CVS Live - 2023-01-02 - A Fallible List of Catholic Dogmas
There are 25 episodes in the Live:Rants series.
I am making this as a handy reference for myself and anyone who wants to review the dogmas outlined in Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma.
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foreign I am live today I'm going to take a look at a very fallible list of dogmas Catholic dogmas that were compiled by someone on the internet I just grabbed it and uh I'm gonna go through it in reverse order so that's the title of the book If you want to get the book it's one of my favorites I'm going to try to give very little commentary because we have how many uh 426 dogmas to go through so I'll start with 426 we'll go down to one I don't know how long this is going to take so I'm not going to number them I'm not going to speak the number and I'm not going to always tell you the grade of certainty it's on the screen take a look for yourself I want to burn through this as quickly as I can probably not going to read any Latin and if there's any Greek I probably won't read any Greek either I'm just gonna give a simplified reading and this will serve as a reference for myself I can sort of do clips and post them on Twitter in response to uh controversy surrounding the established truths the essential saving truths of the faith so let's jump right into it we have this is the very last Dogma apparently from the book I haven't verified them I haven't crossed referenced them but I'll just take take them as is with the caveat that I'm not guaranteeing that these are verbatim taken verbatim from the work but anyway let's jump straight in we have a lot to cover here so Dogma 426 the present world will be restored on the last day the present world will be restored on the last day so that's the new heaven the new Earth and so it's interesting to think about this one we can meditate on that what that might look like obviously we're going to have our bodies and our souls and we'll have spiritual bodies so it should be fun to explore the present Universe once it's remade the present world will be destroyed on the last day obviously that's pretty easy to interpret Christ on his second coming will judge all men yeah so uh we meditate on the four last things and that includes the Judgment of Christ at the second coming the bodies of the Godless will rise again in incorruption and immortality but they will not be transfigured so here we have a contrast uh between the Godless and The Godly the Godless will not be transfigured the bodies of the just will be remodeled and transfigured to the pattern of the Risen Christ so it's interesting to think about the Saints how they were remodeled and transfigured to the pattern of the Risen Christ here on Earth through the perfect cooperation with The Graces that they received and perfect love love with which they live their lives suffered all the dead will rise again on the last day with their bodies pretty straightforward the time of Jesus Second Coming is unknown to men yes I don't believe any of the rumors of his coming at the end of the world Christ will come again in glory to pronounce judgment pretty straightforward the purifying fire will not continue after the general judgment so there is an end purgatory and it comes after the general judgment which is at the end of time The Souls of the just which in the moment of death are burdened with venial sins or temporal Punishment Due to sins enter purgatory pretty straightforward the punishment of the Damned is proportioned to each one's guilt yeah it's not a one-size-fits-all punishment the punishment of Hell lasts for all eternity so this is a Dogma that go flies in the face of the annihilationists The Souls of those who die in the condition of personal Grievous sin Enter Hell sad but true the degree of perfection of the beatific Vision granted to the just is proportioned to each one's merits so just as we have grades of hell we have grades of Heaven also the Bliss of Heaven lasts for all eternity thank God in addition to the essential Bliss of Heaven which Springs from the immediate vision of God there is also an accidental blessedness which proceeds from the natural knowledge and love of created things yeah so there is uh you know we are created with a human nature and God was not frustrated in his design when he set out to create us with a human nature and he caters to that nature even in the sick Fallen World but in the next World we will have the pleasures of this human nature once we are perfected and purified that's good news for me I I look forward to the beatific vision obviously above all and secondarily the other happinesses or blessednesses that God has in store for his creatures The Souls of the just which in the moment of death are free from all guilt of sin and punishment for sin enter into heaven pretty straightforward the saints went straight to heaven because they were they did their Purgatory on Earth they suffered heroically in their virtue here on Earth immediately after death the particular judgment takes place in which by a Divine sentence of judgment the Eternal fate of the deceased person is decided the particular judgment with death the possibility of Merit or demerit or conversion ceases so today is the day now is the acceptable hour let's repent well we still have time it's too late once you're dead so there's no finger wagging at God once you get to heaven or once you get to Judgment Day all you atheists who think you're going to give God an earful you better repent you better change your mind about that fantasy and just wake up to reality because once you're dead it's too late all human beings subject to Original Sin are subject to the law of death you notice here that the Blessed Virgin Mary was Exempted by a prevenient Grace a unique and singular Grace in uh in anticipation of the merits of Christ and she was free from original sin she was kept free in view of the merits of Christ she was kept free from that general rule that we're all subject to we're all born in original sin except for the mother of God very interesting so she is not subject to the law of death did she die or did she not die that I think that is an open question theologians have different opinions as far as I know that's not settled in the present order of Salvation death is a punishment for sin yeah I wonder if there was another order of Salvation I guess that was before the fall there was a different order of salvation but before the fall how could there be salvation without sin I'm not sure um I'm not sure if the present order of salvation it must be I'm not sure what it's referring to is it referring to uh the present order is that in the age of the church since the Messiah came was there a different order of salvation for the Jews and for the Patriarchs I don't know I'll have to look into this one or maybe there's one order of Salvation and they're just referring to it as the present order of Salvation I don't know I'll have to look into that the church possesses the soul and exclusive right to make laws and administer Justice in the matrimonial Affairs of baptized persons insofar as these affect the sacrament so divorce is not a thing it's legal Fiction made by non-catholics or bad Catholics I guess some participate in that but all of the uh laws and the administration of justice in things pertaining to marriage the sacrament of marriage are possessed by the church and by the church alone the Contracting parties in matrimony Minister the sacrament to each other or I'll read that again the Contracting parties in matrimony administer the sacrament each to the other so the priest acts as a sort of uh witness and also the priest is there to do the celebration of the mass which ideally and I think obligatory has to be at every marriage if I'm not mistaken the sacrament of matrimony bestow's sanctifying Grace on the Contracting parties yeah I've also heard that we have those of us who are married have an extra guardian angel for the marriage I'm not sure about that but the two the two become one and I'm not sure if that one gets another Guardian Angel I'd like to think so from the sacramental contract of marriage emerges the bond of marriage which binds both Marriage Partners to a lifelong indivisible community of life so you're stuck with your um spouse For Better or For Worse sickness and health right rich or poorer you're stuck you can't get divorced you can't get remarried sorry every valid contract of marriage between Christians is of itself a sacrament so I was married in a court of law by a judge and it sticks it's a marriage it's a valid contract of marriage I've looked into this because I mean in a highly irregular situation so I have looked into it quite deeply I do get different answers but I think the consensus view is that my marriage for example my civil marriage is in fact a sacrament the essential properties of marriage are unity monogamy and indusu in dissolubility in dissolubility I'll read that again the essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility so the two become one and you're stuck with your spouse the primary purpose of marriage is the generation and bringing up of Offspring the secondary purpose is mutual help and the moral regulated satisfaction of the sex urge I'll read that again the primary purpose of marriage is the generation and bringing up of Offspring the secondary purpose is mutual help and the morally regulated satisfaction of the sex urge yeah so it's a tricky it's a tricky one that second one but uh it's it's part of the equation is part of the equation so I like reading Tobit and what uh I can never keep the character straight in that book but I love it when the Sun goes off and marries a distant relative and uh he prays before consummating the marriage that this is not done out of lust but to bring children into the world and for the glory of God it's a very beautiful Passage marriage is a true and proper Sacrament instituted by God so it's not just natural although natural there's a natural component to marriage it's not merely natural there is a supernatural component to it marriage was not instituted by man but by God right because we have Adam and Eve as the first couple if I'm not mistaken I think they're the first couple yeah so uh I mean I think it goes without saying I I'm 99.999 sure they're the first married couple I'm not sure how much we know about the marriage itself it would be interesting to read the Saints on that like how formal was the uh ritual or were things simpler before the fall uh I'm very curious about that now that I think about the first time I've thought about the marriage the sacrament of marriage between Adam and Eve um another question I have is were they considered brother and sister I intuitively feel like they are brother and sister and so their Chastity is perfect before the fall and I don't believe they consummated their marriage before the fall because they fell that very day if not that very hour that they were created so they didn't consummate it but it would have been interesting to see how that would have played out without the fall obviously but lots to speculate on lots to meditate on when it comes to the first parents Adam and Eve the sacrament of order can be validly received by a baptized person of the male sex only no priestesses sorry ain't gonna happen the extraordinary dispenser of the four minor orders and of the order of the sub diaconate is the presbyter or the priest some administrative dogma's here the ordinary dispenser of all grades of order both the sacramental and the non-sacramental is the validly consecrated Bishop alone so the sacrament of order confers a permanent spiritual power on the recipient so even if you leave the priesthood or you're Laya sized or whatever there is a permanent spiritual power that's conferred by the sacrament the sacrament of order imprints a character on the recipient yeah and it's permanent it's indelible so that sticks with you and it will increase your the Pains of damnation if you end up in hell as a priest or a bishoper Pope God forbid it does serve to increase the torments of hell if you end up in hell so the fall of the best is the worst the sacrament of order confers sanctifying Grace on the recipient I hate to say Obviously but it seems rather obvious I would shudder to think that anyone would deny this Dogma the form of the order of Deacon priest and Bishop consists solely in The Words which more closely determine the imposition of the hands so the laying on of hands is the common element and the words differ though so that's the the miter and the form the handing over of the instruments is not necessary for the validity of the consecration of deacons priests and Bishops so interesting to note that our word tradition comes from the handing all and the handing over and that's highlighted here the matter of the orders of diaconate priesthood and episcopite is the imposition of hands alone so the form is the words the matter is the imposition of the hands the order of diaconate is a sacrament I guess there were some historical question about that until very recently in church history Bishops are superior to priests I think that's obvious the consecration of a bishop is a sacrament this was also under debate by theologians for quite a while the consecration of priests is a sacrament the four minor orders and the subdiaconate are not sacraments but merely sacramentals interesting holy order is a true and proper Sacrament which was instituted by Christ where else would a Sacrament come from extreme function can be received only by the faithful who are seriously ill yeah I wonder if this has been abused I'd certainly like to abuse it I'd like to have that happening to me every day all day every day but that would be an abuse only bishops and Priests can validly administer extreme unction don't try this at home kids extreme unction is not of itself necessary for salvation I hope I pray I hope and I pray that I am blessed with extreme unction but in my current situation it doesn't seem too likely it would take a bit of a miracle because I'm not really involved in an Entourage which is Catholic extreme unction sometimes affects the restoration of bodily Health if this be of spiritual Advantage so don't count on it but it is possible extreme unction affects the remission of Grievous sins Grievous sins still remaining and of venial sins I'll read that again extreme unction affects the remission of Grievous sins still remaining and of venial sins powerful stuff extreme auction gives the sick person sanctifying Grace in order to arouse and strengthen him you can read lots of stories where this is palpably visible the form consists in the prayer of the priest for the sick person which accompanies the anointing so again it's words that make up the form the remote matter of extreme unction is oil extreme unction is a true and proper Sacrament instituted by Christ the use of indulgences is useful and cellular salutary to the faithful aha I'll read that again the use of indulgences is useful and salutary to the faithful I use the indulgences I go in phases and waves of being mindful of the indulgences now that I've read this it refreshes my desire to constantly be aware of and ask for indulgences which are available to me every time I raise my thoughts to God I can get at least a partial Indulgence every time I raise my thoughts to God because raising your thoughts to God is what prayer is and every prayer can obtain indulgences provided that you have the explicit intention to get indulgences so this Dogma which is informally called Dogma number 372 by whoever compiled this list from odds fundamentals this Dogma is a very cherished one that I want to have on my mind all day every day the source of indulgences is the church's treasury of satisfaction which consists of super abundant satisfactions of Christ and of the Saints this is very reasonable and I think it's common sense and if you don't agree with it uh as a non-catholic Christian you just need to learn the framework in which this Dogma was unpacked and understood by the church over the years the church possesses the