the developments of dogma catholic truths theological opinions theological grades of certainty so much for the introduction then we have book one the unity and trinity of god part one the unity of god his existence and nature section one the existence of god chapter one the natural no ability of the existence of god the possibility of the natural knowledge of god in the light of supernatural revelation the possibility of a proof of god's errors regarding the natural knowability of god i put a little arrow next to that i must chapter two the supernatural knowability of the existence of god section 2 the nature of god chapter 1 the knowledge of the nature of god the natural knowledge of the nature of god in this world the supernatural knowledge of the divine essence in the other world the supernatural knowledge of the divine being in this world through faith chapter 2 the nature of god in itself the biblical names of god the physical and metaphysical nature of god section 3 the attributes or qualities of god the attributes of god in general chapter 1 the attributes of the divine being the absolute perfection of god god's infinity god's simplicity god's unicity god's truth god's goodness god's immutability god's eternity the immensity or immeasurability of god and his omnipresence chapter 2 the attributes of the divine life the divine knowledge or knowing the perfection of divine knowledge object and division of the divine knowing the medium of the divine prescience of free actions of rational creatures the divine knowing as origin of things the divine willing the perfection of the divine willing the object of the divine volition the physical properties of the divine will the moral attributes of the divine will section one dogmatic formulation and positive foundation of the dogma of the trinity chapter one the anti-trinitarian heresies and the doctrinal decisions of the church the heresies the doctrinal decisions of the church chapter two proof of the existence of the trinity from scripture and tradition indications of the trinity of god in the old testament the trinitarian formulae the new testament doctrine of god the father god the son the new testament teaching concerning god the holy ghost the new testament doctrine of the numerical unity of the divine nature in the three persons the testimony of tradition for the trinity of god chapter 3 triple personality of god the triple personality of god the internal divine processions in general the procession of the son from the father by way of generation the procession of the holy ghost from the father and the son by way of spiration section 2 speculative explanation of the dogma of the trinity chapter 1 speculative explanation of the internal divine processions the son proceeds from the intellect of the father by way of generation the holy ghost proceeds from the will or from the mutual love of the father and of the son the holy ghost does not proceed through generation but through spiration chapter 2 the divine relations and the divine relations the divine persons the divine personal properties and notions the trinitarian perichoresis the unity of the divine operation add extra the appropriations what i call condescension the divine missions chapter 3 the relation of the trinity to reason the mysterious character of the dogma of continuing with the table of contents book 2 god the creator section 1 the divine act of creation chapter one the beginning of the world or the creation of the world the reality of the divine creation of the world the divine world idea motive and purpose of the creation of the world the trinity and creation freedom of the divine act of creation the temporal character of the world chapter 2 the continuous preservation and governing of the world the preservation of the world the divine cooperation the divine providence and government of the world section 2 the divine work of creation chapter one revealed doctrine concerning material things i.e christian cosmology hexahemeron six days of creation the doctrine of evolution in the light of revelation that will be interesting to look at the doctrine of the revelation regarding man or christian anthropology the nature of man the origin of the first human pair and the unity of the human race the essential constituent parts of human nature the origin of the individual human souls the elevation of man to the supernatural order the concept of the supernatural the relation between nature and the supernatural endowment of the first man three man's laps from the supernatural order the personal sin of the first parents or original sin the existence of original sin the nature of original sin the transmission of original sin the consequences of original sin the lot of children dying in original chapter 3 revelation concerning the existence origin and number of the angels the nature of the angels the supernatural exaltation and probation of the angels the fall through sin and the rejection of the bad angels the efficacy of the good angels continuing with the table of contents book three the doctrine of god the redeemer part 1 the doctrine of the person of the redeemer preliminary examination section 1 the two natures in christ and the mode and manner of their unification chapter one the true divinity of christ the dogma of the true divinity of christ and its opponents the testimony of the old testament the testimony of the synoptic gospels of the gospel of saint john of the pauline epistles the testimony from the tradition of the church chapter 2 christ's true humanity the reality of christ's true human nature christ's human nature the integrity of christ's human nature the adamite origin of christ's human nature chapter three the unification of the two natures in christ in the unity of the person the unity of christ's person the duality of the nature the duality of the willing and the modes of operation beginning and duration of the hypostatic chapter four theological speculative discussion on the hypostatic union the supernatural and mysterious character of the hypostatic union objections