Catholic vs. Atheist - 2017-08-04 - Uzi Part 2
There are 47 episodes in the Versus:Atheist series.
Uzi reached out to do Part 2 after listening to Part 1. He was uncomfortable with his strong language and other aspects of his first interview, and has grown from the experience. This is what it's all about. Thank you Uzi. • Support the CVS Podcast: • Be a guest on a livestream:
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this incident of me swearing about religion and calling names and all kind of things I put that way now that made me realize quite a few things that are needed change I'm going to change my language if that's what it has made me realized when I heard myself speaking with a very vulgar language about religion I sounded very disrespectful to people I think I'm I'm going to change my way of speaking to people who have different beliefs and respectively you know we are all so different from each other with different beliefs and because of being in different environments we are all human being and if we are all striving to see something which is righteous no matter what religion they are in so long as I'm not disrespecting each other which I have actually been doing I think that work could be a more peaceful place actually when I was I was practicing to become a mullah in a mosque and I was grown up in a very very very religious family and when I was a young teen and I was questioning about certain ethics of life the head of our religious where we were actually living in this mosque would say that my thinking was because Satan was making me think this way there was a limitations of my thinking which actually made my brain more broad and wanted to see outside of the circle so I was able to go and do my benches in several religions and after I actually decided that I will not be a Muslim anymore I went like I told you in my last interview I went into several religions and I asked you this that is very de and with my heart and soul and then the end after I realized my heart is at peace now and happy of Who I am so I think that it is important that I actually am able to relay this message that I have I could share with my friends and family and people who I love I would like to help people to understand religion or any which way they could find ease I'm going to change this vocabulary and my way of life and I already feel very peaceful in my heart I actually feel lighter I feel as if I have left something go and I flushed it down with my anger gone with it this interview that you have helped me to do with enormous Lea made me realize something because of my own vocabulary we don't really listen to ourselves ever so you know it has made me realize something which is very important David and I want to thank you for this and yes I will be your friend forever to come now I appreciate what you have done for me and you have helped me to achieve something which I find was missing inside of me I think that I'm a good man and I think a good man with a good language and with good ethics of life would go way further than an angry man with the latter speeds around thank you very much appreciate first of and foremost your big heart which I saw in the first interview anyway I saw your heart you know I see through the brusqueness you may be polishing yourself a little bit more now and becoming more sensitive about language but your heart is still a loving heard of a generous man so I thank you for your friendship I've received what are you telling me that is very positive and not everybody can see through that it is a kind of shield which I have always had around me I like to look like a bad man my language was aggressive because I have been grown up in a very aggressive environment that's how I have actually represented myself I don't mind the way I look but I think I'm going to fine-tune it and polish it up like you said so what do you want to say to people out there that might be struggling a little bit with some of the issues that you've gone through because I know that you have a lot to say you know what I have decided that I will not be a religious man I have decided that I will need to follow something and that something was for me to be staying in liner discipline and discipline is something that has to be practiced like I said before that if you do not practice discipline and doesn't come to your door and you do not become just a great person by itself so people who are religious are actually very very disciplined religion has actually forced you not to people so that people can stay in line your first question I remember to me last time was something like where do you get your morality so you know you are absolutely right we have to have some sort of morality in our life so you know when I was in Montreal in 1986 and I was in Rosemount and I had a bit of a scrap in front of these glass shop I was working on actually I had a fight with this toter brother guy and this martial art school teacher who Aris collapsed is there's a big rumble going on on the road and so the guy came down the martial artists eyes you know they all helping all we were buddies and then we became really good friends they really liked me and he said to me you know he said why don't you join martial arts I said ok that sounds really good to me I love to fight right so I joined the school and this is how I became master of my own mind and soul and actually probably very religiously that one dose has five tenets and the five tenets are courtesy integrity perseverance self-control and indomitable spirit control of the mind in your body and when I started to go I stand now in my first texting as a white belt and I saw these people who have breaking grips and flying in the air and doing all kinds reactions who are going for the first second or third or whatever degree black