power to Grant indulgences that hasn't changed since Luther Luther was um criticized I read the 95 Theses and uh it's rather sloppy presentation it's not I mean he has the bullet points but they tend to overlap and there's a lot of repetitions so there aren't a lot of clear concise points among the 95. obviously some legitimate grievances included on the list but the fact is that indulgences are good they're very good the sacrament of penance can be received by any baptized person who after baptism has committed a grievous or venial sin thank God for that I was at the oratory St Joseph's oratory yesterday it was packed it's the mother of God the Feast of the mother of God and I had to wait an hour and a half in line to get uh into the confessional so there were that many people and the priest was taking his time and I told them there are still lots of people out there and uh he was a funny character he was a good priest from Switzerland but he really took his time uh I don't know if there are guidelines for that but uh because I let him know that I you know I wanted to make it quick for the sake of those who are still waiting he did keep me a little bit less Long than he kept everyone else before I got in there but I also don't know what the other people were going through and what they were talking about mine were pretty cut and dry so anyway uh thank God for the uh for the confession for the sacrament of reconciliation it's amazing I committed I came out of there feeling great and uh I met some really nice Catholics in line and I've got a future guest out of it hopefully nice Vietnamese girl young lady named Miley nuyen she'll hopefully be coming on my show soon and she's from Toronto she just came down for uh a day or two to Montreal and she came by the oratory Saint Joseph Observatory if you don't know what the oratory is check it out St Joseph's oratory in Montreal so let's continue Absolution given by deacons clerics of lower Rank and Layman is not sacramental Absolution only a priest can give sacramental absolution the sole possessors of the church's power of absolution are the Bishops and Priests and every Bishop is a priest the sacrament of penance is necessary for salvation to those who after baptism fall into Grievous sin I don't know of any Saints who never received the sacrament of reconciliation um I suppose the Blessed Virgin Mary did not and those in the early church some of them in the very early church some of them may not have formally entered into the sacrament of penance I don't know I don't know about that it's interesting I should look into the history of the sacrament of penance I know it was very general and it was public in the early days at a certain stage in its development and it could go back to that these are disciplines but uh the the shape and form of the sacrament definitely has changed over the years and I'm not sure what form it took in the very really nascent Church interesting topic to research the merits due to Good Works performed in the State of Grace which have been rendered null by Grievous sins that is have been made in efficacious revive this is one of my favorite dogmas it's not a defeated Dogma but it's a Dogma nonetheless and I like to believe that it's true the merits due to Good Works that we're destroyed by sin basically can revive so all is not lost you go and you reconcile with God and the church and there's a Revival there's a Revival of the merits due to the good works that you performed while you're in the state of grace amazing what a church we have the principal effect of the sacrament of penance is the reconciliation of The Sinner with God obviously Absolution in association with the acts of the penitent affects the Forgiveness of sins yeah so it actually brings about the Forgiveness of your sins the real forgiveness of your sins the form of the sacrament of penance consists in the words of absolution when the priest says to you I absolve you and so on and so forth I don't know the exact formula but I certainly look out for it and I recognize it if the priest doesn't say I absolve you then it's it hasn't been done properly extra sacramental extra sacramental penitential work such as the performance of voluntary penitential practices and the patient bearing of Trials sent by God possess satisfactory value yeah well this is why I'm trying to work on the virtue of fortitude otherwise known as courage or strength whereby I'm able to Bear the trials that are sent to me by God or Allowed by God that I can bear them patiently because it's it possesses satisfactory value very interesting very it's it's an untapped resource we have to be aware of this we have to think about suffering all the time and how we deal with suffering how we accept it patiently because it has satisfactory value for us the priest has the right and the duty according to the nature of the sins and the ability of the penitent to impose salutary and appropriate works of satisfaction now normally we get uh three Helm areas or one our father or whatever very light works that are these prayers powerful prayers and if they're prayed properly they can make us into Saints many of the Saints talk about if we could say the Our Father properly once we would be transformed or the same thing with the Angelic salutation the Hail Mary if we could say them sincerely and authentically and without distraction in a recollected state it's it's transformative really is powerful but the priest can also give heavier burdens uh more involved Works go and actually do this or talk to that person and so on and so forth rather than just the typical prayers all temporal punishments for sin are not always remitted by God with the guilt of sin and the Eternal punishment I'll read that again all temporal punishments for sin are not always remitted by God with the guilt of sin and the Eternal punishment so the guilt and the Eternal punishment are always remitted if the confession is done properly and the penances are done but the temporal punishments due to sin are not always remitted they can be apparently by the use of language here not always remitted but again this comes down to the indulgences right the adulterousness can a full or plenary Indulgence can remit the temporal punishments for sin all of them very exciting those sins which are already forgiven directly by the church's power of the keys are a sufficient object of confession those centers which are already forgiven directly by the church's power of the keys are a sufficient object of confession what does this mean I'm not sure what this means I'll have to look this one up in my spare time which are already forgiving and forgiven directly by the church's power of the keys are a sufficient sufficient object of confession I have to admit I have no idea what that means uh I'll leave a comment once I look this up and figure it out I'll leave a comment below is it my brain that's farting or is it actually difficult to understand this I'll read it one more time those sins which are already forgiven directly by the church's power of the keys are a sufficient object of confession let's continue maybe I'll shed light on it with the previous one the confession of venial sins is not necessary but is permitted and is useful yeah well I always confess my venial sins and I hope that most of the time that's all that I'm ever confessing is be Neil scenes because mortal sins are horrific right by virtue of divine ordinance all Grievous sins mortal or serious sins according to the kind and number as well as those circumstances which alter their nature are subject to the obligation of confession so we have to name them number them and give the context for the Mortal sins the sacramental confession of sins is ordained by God and is necessary for salvation so you can't just talk to God privately and be forgiven if you don't have the intention of going to sacramental confession as soon as possible as soon as reasonably possible okay you can't you can't you can't how should I say this you can't dispense with sacramental confession now I can sin I don't want to sin but if I happen to fall prey to the devil and I sin I can get forgiveness before going to sacramental confession but it's contingent on the fact that I have the intention of going to sacramental confession please pay attention to this if you're a Catholic if you're scrupulous or if you're a non-catholic Christian then please understand what sacramental confession is and how it is essential for salvation it's necessary for salvation imperfect Contrition suffices for the Forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of penance thank God otherwise I don't know if I'd ever be able to get absolution because I'm not aware of having ever tasted perfect contrition so thank God for Dogma number three five four Contrition springing from the motive of fear is a morally good and supernatural act so don't tell me that my fear of hell and the fear of the Judgment of God is not Christian don't tell me that it's good It's Supernatural it's a Grace this Contrition is a Grace it's not perfect but it's good it's supernatural it's Grace okay so give me a break and allow me to enjoy The Graces that come the Contrition that comes from the motive of fear let me have that the church allows me that that church gives me that it's supernatural it's imperfect but it's there it's what I've got right now and I don't have perfect Contrition I have the Contrition imperfect Contrition springing from Fear I do also crave to do to be good for goodness sake I want to be pure and holy and to love God above all else perfectly and to have perfect Contrition when I offend him but I'm not there yet extra sacramental justification is ex is excuse me extra sacramental justification is affected by Perfect sorrow only when it is associated with the desire for the sacrament so again we can have perfect contrition but without desire for the sacrament it does not suffice to give absolution and forgiveness of sin so we need that perfect sorrow for sin in order to have extra sacramental justification okay perfect Contrition bestows the grace of justification on the Mortal sinner even before the actual reception of the sacrament of penance so I talked about this earlier the Forgiveness of sins which takes place in the tribunal of penance otherwise and otherwise known as the confession booth is a true and proper Sacrament which is distinct from the sacrament of baptism I'll read that again the Forgiveness of sins which takes place in the tribunal of penance is a true and proper Sacrament which is distinct from the sacrament of baptism so in the past in the sacrament of baptism we get our sins forgiven but there's also that remission of temporal Punishment Due to sin so that's at least one distinction but they're they're completely distinct the exercise of the church's power to forgive sins is a Judicial Act okay we need to understand that there is a Judicial System in God's economy of salvation your judicial Acts embedded in the economy of Salvation this is very important to remember the church's power to forgive sins extends to all sin without exception we hear about the unforgivable sin the sin against the Holy Spirit that's unrepentance you can't expect to get Absolution without Contrition you can't you have to be contrite right so all sins without exception could be forgiven but you have to do your part you have to be contrite you have to be sorry for sin you have to be detached from sin you have to be firmly resolved never to sin again you have to do the Penance you have to go to sacramental confession and properly confess your sins the nature the number and the context and so on and then you have to do the Penance and uh but the power is not limited the church has unlimited power to forgive your sins provided that the conditions are met by the church's Absolution sins are truly and immediately remitted amazing the church has received from Christ the power of remitting sins committed after baptism thank God for that I'm going to give a shout out now to my friend my new friend Daniel drezenovich give him a little love heart emoji here how do I do this and I'll clear my throat so moving on the sacrifice of the mass is not merely a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving but also a sacrifice of expiation and impetuation I'm not sure what the word infatration means but I'll look that up on my own time but yeah it's not merely a massive uh it's not merely a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving it's actually a sacrifice of expiation it's a representation of Calvary and it's real Christ is there body blood soul and Divinity in the Eucharist and it's real it's a real sacrifice that's being represented it's a Once for all sacrifice but it's being represented mystically and supernaturally the essential sacrificial action consists in the transubstantiation alone let me read that again the essential sacrificial action consists in the transubstantiation alone this is because it's a mystical Union an atemporal Union with the once for all sacrifice on Calvary and forgive me if I can't pronounce the word Cavalry because I I hear Cavalry Cavalry I don't know how to pronounce it but you understand what I'm talking about The Once In For All once for all sacrifice on the cross he's being represented and it's that's why the sacrificial action is in that moment of transubstantiation very very powerful mystical Supernatural stuff taking place at every Mass so why are we yawning and thinking about our next meal during mass it doesn't make any sense God help us in the sacrifice of the mass and in the sacrifice of the cross the sacrificial gift and the primary sacrificing priest are identical only the nature and mode of the offering are different so we could spend a lifetime meditating on the mass we could spend a lifetime meditating on the transubstantiation in that moment of consecration and I think it Bears repeating this Dogma in the sacrifice of the mass and in the sacrifice of the cross the sacrificial gift and the primary sacrificing priest are identical it's Jesus Christ it's the God man Jesus Christ only the nature and mode of the offering are different so the nature and mode of the offering are different so we have to hold in our Mind's Eye Christ sacrificing himself on the cross 2000 years ago and then the priest the altar Christus the other Christ up on the altar in your Catholic Church who is confecting the Eucharist okay the nature and the mode are different but it's the same sacrifice it's one in the same sacrifice it's that once for all sacrifice that the Protestants talk about in the sacrifice of the mass Christ's sacrifice on the cross is made present its memory is celebrated and its saving power is applied wow so think about that next time you're at Mass Christ's sacrifice on the cross is made present it's represented to us mystically some other Saints could actually see Christ in the Eucharist I haven't had that experience I've met people that have its memory is celebrated okay so this is not an admission that it's just a symbol it's the memory is celebrated even though it's represented in this different mode and the nature of the celebration is obviously different it is a celebration of the memory but it's not limited to that it is really present and it's saving power is applied we are being taken back to the actual sacrifice of Christ on the map on on the mountain okay is it a mountain or a hill the Holy Mass is a true and proper sacrifice sacrifice takes place on an altar only I think that note is given by art after the actual Dogma itself is listed here the holy I'll read this again the Holy Mass is a true and proper sacrifice so there are some set of accountants who claim that Vatican II and some rat rats for that matter who claim that Vatican II did away with the sacrifice of the mass nothing could be further from the truth it's emphasized in the documents of Vatican II very clearly for the worthy reception of the Eucharist the State of Grace as well as the proper and Pious disposition are necessary yeah so we can't go in treating it like it's something frivolous or cheap you have to go to mass with the proper