against the dogma of the hypostatic union the relationship of the hypostatic union to the trinity chapter 5 inferences from the hypostatic union the natural sonship of god of the man christ's right to adoration the adoration of the most sacred heart of jesus communication of idioms section two the attributes of christ's human nature chapter one the prerogatives of christ's human nature the prerogative of christ in the domain of human knowledge the immediate vision of god infused knowledge of christ christ's acquired knowledge and the progress of his human knowledge the excellencies of christ's human will or christ's holiness christ's sinlessness and impeccability christ's sanctity and fullness of grace the perfection of christ's human power christ's power chapter 2 the defects or the possibility of christ's human nature christ's capacity for suffering part 2 the doctrine of the work of the redeemer chapter 1 the redemption in general the purpose of the incarnation the controversy as to the conditioned or unconditioned predestination of the incarnation concept and possibility of the redemption through christ necessity for and freedom of the redemption chapter two the realization of the redemption through the three offices of christ the teaching office christ's teaching or the pastoral office christ's pastoral or kingly office the priestly office the reality of christ's priestly office the exercise of the sacral office or christ's sacrifice the syria to lodge this soteriological importance of christ's sacrifice christ's vicarious atonement christ's merits chapter 3 the glorious conclusion of christ's work of redemption christ's descent into hell his resurrection his ascension into part three the mother of the redeemer chapter one marries motherhood of god the reality of mary's motherhood of god mary's fullness of grace and her divinity by hers excuse me her dignity deriving from her motherhood of god mary is not divine that was a slip of the tongue chapter two the privileges of the mother of god mary's immaculate conception marries freedom from evil concupiscence and from every personal sin her perpetual virginity the bodily assumption of mary into heaven chapter three marries cooperation in the work of redemption the mediatorship of mary the veneration of mary book 4 the doctrine of god the sanctifier part 1 the doctrine of grace introduction of grace in general the subjective redemption in general the concept of grace the classification of grace the principle errors concerning grace section 1 actual grace chapter 1 the nature of actual grace enlightening and strengthening grace antecedent and consequent grace controversy as to the nature of actual grace chapter two the necessity of actual grace the necessity of grace for the acts of this supernatural order human nature's capacity to act without grace and the limits of this capacity chapter 3 the distribution of actual grace god's freedom in the distribution of grace or the gratuity of grace the universality of grace the mystery of predestination the mystery of reprobation chapter four the relation between grace the church the teaching of the church on grace and freedom as against heresy theological speculation on the chapter 2 the efficacy and the effects so just to recap i said theo theological speculations on the relationship between continuing section 2 habitual grace chapter 1 the process of justification the concept of justification the causes of justification the preparation for justification chapter 2 the state of justification the nature of sanctifying grace the formal effects of sanctifying grace the committee of sanctifying grace it's not comedy but comety the attributes of the state of grace chapter 3 the consequences or fruits of justification or the doctrine concerning excuse me the reality of supernatural merit the conditions of supernatural merit the continuing with the table of contents part two of the church chapter one the divine origin of the church the concept of the church the foundation of the church by christ the purpose of the church chapter two the constitution of the the hierarchical constitution of the church the primacy of saint peter the primacy of jurisdiction of the pope the nature of the papal primacy the papal teaching primacy or the papal infallibility and the bishops chapter 3 the internal constitution of the church christ and the church the holy ghost and the church chapter 4 the properties or central attributes of the church the indefectability of the church the infallibility of the church the visibility of the church the unity of the church the sanctity of the church the catholicity of the church the apostolicity of the church chapter 5 the necessity of the church membership of the church the necessity for membership of the church chapter 6 the communion of saints concept and reality of the communion of saints the communion of the faithful living on earth the communion between the faithful on earth and the saints in heaven the communion of the faithful on earth and the saints in heaven with the poor souls and purgatory and part three the sacraments now that's what i accidentally turned the page earlier now we're coming to this the sacraments section one the doctrine of the sacraments in general chapter 1 the nature of the sacraments the concept of sacrament the constituent chapter 2 the efficacy and effects of the sacraments the objective efficacy of the sacraments the mode of operation of the sacraments the effects of the sacraments chapter three the institution and the seven-fold nature of the sacraments the institution of the sacraments by christ the seven sacraments the necessity of the sacraments chapter four the minister and the recipient of the sacraments the minister of the sacraments the recipient of the sacraments chapter five the pre-christian sacraments and sacramentals the pre-christian sacraments the sacramentals section two the seven sacraments part 1 the sacrament of baptism the concept of baptism and its sacramental nature the outward sign of baptism effects of baptism necessity of