belt they were going for and I was like amazed I go wow these guys I want to be like them none of those belts on the wall which was white and then there was yellow stripe and then there was yellow and then was green stripe and green and so and so forth and went up to black belt so there was a journey and you know it must have been some kind of scholars or psychologist who has actually made this martial art which actually is very goal-setting it is actually gives you discipline and it shows you how to achieve your goals going through hardship and discipline your body and mine so I've heard that and that really really helped me to actually gain self control of my own self you know so I think that you know through struggles of life you know when hardship comes you away accept it and overcome it and fight it through you might lose a battle but you've got to come back and fight the war so that you can as you win you will feel accomplished and you know each person has their own kind of little battles and you know as compassion is very important for us all I have realized this in your last thing that's I said it is very important for me to realize that I could give compassion to people who are actually not liberated are tingle in their mind and it is not good to call them names and kicking them with the boots while they are not relaxing the mind now I feel very good I should be actually sharing this to people and helping them out you know so I know as you can see you are a therapist you have done use there beyond me and you have helped me thing and you might see you get all the credit because you you're someone who applies himself to everything and you care you care not only about yourself you care about everything that you touch so I think that if there was a blind spot with language or a blind spot with maybe being too rough with some people because that's your mechanism of defense growing up as soon as you saw that you said I'm going to pay attention I'm going to see if I can make improvement this is the character of a winner and you're going to just continue to go from victory to victory I saw something on Facebook I didn't reply to it but you reached out to your friends and family asking about life and death and the meaning and this sort of thing can you talk a little bit about what you're going through with those questions that is still a mystery I have an unresolved so I would like to hear from people who have resolved what is dead what happens after death for me I have come to a conclusion in my life because I have spent most of my life this research and I have come to a conclusion in my life that I do not have an answer after that and I'm not gonna waste my life trying to find it I have got more first-hand thing that I need to focus on but for me I like to talk about these babies I like to talk about that I like to talk about life I like to talk about existence I like to talk about cosmic rules and I like to talk about everything which we are surrounded with and that is part of it you know a lot of my friends who have been actually listening or looking at my comment on almighty's Messenger and on my Facebook people have been very silently coming through the bed doze and saying to me I believe in you but I don't want my dad to know about this because you know there was one huge issue that was my very vulgar language and I was only writing stuff that you know our normal family don't like to read in front of each other so you know I'm totally I'm gonna step back and I'm gonna create another kind of aura an environment around me so that people who who are actually liking stuff that I'm talking about are actually gonna be able to talk about it in open know I feel very good about this David you know I can't thank you enough I think that things are gonna change you know if you are ever going to be coming around my area I would love to receive you at my humble home you know and know if you have said something about that internet interview it's made me sound as if I'm kind of a materialistic man because I'm gonna strive to have a bigger boat and a bigger camper and a bigger bank account rather tell you something my brother I don't have a penny in my account I don't have a pen or my money I have invested in to solidify my family and yes I have got investment in my properties but I spent every penny that I have to try to make this company to happen and this company will be employee-owned like I mentioned to you before you know so I want to make this change I think that I'm a very special being and nothing that I can help make change of the people that I love and the people who are around me I think that good people like me who are able to help who they're surrounded by this whole world could become a great place you know this new change in my life is so new our interview is only three weeks old so you know it is so new that maybe thinking with this different manner and approaching different people my heart might become softer and I might take whichever route will come my way so maybe I will become a more forgiving man also so now I am NOT taking this medicine which you have introduced to me for a very long time yet so now I have got very positive light on the horizon yet well I'm very happy for you and very proud of you you inspired me anyway even before this transformation so is there anything else you want to say to people in general that are listening I think follow your heart in your dream and if you are not religious you can be a good person look at me I have almost become a good person now keep examining yourself but don't be too hard on yourselves thank you very much my brother he create a lot of good vibes in my heart thank you very much if you want to do if you think it is awesome questions a piano go all you got to do in it all you got to do it do it