disposition and we have to be here in the state of grace to receive worthily and you're receiving to your damnation and Saint Paul talks about how people were getting ill and even dying because they weren't respecting this teaching of this Dogma powerful stuff the sacrament of the Eucharist can be validly received by every baptized person in the wayfaring State including young children now there are conditions obviously to be met we just talked about a couple of the conditions um can every baptized person in the wayfaring State I don't I'm not sure what that means the wayfaring state including young children um this is probably a Dogma which is defined because of some heretical notion that was brought against the church teaching and so it had to be defined very clearly I don't know the history of this Dogma but I can look it up and if it's interesting I'll put a note in the comments the ordinary mystery the ordinary minister of the Eucharist is the priest the extraordinary minister is the deacon with the permission of the local ordinary or of the parish priest for some weighty reason and as I said every Bishop is a priest and every Pope is is a priest the power of consecration resides in a validly consecrated priest only so that includes obviously Bishops and popes communion under two forms is not necessary for any individual member of the faithful either by reason of divine precept or as a means of salvation so I was just talking with a non-catholic Christian the other night at a party New Year's Eve party and uh he was rather confused when I told him that I don't take communion under both species I very rarely drink the blood out of the Chalice very rarely and so he accused me of only getting the body and not the blood of Christ but I'd explain that both that both contain the whole Christ and every molecule of each contains the entire Christ's body blood soul and divinity is it intuitive no obviously not it's not intuitive when iguin is a non-Christian or a non-catholic even into a Catholic Mass it's not intuitive it's not obvious what's happening it's mystical It's Supernatural my friend Daniel says the present or wayfaring state is a state of imperfect participation in the Divine Life yes so laymen like myself uh people who are in the world and have families and jobs and these sorts of things thank you for that Daniel the wayfaring state very interesting for adults the reception of the Eucharist excuse me for adults the reception of the Eucharist is necessary for salvation with the necessity of precept meaning that it's like a law it's like you can't you can't escape it for adults the reception of Eucharist is necessary for salvation yeah and it's one of the six or seven precepts of the church sort of the bare minimum of what you need to do and I haven't memorized them but I think they're um your Sunday obligation you have to um receive the Eucharist at least once a year you have to confess your sins at least once a year you have to support the church financially um that's four I'm not sure uh what the other ones are maybe Daniel can put them in there live chat for me for children before the Age of Reason which is typically seven the reception of the Eucharist is not necessary for salvation interesting the Eucharist is a pledge of heavenly Bliss and of the future resurrection of the body so in addition to everything else that the Eucharist is it's also a pledge of heavenly Bliss dependent of the future resurrection of the body when the priest says the body of Christ and as he's administering the Eucharist to you it has a double meaning at least two meanings the one meaning obviously being intuitively being the body of Christ sacrificed uh on the cross for us but he's also referring to us the mystical Body of Christ and how we are in communion literally in communion being becoming members if we weren't already and if we are already just reaffirming and building and energizing empowering empowering that membership as part of the mystical Body of Christ so when the next time you receive communion and he says the body of Christ you can understand it to mean not only Christ but you because you are Christ you're becoming Christ that's the goal anyway the Eucharist as food for the soul preserves and increases the supernatural life of the Soul well yeah it's the strength that we need to maintain our faith that's why I always say prayer in this Sacrament prayer in the sacraments absolutely essential lifeline without which I just fall back into worldliness and sin I'm sure it's the same for you too the chief fruit of the Eucharist is an intrinsic Union of the recipient with Christ absolutely that's what it's all about an intrinsic Union between you and Christ very very powerful stuff you could spend a lifetime meditating on that the form of the Eucharist consists in Christ's words of institution uttered at the consecration yeah so this to my understanding this is the absolute bare minimum of a Catholic mass is those words of Institution in terms of form in terms of matter obviously bread made from wheat and wine made from grapes so the bare minimum is quite scanty although it's very mystical and powerful and rich and full and uh you know more than enough and it's it's it's the center of the universe it's everything it's the God man Jesus Christ welcome well welcoming us beckoning us strengthening us into the life of the Trinity but there's so much more in the mass which is non-essential it's very good it's proper it's in the right place and it's in the right balance and there's been a lot of liturgical reform a lot of variation of liturgy but the bear bare minimum is the modern form of the Eucharist which is you know which can be done in a matter of less than 60 Seconds [Music] the matter for the consummation of the Eucharist is Bread and Wine and that bread needs to be wheat and the wine needs to be of natural grapes Eucharist is a true Sacrament instituted by Christ dare I say obvi the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is a mystery of Faith can't be proven by natural science you can't stick the Eucharist under the microscope although there are Eucharistic Miracles but there are exceptions to the rule not the rule the worship of adoration latria must be given to Christ present in the Eucharist if you're not doing Eucharistic adoration you're missing out as a Christian sorry to tell you that but the worship of adoration must be given to Christ present in the Eucharist my non-catholic Christian friend the other night said that if Christ is God and God is everywhere than Christ is everywhere and we don't need to go to the Eucharist because Christ May well be in the Eucharist but he's also everywhere else but that's to completely miss the point of the Incarnation God is everywhere but Jesus Christ was present in a very special way two thousand years ago in the Middle East so would you not want to go to him while he was walking the Earth was there not a benefit to be gained by being putting yourself in the presence of that special instance of presence yes and it's the same thing with Eucharist after the consecration has been completed the body and blood are permanently present in the Eucharist permanently present this goes against what I was taught which is that there's a degradation of the the accidents and that there's some sort of time limit on it I'm not sure exactly what I heard when I first entered the church but now reading this Dogma um this is going to make me go back and look at what I think I remember being told by someone in the church and I'm going to do a little bit of research on this one to find out what are the special circumstances for example I found a host and I wasn't sure if it was consecrated or not um when I was cleaning I had a job cleaning when I was at pastry School in the laurentians here in Quebec I had a job cleaning and I the old folks home that I was cleaning had a chapel in it and as I swept thoroughly underneath the some piece of furniture that was a cabinet of some sort that was in the chapel I found to my horror a Dusty host I didn't know if it was consecrated or not but I assumed that it might be and so I brought it to my local Parish priest and he thanked me and he was very touched obviously he doesn't know either without a special Grace we can't no one we can't stick it under a microphone microscope to find out either pretty appreciated it when either consecrated species is divided the whole Christ is present in each part of the species so I mentioned this earlier and uh you know non-catholic Christians won't understand but there are many things they won't understand until they come into the fullness of the faith and like I said earlier the whole Christ is present under each of the two species that's why we don't need to take both at Communion the body and the blood of Christ together with his soul and his divinity and therefore the whole Christ are truly present in the Eucharist and the little note is added on here Eucharist literally means Thanksgiving my wife is Greek and I lived in Greece for a short time and I like the Greek language and fjeristo is modern Greek for thank you and the EU is often pronounced you in English words but it's EV or F depending on the consonant or the vowel that comes immediately following those two letters so F Harry Sto is Eucharist eucharisto I guess you could say so yeah it's Thanksgiving the sacramental accidents continue without a subject in which two in here so here we have the Aristotelian hylomorphism demonstrated and this is this is all you need to know this Dogma is all you need to know to debunk all forms of evolution all these theories of evolution come crumbling down when you just understand transubstantiation okay accidents in here in substances normally and by a suspension of the normal chain of events we have what's called a miracle in the Eucharist every time and the accidents continue without a subject in which two in here so uh this whole notion of substance and accidents stems back to Aristotle and you can read about it uh in Thomas Aquinas obviously but uh it completely undermines the notion that a lower being can cause a higher being the sacramental accidents retain their physical reality after the change of the substance yeah it looks like bread tastes like bread looks like wine tastes like mine let me see if I read that properly yep the accidents of bread and wine continue after the change of the substance Christ becomes present in the sacrament of the altar by the transformation of the whole substance of the bread into his body and the whole substance of the wine into his blood now this seems to contradict the Dogma that I read just recently about how the whole Christ is present in both species but it doesn't contradict it just seems to the body and blood of Jesus Christ are truly really and substantially present in the Eucharist is that clear the repetition of confirmation is invalid and grievously sinful grievously sinful I'll read that again the repetition of confirmation is invalid and grievously sinful confirmation can be received by any baptized person who is not already confirmated I always say confirmed but I guess the verb is confirmated in the past tense the extraordinary minister of confirmation is a priest on whom this full power is conferred by the common law or by special Apostolic indult the ordinary minister of confirmation is the bishop alone I've been to confirmations where a priest did it but he had permission from his Bishop a baptized person can achieve Eternal salvation even without confirmation so it's a bonus to strengthen you to get the gifts of the holy spirit fortified in you and these sorts of things and I I really benefited obviously from confirmation when I entered the church I was an atheist for 25 years and I entered the church and I had confirmation because my baptism sadly for my perspective my baptism was valid so I couldn't be baptized because you can only get baptized once so I didn't get baptized but I got confirmated and uh I felt the effects of it it's not just psychosomatic I think I believe I'm Catholic so I believe what the church teaches and the church teaches that it's powerful even though it's not absolutely essential but it is powerful confirmation imprints on the soul and indelible spiritual Mark and for this reason cannot be repeated so if God forbid I shudder to even think or to say it if God forbid I end up in hell my devil indelible spiritual Mark of confirmation will add to the torments of hell that's one of the many many many many many many reasons I don't want to go to hell the first reason being in principle that I want to be good for goodness sake and I want to know love and serve God in this life so I can be happy with him forever in the next life the specific operation of confirmation is the Perfection of baptismal Grace so the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit I pray for them every day as a sacrament of the living confirmation affects an increase of sanctifying Grace I felt it the form of confirmation consists in The Words which the minister speaks when he imposes his hands on the recipient and anoints his forehead confirmation confirmation is a true Sacrament properly so called the baptism of young children is valid and illicit over against the heresy of the anabaptists Etc baptism can be received by any person in the wayfaring State thank you Daniel for that definition the present or wayfaring state is a state of imperfect participation in the Divine life so anyone who's not uh a saint I guess we could say so I'll read this dog again baptism can be received by any person in the wayfaring State who is not already baptized baptism can be validly administered by anyone interesting in case of emergency baptism by water can be replaced by baptism of Desire or baptism by Blood so there's an argument to be made for the aborted babies that they are baptized by their blood in the womb I like to think that that's the case baptism by water is since the promulgation of the Gospel necessary for all men without exception for salvation it's not a symbol it's not optional even if it be unworthily received valid baptism imprints on the soul of the recipient and indelible spiritual Mark the baptismal character and for this reason the sacrament cannot be repeated once again as with all of these indelible spiritual marks it increases the torments of hell if God forbid you end up there baptism affects the remission of all punishments of sin both the Eternal and the temporal that's why I wanted my baptism to be proved invalid so I could get baptized for the first time even though ostensibly I was baptized in my hypothetical fantasy I wanted it to be invalid so I could get baptized and get rid of the punishments due to sin but alas that was not the case baptism confers the grace of justification puts you makes you right with God the former excuse me the form of baptism consists in the words of the minister which accompany it and more closely determine it the material Proxima of the sacrament of baptism is the ablution by physical contact of the body with water note well that it doesn't say dunking or immersion or whatever it just says physical contact with the water you can sprinkle you can spray it you can do whatever you want the material remota of the sacrament of baptism is true and natural water can't use Kool-Aid or anything like that excuse me baptism is a true sacrament instituted by Christ the Old Testament sacraments wrought ex-operia operato not Grace but merely an external lawful purity so they did not give Grace but they imparted a sort of Purity in the under the law the sacrament of baptism confirmation and consecration when they are received by the liba unworthily revive after the removal of the moral in disposition that is the sacramental grace is conferred subsequently amazing really is amazing so we have an incentive always to get back in the state of grace in the case of adult recipients moral worthiness is necessary for the Worthy or fruitful reception of the sacraments that's what it is to be an adult is to receive worthily it's one of the defining features of being an adult is that we are responsible and we can put