baptism minister of baptism recipient of baptism the sacrament part two the sacrament of confirmation concept of confirmation and its sacramental nature the word sign of confirmation the effects of confirmation the necessity of confirmation the minister of confirmation and the recipient confirmation the sacrament of the eucharist section one the real presence of christ in the eucharist chapter 1 the fact of the real presence of christ the heretical counter thesis theses christ's real presence according to the testimony of holy scripture the real presence according to the testimony of tradition chapter 2 the affecting of christ's real presence or the transubstantiation dogma and concept of transubstantiation transubstantiation according to the testimony of the sources of faith the sacramental accidents chapter 3 nature and manner of the real presence of christ the totality of the presence the permanence of the real presence the adoration due to the chapter four the blessed eucharist and human reason the mysterious character of the eucharist apparent contradictions between reason and the eucharistic dogma section two the eucharist as a sacrament the sacramental nature of the eucharist the outward signs of the eucharist the the necessity of the eucharist the minister of the eucharist the recipient of the eucharist section 3 the eucharist as a sacrifice chapter 1 the reality of the sacrifice of the mass the sacrificial character of the eucharist according to the teaching of the church the sacrament the the sacrificial character of the eucharist according to the testimony of the holy writ the sacrificial character of the eucharist chapter 2 the nature of the sacrifice of the mass the relation of the sacrifice of the mass to the sacrifice of the cross the physical nature of the sacrifice of the mass the metaphysical nature of the sacrifice of the mass chapter three the effects and efficacy of the sacrifice of the mass the effects of the sacrifice of the mass the efficacy of the sacrifice of the mass the value and the fruits of the four the sacrament of penance the concept of penance section one the church's power to forgive sins chapter one the existence of the church's power to forgive sins the dogma and the heretical counter propositions the testimony of holy writ the testimony of tradition chapter 2 the property properties of the church's power to forgive sins the church's power to forgive sins as a true power of absolution the universality of the church's power to forgive sins the judicial character of the church's power to forgive sins section 2 the church's forgiveness of sins as a sacrament the sacramental nature of the church's forgiveness of sins chapter 1 the outward signs of the sacrament of penance contrition contrition in general perfect contrition imperfect contrition confession the divine institution of confession and the necessity of confession for salvation the object of confession satisfaction concept and quality of sacramental satisfaction absolution the priest's absolution as a form of the sacramental sacrament of penance chapter two the effect of the sacrament of penance and its necessity the effect of the sacrament of penance the necessity of the sacrament of penance chapter three the minister and the recipient of the sacrament of penance the minister of the sacrament of penance the recipient of almost done the table of contents here i know it's it may seem dry to some but i love seeing the bird's eye view the overview of what we're going to get into here it seems to be jumping to the appendix okay maybe there's an appendix for that last the last thing i read was number 19 the recipient of the sacrament of penance and then the next thing is 20 the doctrine of indulgences that little word appendix i'm not sure why that's there but anyway just continue by the sacrament of extreme unction the comprom excuse me concept and sacramental nature of extreme unction the outward signs of extreme unction the effects of extreme function the necessity of extreme function the minister of extreme function the recipient of extreme action six excuse me the concept and sacramental nature of holy order i call it holy orders but they call it holy order the individual grades of ordination the outward sign of the sacrament of order the effects of the sacrament of order the dispenser of the sacrament of order the receiver of the sacrament order seven the sacrament of matrimony concept origin and sacramental nature of matrimony purpose and properties of metronome matrimony the outward sign of the sacrament of matrimony the effects of the sacrament of matrimony minister and recipient of the sacrament of matrimony the church's book five the doctrine of god the consummator the doctrine of the last things or of the consummation eschatology chapter one the eschatology of the individual human being death the particular judgment heaven hell purgatory chapter 2 the eschatology of the whole of humanity the second coming of christ the resurrection of the dead the general judgment the end of the world and then of course we have the bibliography the index of persons and the index of subjects which i walked you through very briefly by way of introduction speaking of introductions here is the introduction the official introduction of the book concept the word theology according to its etymology means teaching concerning god saying augustine so city of god theology is the science of god i'm going to leave it off here now i've done 42 minutes i think this is a good place to start actually the next installment so i will leave it because if we look at this introduction section that i just started reading it actually has quite a lot of meat so i'd like to come back and do that as a separate video so we'll leave it there for today thanks for watching thanks for listening and i might do part one a little bit later today or i might do it next weekend we'll see how it goes but anyway thanks for being there thanks for watching thanks for listening thanks for watching thanks for listening take care we'll talk soon god bless