ourselves in the right disposition for the sacraments for the validity of the sacraments in the case of adult recipients the intention of receiving the sacrament is necessary you can't just be tricked into it and then after the fact realize it it has to be you need to enter into it intentionally accepting the sacrament of penance neither Orthodox belief nor moral worthiness is necessary for the validity of the sacrament on the part of the recipient so with the one exception of the sacrament of penance you don't need to believe properly or or to be worthy okay so you go and you get married you cannot annul the marriage because you're not worthy of the sacrament of marriage you were not worthy you can't go to Rome oh I was not I realized I was not worthy to receive the sacrament of marriage so can I get an annulment no oh my beliefs were a little bit unorthodox can I get an annulment from the sacrament of marriage no okay so uh you know but when it comes to confession when you go back to the priest and you say oh well I didn't uh I didn't believe what I should believe and uh I didn't have the necessary disposition for uh you know of Contrition and so on and so forth and I didn't do my Penance were my sins absolved Mr Priest No sorry only a person in the wayfaring State can validly receive a Sacrament I still don't get it why are they talking about the wayfaring state only a person in the wayfaring State can validly receive a Sacrament what does this mean so if you are in a perfect if you are in a state of perfect participation in the Divine Life what was what does that mean you are you're not in the wayfaring State you are in the state of perfect participation in the divine life that's what it means to to not be in the wayfaring state it means that you're in the state of perfect participation in the Divine life I don't understand that I really don't understand I'll have to look into I'll have to look into this anyway moving on I've got a lot to get through here the minister must further have the intention of at least doing what the church does Trent says if the matter and form are correct the intention is not to be questioned so this ties into the previous one which is for the valid dispensing of the sacraments it is necessary that the minister accomplished the sacramental sign in the proper manner and then it continues here the minister must further have the intention at least of doing what the church does so it's a double condition for the vial of dispensing of the sacraments the first condition is it's necessary that the minister accomplished the sacramental sign in the proper matter so the matter in the form and all these sorts of things need to be done properly and you need to have the intention of doing what the church does so this uh undermines the arguments of the Rat trads and the set of accountants who want to say the novus ordo is not valid because uh X Y and Z well this says all you need to do is to do the proper sign in the proper manner and have the intention of doing what the church does okay the validity and efficacy of the sacraments is independent of The Minister's Orthodoxy and state of grace this was famously um hashed out and articulated by Saint Augustine fourth or fifth century whenever he lived the secondary minister of the sacrament is man in the wayfaring State hold on let's see what he's talking about here the primary minister of the sacraments is the god man Jesus Christ okay yeah so that's why every priest is called alter Christus another Christ and every Christian should be a Christ also that's what it means to be a Christian is to be Christ the secondary minister of the sacrament is man in the wayfaring State okay so I think I think I'm coming to understand now that the wayfaring state is just any mortal human being in this Fallen World I think that's what it means continuing on now the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for the Salvation of mankind so there's seven sacraments they're all necessary for her the salvation of mankind now you don't need to have all seven obviously God can communicate grace even without the sacraments yes so that's I mean there's Grace everywhere everything is Grace that's my interpretation there's a Catholic form of Sola grazia in my opinion and that's what I emphasize in my walk with God everything is Grace and the pious Jew or Muslim that worships the uncaused first cause obviously has that faith by grace it's complete nonsense to say anything else there are seven sacraments of the new law Christ fixed the substance of the sacraments the church has no power to alter them that's what this saint John Paul II Pope Saint John Paul II said about women's ordination ain't gonna happen because we don't have the power to alter sacraments sorry Christ instituted all the sacraments immediately and personally that's right so if you're Christian if you're a non-catholic Christian you might want to meditate on this little gem here no offense to my separated brethren in Christ all the sacraments of the new law covenant were instituted by Jesus Christ the sacramental character continues at least until the death of its Bearer yeah well I was saying uh throughout this meta episode that the sacramental character of baptism confirmation order those increase your torments in house that was assuming that the character continues after death and I am not going to claim that that's 100 percent certain Catholic teaching but that's what I've heard and that's what I believe that the character does remain I know I've heard this from priests so um it may not be dogmatically taught but I'm that's the general impression that I've always got from the church but I could be wrong I suppose because here it seems to be suggesting that the character may not continue after death I choose to believe that it does until the church forbids me to believe that the sacramental character confers the full power for the performance of Acts of Christian worship interesting so you know Sola grazia everything is Grace I had the grace to be baptized as an infant in heretical Christian sect and a very very liberal Christian Community but it was still a Grace and that gave me power to convert later in life and and to enter the fullness of Christianity to get the Sacrament of Confirmation and so the baptismal character helped me to get the confirmation character according to this Dogma that makes sense Sola grazia the sacramental character is a spiritual Mark imprinted on the soul three sacraments baptism confirmation and holy orders imprint a character that is an indelible spiritual Mark and for this reason cannot be repeated so because I'm going backwards in my list here you know it's uh kind of funny that we're covering ground that we've already encountered such as roll with it I just thought it was better to go backwards so that people when they're watching would have some sort of idea how close we're getting to the end but if we're going forward you don't know how many there are and you never know how close we're getting to the end of the video I guess you have a progress bar you look at my friend Daniel says in the Incarnation God became man so man could be God would the would that be wayfaring state would that be wayfaring state yeah we're not yet givenized is that the wayfaring State I guess so uh if that's what you mean I think that's reasonable each individual Sacrament confers a specific sacramental Grace all the sacraments of the New Covenant confer sanctifying Grace on the receivers the sacraments work exoppere operato in and of themselves just by the very nature of them the sacraments of the New Covenant contain the grace which they signify and bestow it on those who do not hinder it by being in a wrong disposition not being a worthy State Etc so that is the very definition of a Sacrament is a visible symbol of the grace the actual well when I say actual Grace I mean in the colloquial sense not in the technical sense of actual race because it's sanctifying Grace foreign the outward sign of the sacraments is composed of two essential Parts namely thing and word and they give the Latin here res ET verbum or elementum at verbum so this is what we're talking about modern form all the time the sacraments of the New Covenant are effective signs of Grace instituted by Christ so yeah this is that definition that I just mentioned the sacraments and here he's distinguishing them from the old Covenant so the sacraments are effective signs of Grace effective signs of Grace so their signs and they actually affect the grace they allow the grace that was instituted these these signs were instituted by Christ and they were instituted to confer Grace that's the definition of a Sacrament if anyone ever asks you what a Sacrament is that's what it is they're visible signs that were instituted by Christ and these visible signs that were instituted by Christ these visible signs confer Grace that's what a Sacrament is suffrages are of no profit to the Damned in hell as they do not belong to the mystical Body of Christ so there's no point in praying for the Damned but we don't know who's damned so we can do conditional prayers for the dead give the benefit of the dead and the church doesn't want to say definitively that anyone's down but if you're praying conditionally for your uncle who happened to be a sick pervert or whatever you can pray but it's a conditional prayer and hopefully he's in purgatory and not in hell but if he is in Hell your prayers don't help the souls in purgatory can intercede for other members of the mystical body that's why we love them and what's what we pray for them because they're on their way to heaven and they can help us they can intercede for us okay and they can't pray for themselves so we pray for them It's Beautiful Exchange I have a Perpetual Mass being said for the holy souls and Purgatory every day and to the extent that I'm aware of that and I remember them and I do remember them in my prayers multiple times per day I'm benefiting from that okay and you could do the same thing the Saints in heaven also can come to the help of the souls in purgatory by their intercession yeah we read many stories about Mary for example visiting purgatory and uh of course it's hard to put these mystical things into words in this Fallen World but we hear the stories from the Saints and it's common sense if you're a Catholic you understand that Mary takes care of her children in purgatory obviously but it's there's a Judicial framework and everything is very legalistic in the good sense of the word meaning that there's no contradiction possible and things are well ordered not only in this beautiful but Fallen World but even in the entire economy of Salvation and not only in the church militant but also in the church suffering in purgatory and the church triumphant didn't have the living faithful can come to the assistance of the souls in purgatory by their intercessions also known as suffragists so this is what I was saying about praying for the holy souls it is permissible and profitable to venerate images of the Saints yeah so this is something the non-catholic Christians tend to struggle with but those same people can carry around a photograph of their deceased mother grandmother or a photograph of their living spouse and uh they don't have problem expressing love kissing the photo or whatever it's the same thing it's the same thing in the in so far as you're not kissing you you don't can't always listening to Kent oven the other day and he said he put an image up on the screen and it was a picture of him very cuddling up close with a beautiful woman and he said this is not my wife I love his personality he said this is not my wife it's just a picture of her it's not my wife it's just a picture of her so he's well on his way to understanding the veneration of the images of the Saints can't overness but if you talk to him and if you listen to my interview with him I recommend you listen to the interview I did with him and I recommend you listen to the analysis that I did of that interview in a meta episode they're both hilarious I love the guy though it is permissible and profitable to venerate the relics of the Saints I remember horrifying my culturally Greek Orthodox wife when we went into a Greek Orthodox store to buy candles and incense and uh I asked if they happen to have any relics of the Saints and the the guy the owner had no idea what I was talking about so I don't know if this is just a Catholic thing or if the Orthodox do I'm sure the Orthodox do it too but he had no idea what I was talking about so so I just started describing you know like bones or you know blood pieces of the of their clothing whatever and uh the shop owner was horrified my wife was horrified they just thought it was creepy but it's not creepy it's a well-established pious tradition in Christianity go go read the history books about the veneration of the relics of the Saints chock full of it I mean in the abstract if you if you don't if you're not familiar with the history of Christianity it might seem a little bit strange right just like I was discussing uh Saint brother Andre who was housed here at the oratory St Joseph territory in Montreal I was talking to a Protestant about the uh See How They removed St Joseph's heart and put it in the jar on display so we could venerate his heart and my Catholic friend said I don't think this is going to help our cause with the Protestants talking about how we remove the heart of the saint and put it on display in a jar I don't think that's helping our cause here it's just why don't you keep that to yourself but uh no I mean I'm not I'm not embarrassed by that I think it's it's not scandalous it's it's what we do I mean we we venerate them and uh his body is there also in a casket in a nice marble tomb I guess you'd call it I'm not sure we'd call it I pray at the tomb and I sometimes go up to the second or third floor to pray in front of his heart but I'm not creeped out by that but I guess some people are sensitive my friend Daniel's asking do you know any Greek Orthodox priests no not personally I've met a couple talk to a couple uh I was traveling in there I went with my wife into a orthodox Church couple of Orthodox events but uh no I'd love to uh chit chat with an orthodox priest that would be fantastic it is permissible and profitable to venerate the Saints in heaven and to invoke their intercession this is beyond obvious to me a faithful on Earth can buy their good works can by their good works performed in the State of Grace render atonement for one for one another I'll read that again the faithful on Earth can by their good works performed in the State of Grace render atonement for one another and like I say if you do that and then you lose the State of Grace uh those Graces that flowed from acts you did while you were in the State of Grace those good works they can revive so it's a beautiful beautiful thing by Good Works performed in the State of Grace the faithful on Earth can Merit de congruo gifts from God de congru mean I guess means in gifts that are in proportion with the works right so it's not a binary thing on off every every good work is not equal to every other good work so that's why we have the decong rule gifts from God that are proportionate I think that's what that means correct me if I'm wrong by intercessory prayer the faithful on Earth can procure gifts from God for one another yeah even Protestants ask each other to pray for them so this is well established the members of the kingdom of God on Earth and in the other world Sanctified by the Redeeming Grace of Christ are united in a common Supernatural life with the head of the church and with one another this is the mystical Body of Christ the communion of saints and Vatican II clearly teaches that there are three ways to be part of the mystical Body of Christ the first and best way is to be well to have the faith and to be in the State of Grace that's the best that's full membership that's full communion with the Catholic Church you have the faith the Catholic faith and you're in the State of Grace the second best is to have the faith the Catholic faith while not being currently in the state of race but you have the potential to get into the state of grace and you have the faith so you know what to do like I went to confession yesterday I felt amazing afterwards and so my faith enabled me to go to confession and to get into the State of Grace I don't know if I wasn't beforehand but I might not have been it's hard to know what's been you know what's grave sin mordelson but assuming I did a good confession and I've since done my appendices I am I should be in the state of grace right now so I'm in that first category but yesterday I may have been in the second category the third category is those who don't even have the faith so obviously they're not in the State of Grace if they don't have to if you don't have the faith you can't even you can't be in the State of Grace if you don't have the faith right so step one get the faith step two get in the State of Grace but that third category that third class member of Christ is described as a potential member in good standing so they have the potential to become members of Christ they're not members of Christ because they don't have the faith well they're members of Christ but they're not members of they're not in they're not in the church because they don't have the faith they're not in the State of Grace if you don't have the faith you can't be in the church you can't be but the reason we consider them members of the body because they're potential members Okay so why why are we saying that they're potential members why are we certain that they will get the faith and get into the State of Grace why how can we know that how can Vatican to teach that that there are some people who don't even have the faith and they're certainly not the State of Grace but they're potential members and therefore they are in the club they are in how can we know that how can the church teach us that it's because they like the other two classes of members of Christ all three of those classes are distinguished from a fourth type of person who is sadly going to end up in Hell the reprobate and we can't know which is which we have to give the benefit of the doubt even when someone is dead we don't Proclaim that they are damned that they're in Hell the church never does that much less even while they're alive and they have the potential to repent so the church being a generous mother says that even the atheist the satanists the pedophile the Criminal the murderer the rapist whatever he or she is a potential member of Christ that's how we have to see that we have to the church obliges us to charitably give them the benefit of the doubt that they are a potential member they are a potential member of Christ we have to give them the benefit of the doubt that they're not on their way to hell they may well be but we are not allowed to make that judgment okay we can't judge the heart so we have to give them the benefit of Doubt so they belong to that third class they don't necessarily belong but we have to assume that they belong to the third class at the very least and uh so it's a very very charitable disposition that we are obliged to have as Christians toward our fellow man we have to seek right this is why we have to see Christ in in everyone especially the marginalized and a lot of the marginalized are doing drugs and doing crime and aren't going to church you know they're not doing prayer in the sacraments and uh you know but we're told by the church to see Christ in them because they're potential members of Christ and they may get the faith and they may get in the state of grace by a very dark root suffering and just being humiliated and crushed right but that's that's a valid Pathway to getting the faith and getting in the State of Grace it's not the path I want to take I'd rather control myself and try to be a good Catholic and it's the safest place to be is in the ark right but everyone who ends up in heaven by definition got into the ark it might have been last minute might have been at their last breath but it's a lot safer to place yourself in the ark now if you're not Catholic become a Catholic if you are a Catholic become a better Catholic and for God's sake remain in the church remain in the ark outside of which there's absolutely no possibility of salvation membership of the church is necessary for all men for salvation boom this is what I was talking about so Daniel says in the comments de congruo means appropriate according to google translation yeah appropriate or commensurate or proportionate or whatever yeah appropriate yeah thanks for that I appreciate it and Daniel I really want to get you on here on a live stream and interview you talk to you uh hear your faith Journey your walk with God what's going on where do you live I see your name drazenovich she's here some sort of Slavic person and my wife is Greek but she's Macedonian Greek so she speaks a bit of Macedonian which is Slavic language so this Dogma is powerful membership of the church is necessary for all men for salvation there's absolutely no possibility of salvation outside of the Catholic Church right but this as everyone knows we don't know who's in the church those who seem to be in are out those who seem to be out all right so it's very mysterious but uh there cannot be any contradiction in God and there certainly can't be any contradiction among the members of Christ who make it to Heaven they're going to be on the same page about marrying the papacy and everything else the indulgences there won't be any disagreement among among us as we enjoy eternity in heaven we're not going to be disagreeing about Christian theology okay so we're all Catholic we're all Catholic in heaven it sounds bigoted and exclusionary and all that sort of thing if you don't understand who and what God is but when you understand who and what God is and that God took on flesh incarnated to built the church church and it's all part of the economy of salvation of course there are many ways to get into the ark but there's only one Ark and there's no salvation possible outside of the Ark so you just need to think a little bit about it and you realize this is not a big bad scary Dogma you know the uh the fact that there's no salvation possible outside of the church that Christ built is because Christ and his church are one it's the one reality of God right there's nowhere to run there's nowhere to hide you're either going to be divanized you're going to enter into the Life of Christ the life of the trinity and become Christ you could die to self and live in Christ or you have an eternity of Torment awaiting you as you fall away from existence and every every Perfection that's in God life Beauty goodness Health Unity okay pleasure everything is the god is the source of every good and that includes natural Goods and as we read in some of these dogmas there are natural Goods to be enjoyed even in the next World so we can't be spiritualist or gnostics and thinking that it's just a big fog a big pink fog be Cloud no it's you're gonna have your body and you're going to be enjoying uh Supernatural Delights and natural Delights in your spiritualized body the members of the church are those who have validly received the sacrament of baptism and who are not separated from the unity of confession of the faith and from the unity of the lawful communion of the church so those are the members of the church okay so it's easy to tell if you're Catholic or not Catholic it's not difficult but God Alone knows her so there can be wolves and sheep's clothing infiltrators you know uh people just Faking It right we won't know till Judgment Day who was Catholic and who was not and like I said a lot of people are going to come into the church last minute last second last micro second so it's a hard thing to judge we shouldn't go around judging anyway we should just do our best to get into the church and remain in the church and be as faithful as we can the church founded by Christ is Apostolic yeah well we go all the way back to Christ and the apostles I don't know what else I could say the church founded by Christ is Catholic Universal yeah not only those members who are holy but the Sinners also belong to the church yeah there are three kinds of membership full membership the imperfectual membership and then a potential membership the church founded by Christ is Holy yeah so the church a lot of people forget that there's the church triumphant which is already purified there's the church suffering which is being purified and then there's this sloppy messy church militant here below which has many many weeds among the wheat and many many wolves in sheep's clothing people tend to forget that they rat trads tend to forget that right so the Holiness of the church is exemplified by Jesus and Mary Body and Soul who are already in heaven in the church triumphant so that's where the Holiness is in in Christ and his mother and in the Saints and we're on our way we're on our way that's what's called sanctification right so we're on our way and we can say that we're in the church even though we've isolated we've fluctuated and we're not perfect we're being purified and some of us will be purified in purgatory I don't want to go to Purgatory but it's looking like I'll probably end up there I pray every day that I can skip it that goes straight to heaven it seems ridiculous but I still pray even though it seems absurd and ridiculous to even ask I still ask and uh it's not up to me it's up to Christ so if I have faith in the Divine Mercy then I shouldn't be shy to ask for a miracle okay foreign the church founded by Christ is unique and one how could it be any other way I always ask the Protestants the non-catholic Christians where is the church all I ever get from them is well it's not the Catholic Church okay well I'm not asking you where the church isn't because that's going to take a long time to answer that question because there's a lot of there are a lot of Institutions a lot of things that are not the church but where is the church what is the church show me send me the URL to the website of the headquarters of the church that Christ built I know the URL but you you reject the church that I'm claiming is the one true church so what is it where is it if you don't have an alternative why don't you just join the Catholic church in the meantime while you're trying to figure out where the real Church is you know it's it's mind-boggling to me obviously there's only one Church obviously where is it I think as a Protestant you'd want to know you'd want to figure that out it'll be top of my priorities oh Christ built a church where is it okay the church is the pillar and foundation of the truth where is it it boggles my mind the church founded by Christ is an external visible Commonwealth yeah it's not an invisible thing the body of the you know just the nebulous membership of the Believers those who know they're saved by Christ it's an external visible Commonwealth and of course not forgetting that they're wolves in sheep's clothing and weeds among the wheat and all these sorts of things but it's an external visible Commonwealth even in the church suffering and in the church triumphant okay the totality of the Bishops is infallible when they either assembled in general counsel or scattered over the Earth propose a teaching of Faith or morals as one to be held by all the faithful so here we have the dogma of infallibility articulated in one way and it's emphasizing this dogma's emphasizing the infallibility of the Bishops when they act together or in a council or when they act when they're scattered all over the Earth foreign the pope is infallible when he speaks ex Cathedral well the pope is also a bishop so the Dogma that I just read about the infallibility of the Bishops also applies to the Pope in many ways the pope can be infallible this ex-catheter is just one way the secondary object of the infallibility is truths of Christian teaching so I'll say I'll read the primary one here at first the primary object of the infallibility is the formal revealed truths of Christian doctrine concerning faith and morals the secondary object of the infallibility is truths of the Christian teaching on faith and morals which are not formally revealed but which are closely connected with the teaching of Revelation okay this is interesting because I've always wondered do all dogmas have have all of our dogmas been formally revealed and the answer is no but this is not a defeated Dogma so it's not 100 certain but that's the sort of um consensus of the theologians and we can have we should defer to this Dogma even though it's not a defeated Dogma that there are dogmas which are connected to the um revealed formally revealed dogmas which themselves are certain and I think that is common sense we have the ability to reason there are logical implications to revealed truths and those if the reasoning is uh valid a conclusion is certain so yeah I 100 adhere to this Dogma even though it doesn't have that day feed a status but it can because it's not directly revealed that's the irony of this sort of uh Paradox it's sort of a self-referential Dogma because it's a Dogma which is not itself formally revealed uh my friend Daniel says from what I understand the Orthodox do not believe in a Purgatory not sure though yeah they have some sort of toll houses thing which basically is Purgatory so they have a workaround so they can say oh no it's not Purgatory it's our own thing well your own thing is basically just Purgatory with these different window dressing that's my understanding um not a big deal I mean nothing impure can stand before God period so there's going to be a purification right one way or the other I'm pretty sure the Orthodox would admit to a purgation if they want to if they don't want to call it Purgatory whatever in the final decision on doctrines concerning Faith Immortals the church is infallible I'll read that again in the final decision on doctrines concerning faith and morals the church is infallible so this is the general Dogma before it goes into the details of how that infallibility plays out and what it concerns so uh the church is indefectible that is she remains and Will Remain the institution of Salvation founded by Christ until the end of the world a lot of people say oh the church is not an institution I don't like religion I'm spiritual I'm not religious I don't like institutional religion organized religion well Christ instituted a church one and only one church and where is that church without the body Christ and the Soul Holy Ghost you cannot have the vision which is the father I wonder if this is built on something else here yeah it is the Holy Ghost is the soul of the church which this dog was followed by the one I just read without the body and the Soul you cannot have the vision the beatification I guess they're talking about here interesting the Holy Ghost is the soul of the church this is what I think about this dog is what I think about when I think about the Ascension of Christ into heaven he said it's better for you that I go okay because if I don't go I'm not going to send you the church I'm sorry I won't send you the Holy Ghost who is the soul of the church Christ is the Divine Redeemer of his body the church Our Redeemer himself conserves with divine power the society founded by him the church so the church is conserved by divine power the divine power of Christ is the head of the church and marries the neck and we are the body Christ founded the church yes the individual Bishop receives his pastoral power immediately from the Pope by virtue of divine right the Bishops possess an ordinary power of government over their dioceses I always thought the plural of diocese should be diocese but they say dioceses by virtue of divine right the bishop the Bishops possess an ordinary power of government over their diocese so this I think was hashed out at Vatican one the uh the power of the Bishops or was it uh was it Vatican II it might even Vatican two I think they wanted to get to it vatic in one Vatican one got interrupted and then they they've settled it Vatican two from what I understood could be wrong the pope is infallible when he speaks ex-cathedral so they've repeated this one I think the pope possesses full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole church not merely in matters of faith and morals but also in church discipline and in the government of the church yeah so we have to obey him with a perfect Descent of mind and will in all his teachings okay this is very clearly taught in many of the councils we have to obey the Pope okay now the Pope said it was a moral obligation to get a certain injection and I did not get the injection because my conscience will not allow me to get the injection that the pope is saying is charitable and a moral obligation according to the headlines in the newspapers anyway that's what he said I didn't get it my conscience won't allow me to do that okay so um we are not robots we are not robots the pope many of the recent popes believe that Mary the Blessed Virgin Mary evolved from an ape I do not believe that in conscience I cannot give Ascent of mind and will to that particular teaching so we're not robots we don't just believe everything that every Pope teaches but as much as possible and within reason we respect and Revere the teachings and we incorporate them into our faith we don't just dismiss them like the set of accountants do and say it's only the defeated dogmas that I'm going to accept no we listen to and we obey as much as we can without contradicting our conscience and without contradicting ourselves and you know given the fact that popes contradict themselves much less each other you know we're not robots we don't just blind we don't have a blind faith but we have to have a love and respect for the Vicar of Christ and we have to listen to him and Obey him as much as possible and it's not only the defide dogmas or the ex-catholic ex-cathedral statements that we need to obey okay so it's a nuanced position the successors of Peter in the Primacy are the Bishops of Rome according to Christ's ordinance Peter is to have successors in his Primacy over the whole church and for all time this was not a problem for me none of these dogmas posed any problem to me when I entered the church in 2009. Christ appointed the Apostle Peter to be the first of all the apostles and to be the visible head of the whole church by appointing him immediately and personally to the Primacy of jurisdiction powerful stuff the powers do the powers bestowed on the apostles have descended to the Bishops the Protestants will say well where is that written in Scripture I think you can find scriptural support for that for all the dogs you just need to use reason in addition to the letter of the word Christ gave his church a is it a hierarchical or an hierarchical Constitution Christ gave his church a hierarchical constitution the church is a perfect Society this is one of my favorite dogmas what it means is that all the means of Salvation are there in the church outside of the church all of the means are available willy-nilly a few over here a few over there you got some over in uh this Protestant Community you've got some over there in this other Protestant Community you've got some over there in current day Judaism you got some other ones over there in Islam you got some over there in Scientology and if you add them all up and collect them all you got a whole bunch of means of salvation right but to have all of them and to have all of them in one place you have to get into the church it's the only way it's the only way to have all the means of salvation is to get into the church my reason of her purpose and the means she uses to affect to affect it the church is a supernatural spiritual Society let me read that again by reason of her purpose and the means she uses to affect it the church is a supernatural spiritual Society yeah so it's not merely natural the church is human and divine Christ founded the church in order to continue his work of redemption for all time this will offend some Protestants because they think the work was done once for all and it's true but it's ongoing we are temporal creatures and there are babies being born in original sin and they need the sacraments and they need the prayer life and they need the community if they need to be members of Christ that's an ongoing work of redemption the church was founded by the God man Jesus Christ yes the church is the mystical body of Jesus Christ yes Daniel's asking does that mean conscience is the authority uh I'm not sure I understand the context of that question conscience is okay when I was talking about the jab and I was talking about uh evolution uh uh no it's just it's just it doesn't have to be uh I evoked conscience just because it's these are matters that are very um personal to me okay there are other matters um there have been popes that have differed in opinion about more obscure theological topics controversies okay um the dormition of Mary is one the uh Immaculate Conception is another um and so the lay faithful would have to understand that the current pope is teaching something different from the previous Pope and it may not be a very deeply personal it may or may not be a very deeply personal held belief of that individual and they have to respectfully disagree with one or other of these two popes who obviously had different opinions right but so it's not it's not merely a question of conscience it's also a question of uh just being honest being humble and saying well I don't know um but my my reason tells me that uh of the two contradictory opinions held by these two recent popes I agree with this one but the current one I I'm not obliged to just pretend that I that I have this understanding I could be wrong but I'm not going to pretend that I'm wrong when I think that I'm right so it's not about conscience it's just about humility and just being honest and it's the the obligation we have to to respect the teachings of the current pontiff even when it's not an infallible teaching or ex Catholic ex Catholic teaching was just disciplinary when it's just this or when it's just that um it's not merely a question of conscience no so here I see uh I don't know if I've answered your question properly but no it's not just a question of uh conscience being the authority uh I've got uh someone in the live chat here says hi guys thanks for the great video Greg from Smith Falls hey thanks Greg wayfaring he says wayfaring to me means on the road to Salvation yeah cool I guess we're all I think we're all in the wayfaring state uh hopefully not a Universalist a just man merits for himself through each good work and increase of sanctifying Grace eternal life if he dies in the state of grace and an increase of heavenly Glory wow so we should be doing lots of good works right and in line with my solo grazia attitude I would say that it's by grace that we're able to do good works and that's what the church teaches but Grace builds upon Grace so when you cooperate with this Grace you get more Graces and then you get the grace to cooperate with those Graces and it just snowballs hopefully I backslide a lot because I'm lazy and selfish but in principle I could cooperate and just have snowballing effect that's what I want God help me by his good works the Justified man really acquires a claim to Supernatural reward from God this is what I love talking about with the Protestants because they they don't like to admit it but they also preach Works they're constantly preaching works but they say oh but it's only the fruit of Grace yeah well that's what we say too we know it's the fruit of Grace we know that there is everything is Grace nothing is nothing is possible without Grace and if you want to say sin is not Grace but sin is evil and evil evil has no substance evil is a parasite on the good it has no substance it has no reality of its own it's merely a parasite on the good evil is not a thing but a way as Saint Augustine said evil is a way of being a way of doing so uh evil is not Grace but where evil is Grace abounds and so God forbid that we do evil so that Grace may come but no of course not as Saint Paul says but Grace is everything everything is Grace and if I sin that's a lack it's a lack of goodness it's a lack of ontological being and it's it would potentially bring me to a complete and eternal falling away from goodness and being itself so um there's a there's a phrase by Saint Augustine where he says and I've said it many times when God crowns your merits this is what it's all about when God crowns your merits you you know you might want to think oh look at me I got the crown from my merits this is amazing look at me time for a selfie posted on Instagram God's crowning my merits yeah but Saint Augustine says when God crowns your merits he's merely crowning his own gifts to you because everything is Grace so uh don't get too big-headed when God crowns your merits because he's just crowning his gifts to you it's like the mass I like to think about Grace Sola grazia in terms of the mass like we say I forget what the wording is but it's very beautiful when we talk about the gifts and we bring the gift to The Altar and we say or the priest says that you gave us these good things that we could give them to you and you could transform them and you know it's the same thing he gives to us and then he gives them to us with the instructions to give them back to him and then they get transformed and then we consume and we get transformed it's just like he gives and we take and we give back and it's just a constant ongoing cycle it's amazing Sola grazia it's amazing Amazing Grace I'm not a huge fan of that song for a couple of different reasons Amazing Grace but it's got some it's got some good lines in it the loss of sanctifying Grace always involves the loss of charity yeah because Grace is Godly and God is love the Grace by which we are Justified may be lost and is lost by every Grievous mortal or serious sin scary Grace can be increased by Good Works so see what I said about uh Saint Augustine's famous quote there the degree of justifying Grace is not identical in all the just there are grades of Heaven grades of hell without special divine revelation no one can know with the certainty of faith if he be in the State of Grace this is what I also talked about where I said I went to confession yesterday I'm not sure if my sins were mortal or venial and I'm you know I'm hopefully in the State of Grace now but I can't be 100 certain about that it's easy to send you know it's easy to send I don't think of you know divorced from the love of God I every indication is I'm in the State of Grace but I can't know with certainty not the certainty of faith right it's not a defide Dogma that right now because I went to confession 24 hours ago or whatever it was that I'm in the State of Grace no sorry I think I am I would like to hope that I am I'm not worried about it not scrupulous to that extent and uh it would take a Divine special divine revelation some of the Saints did get that some of them were able to see their uh Guardian Angel and the guardian angel would like indicate my appearance by body language you know how well this saint was doing right and it's pretty obvious it's like oops I must have made uh must have done something wrong because my my guardian angels looking not as perky today or whatever so that's what we call a special divine revelation the gifts of the Holy Ghost also are infused with sanctifying Grace the moral virtues also are infused with sanctifying Grace nice yeah that's why I you know I strive for virtue I'm not making much Headway but I'm striving the three Divine or theological virtues of faith hope and charity are infused with sanctifying Grace and without these three you can't get to heaven sanctifying Grace makes the just man a temple of the Holy Ghost yeah and that can revive too as we saw sanctifying Grace makes the just man a child of God and gives him a claim of the inheritance of heaven so I've had people ask me about this who is a child of God is it the Christian in the State of Grace is it the just any Christian baptized Christian is it every human and I don't care which which way you define it this Dogma is saying very in a very particular way that sanctifying Grace makes the just man a child of God so you have to be I'm assuming that the just man is in the State of Grace you get that justification only when you're in the State of Grace right and it revives if you lose it it can revive correct me if I'm wrong but that's my understanding so this definition seems to be limiting the child of God to that uh first class Christian where you have the faith and you're in the state of grace and I think that makes sense that that's what we call a child of God but it can revive you can lose a state of grace you can be in this state of mortal sin and you can get your butt into the confessional do it do it today sanctifying Grace makes the just man a friend of God this is nice sanctifying Grace bestows supernatural Beauty on the soul I've seen this in hideously ugly humans no offense but you know I've got a sort of beauty rating system and some people are objectively not that good looking externally but I've seen the beauty of the soul of someone who is objectively physically ugly for lack of a better word and it's one of the most beautiful things you can ever see because the contrast is there if you see a beautiful model with an ugly soul it's easy to say she's beautiful but it's not the same thing as when you see someone who's objectively physically ugly and you see the beauty of the soul that is that contrast that's provided is amazing and you know you're looking at real lasting Beauty if you have a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul of course she looks beautiful it's just it's less hard to be a certain about the spiritual component of that right and if you see an ugly physically ugly person who has an ugly dark lost soul that's just obvious too so it's only that one special case where we have a contrast between the ugly physical and the Beautiful spiritual that you get that really amazing inspirational uh Supernatural feeling that you're seeing real Beauty that's when you can know and I've seen it it's amazing so I'm just taking a look at uh the live chat here my friend Greg from Smith Falls says uh like you mentioned earlier thank God for divine mercy absolutely I try to be a righteous man whether I whether or not I am in the State of Grace I leave the rest to God yeah absolutely and like I said if you're not in the State of Grace you you as long as you have the intention of going to confession it's not like you have to wait till you physically go and get it you know you can have the contrition and uh yeah so your point about it sounds like the shallow Hollow movie yet exactly that's what it's like sanctifying Grace sanctifies the soul Supernatural Grace is a participation in the divine nature wow Supernatural Grace is a participation in the divine nature so already we see the Divination and the uh we the those of us who are Wayfarers we're on our way and we even now we have the supernatural Grace that is a participation already here and now in this Wayfarer state in the divine nature amazing uh you know I've been going for two hours I'm only about halfway done but I'm Gonna Keep plowing through just because I'm enjoying it sanctifying Grace is really distinct from charity sanctifying Grace is really distinct from charity so earlier I was talking about how Grace is Godly and God is love therefore we shouldn't be surprised when Grace increases love but here we see a real distinction so that was a question I had is Grace God is Grace God his grace um nothing less than an encounter with God is Grace identical with God and here I think I have my answer even though it's not a defeated Dogma it seems to be saying there's a real distinct a real distinction and the Orthodox I think have a distinction that goes even above and beyond this the Divine energies Theory or something like that and so uh we may not be too far off from the Orthodox there may be some sort of Distinction but it's hard to it's hard to understand these distinctions and I don't lose any sleep over it certainly sanctifying Grace is not a substance but a real accident ah which inheres in the soul substance wow so Grace is an accident it inheres in the soul substance this is fascinating uh Daniel says from my catechism I also remember actual Grace yeah you've got sanctifying Grace and actual Grace actual Grace is like a nudge from God to like do this do that whatever okay so that's my understanding my basic understanding correct me if I'm wrong but it's sort of like little impulses like hey why don't you say your prayers hey why don't you go to church hey why don't you go to confession whatever these these Graces or even if you're like uh on a dark Road and you're lost or whatever it's like hey turn left at the red house or whatever it's like that's an actual Grace God's helping you to not get lost but to get found you know just very practical stuff hey got it find me a parking spot that's an actual Grace now should we obsess over that or finding your keys just saying to Anthony all these sort of uh pseudo almost superstitious sort of stuff it doesn't bother me keep it in perspective but that if to the extent that that's real and Not Mere Superstition uh it's actual Grace that you're getting right hey I found my keys because I said the prayer whatever that's actual Grace and the fact of praying gives you sanctifying Grace right so every time you pray for actual Grace you're getting Sanctified grace to the extent that it's a prayer it's going to give you sanctifying Grace and like I said if you have the intention of uh having indulgences it's uh remitting The Punishment Due to temporal sin that's amazing sanctifying Grace is a created Supernatural gift really distinct from God there we go got my answer besides Faith further acts of disposition must be present the justification of an adult is not possible without faith so these are two connected things the justification of an adult is not possible without faith so when I was talking about the potential members of the Catholic church or the potential members of Christ they don't have the faith they're certainly not in the State of Grace because uh the justification of an idol is not possible without faith but besides Faith further acts of disposition must be present okay it's not just Faith it's not solely feed it sorry it is Sola grazia because it's just the everything is Grace but it's by the grace of God that we have these other acts of disposition after we have the faith it's by the grace of God that we can participate and move along the center Canon must prepare himself by the help of actual Grace here we go for the reception of the Grace by which he is Justified let me read that again The Sinner can and must prepare himself by the help of actual Grace those little nudges those little impulses like I told you for the reception of the Grace by which he is Justified so it's a constant back and forth here's here's some Grace what are you going to do with it I mean are you going to bury your talent are you going to use it invest it and grow grow Grace upon Grace Grace upon Grace there is a Grace which is truly sufficient and yet remains inefficacious let me read that again there is a Grace which is truly sufficient and yet remains inefficacious just when we think about the gifts that God gives us okay he gave me a hammer he gave me nails he gave me wood but if I don't unpack these beautiful gifts how am I gonna build with the wood and the hammer and the nails that he gave me if I leave them in their wrapped packages these gifts if I don't unpack them I can't use them if I don't use them I won't be building and God gave me the gifts to unpack and to use so that I could build Grace upon Grace okay but sadly people leave their Graces unused there is a Grace which is truly sufficient and yet it remains in efficacious God help us all yeah so my friend uh Greg from Smith Falls says by the grace of God do we draw a single breath or beat a single heartbeat absolutely that was my meditation when I first found God in 2009 after 25 years of atheism absolutely that's a great meditation the human will remains free under the influence of efficash efficacious Grace which is not irresistible let me read that again the human will remains free under the influence of efficacious Grace which is not irresistible so I think the Calvinists say that there's irresistible Grace if I'm not mistaken they're wrong about many things God by his eternal resolve of Will has predetermined certain men to Eternal blessedness wow here we go God by an eternal resolve of his will predestined certain men on account of their foreseen sins to Eternal rejections these are defeated dogmas and my friend and one-time guest um Gideon Lazar otherwise known as Byzantine scotus wonderful convert to Catholicism from Judaism by way of I don't know what Orthodoxy and whatever uh Bright Young Man check out the work he's doing on uh you know Catholic traditional teaching on creationism check out the work he's doing and he's doing a whole series on uh over Christmas time an advent he's been doing uh mail oats I've been receiving his mailings in my email wonderful guy wonderful teachings bright young guy he did a video and I've mentioned this a couple times before about uh this predestination from a Catholic perspective and it's in the sort of how should I put this it's not well known or understood I don't think in Catholic circles normally so he was bringing it to my attention and now I've stumbled upon this Dogma 197 which says God by his eternal resolve of Will has predetermined certain men to Eternal blessedness and others to Eternal rejection so that's food for thought and the calvinist will leap on this and say aha I told you but no it's not an absolute um it's not an absolute thing we see that there are certain men who are predetermined to heaven and others are predetermined to rejection but we don't know the numbers we don't know the proportions okay and this allows for the uh I mean God knows everything anyway there's no surprise for God he knows he knows what's up he knows which decisions which way I'm going to ultimately choose he knows okay but in certain cases he's predetermined it and Saint Paul talks about this some vessels are made for Honor some for dishonor and it's all for the glory of God okay and God In His Infinite Wisdom that's how he's doing it okay who are you to complain is it your way is it my ways God says is it my are you sure it's my ways that are unfair are you sure it's not your ways that are unfair that's one of my favorite passages in the Bible forget where that comes from one of the prophets probably in the Old Testament God gives all innocent unbelievers sufficient Grace to achieve Eternal salvation amazing so that's why the we are able to look upon sinners in this Fallen World as potential members of Christ because God does give all innocent unbelievers sufficient Grace to achieve Eternal salvation now we don't know which ones were predetermined for hell we don't know you could probably guess looking at the history books you could probably take a pretty good educated guess but we're not allowed to say with certainty God gives all the faithful who are sinners sufficient Grace for conversion nice so God gives all the faithful who are sinner sufficient Grace for conversion now what does that say about the Dogma that certain men are predetermined to be rejected what does it say it says that some of these people aren't going to open their packages they're not going to open the gifts they're not going to they're not going to make use of the gifts and God sees that I don't see a contradiction I don't see a problem with this and God is not nasty or mean or unfair it's you you are unfair your ways are unfair God's ways are not unfair you are to blame not God gives all the just sufficient Grace for the observation of the Divine commandments so it's not Beyond us it's not Beyond us to have the virtues and to follow the ten commandments despite man's sins God truly and earnestly desires the salvation of all men that's what God desires how does this drive with the predetermination that some will be rejected he sees it he sees who's going to cooperate with The Graces who's not and he sincerely desires the salvation of all men I don't have a problem with this I don't see a contradiction it is mysterious obviously Daniel says that's a tough one the predetermination it's not phrased predetermination it's it's uh phrased um is it was it yeah predetermination that is how he phrased it right and let me see how he phrased it predetermined yeah it is predetermination you're right it's not predestination that's the word I think that the calvinist used predestination is there any difference I don't know but yeah it's a tough one it's a tough one for sure man of himself cannot acquire any positive disposition for Grace here we have the Crux of the Sola grazia the Catholic version of Sola grazia obviously obviously we can do nothing good without Grace I can sin without Grace because sin is evil and evil has no substance sin is a falling away from being and hell is the epitome of that my friend Greg says God being outside of time sees the results of all men's lives instantly so perspective counts for a lot in this case absolutely that's that's that's what we can't get trapped we can't get trapped into thinking uh that we understand from God's perspective we need to make a concerted effort and to be humble and another one of my favorite passengers from the Old Testament is my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways okay we need to remember this and it's that perspective that's that God's eye view that perspective that God has and he sees all of space-time as a unit it's all accomplished and spoiler alert we know who wins it ain't Satan okay it's Christ in his church so get in Grace cannot be obtained by petitions deriving from purely natural prayer now we need Supernatural prayer Supernatural virtue we need faith hope and love and it has to be not merely natural faith hope and love but as Supernatural Faith a supernatural hope and a supernatural love I talk about this in my lesson on uh or my analysis of the Mormon video you can see that on the channel if you're interested Grace cannot be merited by natural works either de cogdino or de congruo so uh yeah the de congrua means what's appropriate I guess and they condigno uh well um condo congrule condigno um not exactly sure I understand the difference they continue they congru I'll let my friends look that up if they want to and they can let us know in the chat in the condition of Fallen nature it is morally impossible for Man Without restoring Grace to fulfill the entire moral law and to overcome all serious Temptations for any considerable period of time so we shouldn't be too scrupulous we know we have concupiscence since the fall we know that the flesh is warring against the spirit right that's the Fallen nature and it's not to make excuses not to justify it but let's strive let's make an effort let's be honest when we fall short and let's go to confession and so on and so forth it's just a repeating cycle it's uh maddening it's frustrating it's embarrassing it's humiliating and that's just part of the the process we're getting smacked down by God and we'll say uncle eventually I mean uh that's that is the point that's why God allows suffering so that we can say uncle and submit to his holy will because he's he's he's wise he's loving he and our his ways are not our ways and we think that we can do it our way and we try and we fail we end up wounding ourselves more and more and hopefully going back to him and saying oh I messed up give me another chance and then we just repeat the same mistake so at least I do I don't know about you guys but in the state of Fallen nature it is morally impossible for Man Without Supernatural Revelation to know easily with absolute certainty and without admixture of error all religious and moral truths of the natural order yeah that's why I'm religious that's why I take the leap of faith into religion that's why I don't just content myself with God Almighty who I can know by the natural light of reason no I need religion I need faith I need to take the leap I need to have the certainty that only faith-based religion can give me okay we need to test the religion I'm not just going to join Scientology and say because I need religion I need to use my reason and to say what is the god that's worshiped by Scientology well that's no God what is the god that's worshiped by Jehovah's Witness that's not well I don't know about them but the the Mormons that's no God the Jehovah's Witnesses there may be monotheists I'll have to look into it but the Mormons certainly aren't and the Jehovah's Witnesses I don't think they're uh trinitarian I don't think they believe in the Trinity so they can't be Christian but I haven't looked into them too much to be honest actual race is not necessary for the performance of a morally good action that's why we've got atheists doing good works natural good works that's why uh even the pagans do this pagans love their mother and they take care of the kids and unless there's stuff that's natural and it doesn't get you to heaven I mean if you're a Christian and you don't do these natural virtues then you're not much of a Christian you're probably in danger of uh you know sinning you know if you don't even have the natural virtues it's uh it's not great but my point here is that the natural virtues are not sufficient they're good but they're not sufficient the grace of faith is not necessary for the performance of a morally good action actual Grace is not necessary and the grace of faith is not necessary right otherwise we could point to an atheists say look he didn't work's natural virtue therefore he has Faith No he's got faith faith in the demons faith in himself but it's not it's not Supernatural Faith it's not a good faith for the performance of a morally good action sanctifying Grace is not required even in the Fallen State man can by his natural intellectual power no religious and moral truths yeah like I said I know I know with certainty philosophical absolute certainty that God exists I know that played the natural light of Reese and the many moral truths that go along with that and religious truths that go along with that that don't require faith-based beliefs the Justified person is not able for his whole life long to avoid all sins even venial sins without special privilege of the grace of God and the Blessed Virgin Mary is the prime example of this the pre-venient grace that prevented her from even being tarnished by the stain of original sin without the special help of God the Justified cannot persevere to the end in justification that's why we need to pray we need to pray in particular for perseverance in the faith why do I pray every day even when I don't want to and even though I'm not good at it the main reason is that I know that if I don't pray for perseverance I will not persevere period Saint Alphonsus liguri talks about this at Great length he emphasizes the two main reasons to pray to have perseverance so we can make it to heaven without prayer you can't make it to heaven without prayer you can't have perseverance the second reason to be able to love God it's basically the same thing but it's another aspect that he emphasizes to have Divine love to be able to love God I have to pray I have to pray often I have to pray all the time my love will grow cold if I don't pray so is it annoying praying every day am I you know yeah it is do I want to pray every day not usually why do I do it because if I don't do it my love will grow cold and I will not persevere in the faith period and what does that look like in eternity it looks like Eternal torments of hell and like I said that's a meritorious Supernatural Grace that I have that I fear hell enough to pray every day so that I can persevere in the faith and that I can learn to love God so I can go to heaven I can avoid hell it's not perfect it's not perfect filial love that I have it's imperfect but it's good and it's supernatural and it's a Grace it's a it's a gift of God okay so that's where I'm at and that's it that's why I pray it's not like I enjoy it like I mean if you if you ask me which do I enjoy more picking out on junk food or praying I enjoy junk food more just being honest right what do I enjoy more just lazing around or doing my own thing or praying I enjoy just lazing around doing my own thing but I make the effort to pray every day morning noon and night because if I don't I know my Fallen human nature I'm going to backslide it's not theoretical it happens all the time it happens all the time it's a struggle constant struggle the Justified also require actual Grace for the performance of salutary Acts everything is Grace my friend Daniel says also Orthodox and Roman Catholic have different ideas of the Fall oh really oh I'd be very interested I'm very interested in the fall I'm particularly interested in the mystery of iniquity in the fall of Satan but the fall of Adam and Eve is also near and dear to my heart I'm very uh very interested in always learning more about that send me links if you have them uh I don't know if you know my email but just to leave a comment and we can get in touch by email and I do want to interview you at some point as I keep hounding you internal Supernatural Grace is absolutely necessary for the beginning of faith and of salvation so if you're if you're wondering if my Sola grazia thing is orthodox if I mean meaning that it's not unorthodox uh Catholic belief we're seeing a lot here that's emphasizing the Sola grazia thing internal Supernatural Grace is absolutely necessary for the beginning of faith and of salvation this is beyond obvious to me for every salutary act internal Supernatural grace of God is absolutely necessary well there you go for every salutary act internal Supernatural grace of God is absolutely necessary boom laughs there is a supernatural influence of God in the faculties of the Soul which coincides in time with man's free Act of will yeah this is a hotly hotly uh uh not contested issue but it was a it was a very very tricky issue to formulate and to understand the Dominicans and franciscans had different sort of approaches to this uh from my uh sort of sparse understanding of what happened historically here with trying to reconcile Grace and Free Will it's just a real nightmare and it's so paradoxical but here we have a Dogma defeated Dogma reassuring us that despite the you know astonishing uh perplexity of the the ex the coexistence of Grace and free will there is somehow a supernatural influence of God in the faculties of the Soul which coincides in time with man's free Act of will so it's kind of like having your cake and eating it too is it Grace or is it free will and the Catholic answer seems to be both okay so go away and chew on that try to uh meditate on it I don't think we're going to comprehend it ever but very very mysterious something I like to think about but I'm you know I'm resigned to accepting the tension that's there between grace and free will and I love it I love the tension there is a supernatural intervention of God in the faculties of the Soul which proceeds precedes the free Act of the will again on the same theme and it's interesting talking of the Mormons they want to dismiss anything that's mysterious anything that has any tension intellectually they just want to say look we have to if if you can't understand it it's from the devil if there's tension it's from the devil if it's mysterious it's from the devil that's what the Mormons say in that video you can go and listen to the video I did the analysis so obviously I strongly disagree strongly disagree and not only that but it's forbidden to think that way because mystery is a huge part of the Christian faith but I was just saying like naturally intuitively I disagree even you know without being a Christian actual Grace internally and directly enlightens the understanding excuse me and strengthens the will actual Grace internally and directly enlightens the understanding and strengthens the will amazing here's a long one Mary the Mother of God and today is the Feast of the mother of God Mary the Mother of God is entitled to The Cult of hyperdulia that word cult means worship that's why when people ask me do I worship Mary I say yes I worship Mary with the cult of hyperdulia to be precise Cultus latria and cultist dulia pertain to different types of worship boom cultists literally means worship not adoration latria nor veneration or honor but truly the term worship for if cultists meant honor then cultist dulia would be translated as honor honor which would be absurd so it seems like there are a lot of uh notes tagged on to the end of this sensor to Dogma but very interesting worth mentioning and I'm Unapologetic when I tell my Protestant friends that I worship Mary yes go and find out what that means is it the Adoration that's due to God Alone no of course not Mary is a mediatrix of all Graces by her intercession in heaven I love this Dogma I am hoping it becomes defeated Mary is the mediatrix of all Graces by her intercession in heaven so this is a lower grade of Dogma but uh love it love it love it Mary is the coal redemptrix the grade of certainty is not given for this dog Mary is the mediatrics of all Graces by her cooperation in the Incarnation so here's a specific aspect of her mediation of all Graces since Mary's Assumption into heaven no Grace is conferred on man without her actual intercessory cooperation interesting so the grace is before she was ascended were not mediated by her I'm not sure if I if that's the Gaggers so she's a temporal creature so yeah I guess that makes sense yeah Mary gave the Redeemer the source of all Graces to the world and in this way she is the channel of all Graces yeah I'd like to use that phrase that the early church fathers use that image that she's the neck and everything that flows from the head to the body goes through the neck Mary was assumed Body and Soul into heaven this is defeated it was ex-cathedral so Mary suffered a temporal death oh okay so I correct I stand corrected because I was arguing uh recently that this isn't a dogma and we have freedom to believe otherwise uh so I stand corrected Mary suffered a temporal death I still I kind of would prefer to believe that she didn't but this is if this is uh a dog that's not a defeated Dogma but I'll still submit to it just because it's uh it's here as a dogma of sorts she didn't there's a note here she didn't have to die but chose to okay she is also the queen of murders because her Immaculate Heart was pierced by the death of her son so she didn't have to die but chose to so I'll submit to this teaching even though I would have preferred that she didn't die but whatever also after the birth of Jesus Mary remained a virgin yes Mary bore her son without any violation of her virginal Integrity I did I did a whole video on her Perpetual virginity recently you can look that up if you're interested Christ was born from the side of Mary much like Eve was made from the side of Adam so when I read this in arts fundamentals of Catholic dogma I thought that that note that was tagged on was part of the Dogma and I hastily hastily made that mistake and then I thought this was proof of uh special creation I thought it was a Dogma that he was made from the side of Adam and I've since uh heard some creationist Catholics say that they they believe there's enough documentary weight magisterial documents and such that we can consider it a Dogma that Eve was made from the side of atoms so it's not explicitly defined yet but there are magisterial teachings that seem to have a lot of weight and I obviously choose to believe that Eve was literally made from the side of Adam I'm a young Earth creationist and I just choose to believe that and I think uh there's probably a lot of magisterial weight behind that even though it's not defined explicitly yet Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost without the cooperation of man she was also taken from the other rib of atoms so again we have this note tagged on um but the dog myself is that she is the Immaculate Conception which is actually ironically the uh Dogma that brought me to Young Earth creationism even though I never believed in evolution per se but I hadn't taken the leap into explicitly calling myself a young Earth creationist for lack of a better term another way of saying it is having a traditional understanding of creation a traditional catholic understanding of creation was just easier to see yec young Earth creationist it was that Dogman that did it for me because if uh Adam had been conceived in the belly of any Beast he would have been conceived without sin therefore he would have been an Immaculate Conception it's not an airtight argument but it is an argument that has been proposed by Saint Maximilian Colby among others moving on Mary was a virgin before during and after the birth of Jesus Christ so here we have the Perpetual virginity in consequence of special privilege a special privilege of Grace from God Mary was free from every personal sin during our whole life amazing she was immune from all sin mortal and venial I believe the same of Saint Joseph to the extent that the Saints have toyed with that idea I like to think he was free from all mortal and menials that by special uh Grace for god well everything is Grace so if he was free from all sin it's obviously due to the grace of God and for the glory of God from our conception Mary was free from all motions of concupiscence not even tempted to sin Mary was conceived without staying of original sin Mary is truly the mother of God and today is the Feast of the mother of God Christ ascended Body and Soul into heaven and sits at the right hand of the father on the third day after his death Christ rose gloriously from the dead the third day so today is day one tomorrow is day two the third day is that following day after his death Christ's Soul which was separated from his body descended into the underworld hell or the limbo of the just or Hades so yeah it's just the first level I asked a friend about this and he sent me a video confirming that it's just into the limbo of the just he didn't Plumb the depths of hell down to the uh hell hell Christ merited all Supernatural Graces received by Fallen mankind let me see say that again foreign Christ merited all Supernatural Graces received by Fallen mankind so if I receive a Grace in this Fallen World it's by the merits of Christ okay got it Christ merited for himself the condition of exaltation Resurrection Transfiguration of the body Ascension into heaven so he's the source of the merits for himself too Christ through his passion and death merited reward from God Christ's atonement does not extend to the Fallen Angels sad but true Christ did not die for the predestined only Christ died ought for the faithful only but For All Mankind without exception aha so the limited atonement of the Tulip of the Calvinists is wrong Christ licarius atoma is super abundant that is the positive value of the expiation is greater than the negative value of the sin over abundant super abundant overflowing my cup runneth over hence the treasury of merits that we draw upon with the indulgences Christ's vicarious atonement is adequate or of full value by reason of its intrinsic Merit Christ through his suffering and death rendered vicarious atonement to God for the sins of man so the offense was infinite because God's dignity is infinite any offense is therefore infinite and to pay that we need a God man that's why uh it's necessary to have the God man make atonement for us Christ by sacrifice on the cross has ransomed us and reconciled us with God he could have done any number of ways one drop of blood would have sufficed but he went over and above and beyond and this is the economy of Salvation this is how God chose to do things to save us Christ offered himself on the cross as a true and proper sacrifice the God man Jesus Christ is a high priest and a better one than all the Old Testament High priests as the book of Hebrews says Christ is the Supreme Prophet promised in the old Covenant and the absolute teacher of humanity so here we have Christ as priest prophet and King and we're emphasizing Prophet here if God demanded a full atonement the Incarnation of a Divine person was necessary right because the offense was infinite even on the presupposition of the Divine resolve of redemption the Incarnation was not absolutely necessary right everything that happens add extra outside of the life of the Trinity is done freely not of necessity God was not compelled and the franciscans by the way believe that Christ would have incarnated it either way the Dominicans say no God was not compelled to redeem mankind by either an internal or an external compulsion so there was no compulsion everything God does add extra is done freely Fallen man cannot redeem himself he says palladiumism has been condemned we cannot redeem ourselves the offense is too great the Son of God became man in order to redeem men Christ's Soul was subject to sensual emotions yes he felt pain he bled Christ's human nature was possible here we go Christ's Humanity as instrument of the logos possesses the power of producing Supernatural effects because he's fully godfully man he is able to do these Miracles and even we by the grace of God can do Miracles I'm not saying that I can or do but uh it's potential we have the potential for that the great Saints did uh Saint uh who's fairer who's the saint fairer what was his name one of the greatest uh miracle workers Saint so and so fairer if I'm pronouncing his name right I'll have to look him up sanctifying Grace overflows from Christ the head to the members of his mystical body I say through the neck Mary by reason of his endowment with the fullness of created Habitual Grace Christ's soul is also accidentally holy by reason of this hypostatic Union Christ's human nature through the uncreated Holiness of the word is substantially holy so here we're comparing contrasting and showing Side by each these two aspects of his Holiness the substantial and The Accidental so I'll read them both again in order by reason of the hypostatic Union Christ's human nature through the uncreated Holiness of the word is substantially holy but reason of his endowment with the fullness of created Habitual Grace Christ's soul is also accidentally holy so an interesting and important distinction being made there Christ has not merely not actually sinned but also could not sin so it's not just the case that he didn't sin he couldn't sin Christ was free from all Sin from original sin as well as all personal sin Christ Soul possessed also an acquired knowledge for experimental knowledge this goes hand-to-hand with this one from the beginning of Christ's life he possessed infused knowledge from from the beginning of Christ's life his soul possessed infused knowledge Christ's Soul possessed also an acquired knowledge or experimental knowledge okay Christ's human knowledge was free from positive ignorance and from error Christ's Soul possessed the immediate vision of God from the first moment of its existence okay so this is why abortion is so horrible they're trying to kill a baby in the womb and Christ in the womb was all-knowing and he had the vision of God he had the beatific Vision in the womb all abortion is about Jesus Christ in the womb two Natures of Christ exist in the closest Union Christ's Divine and human characteristics and activities are to be predicated of the one word incarnate the one person who is fully godfully man just as latria is due to the whole human nature of Christ so it is due to the individual parts of his nature okay that's why I can say Sacred Heart of Jesus this and that a precious blood of Jesus I belong to the confraternity of the precious blood and it is Catholic because just as the Adoration is due to the whole human nature of Christ it is also due to the individual parts of his nature like his heart and his blood his face the God man Jesus Christ is to be venerated with one single mode of worship the absolute worship of latria which is due to God Alone okay not only has God but also as man Jesus Christ is the natural Son of God this is something to ponder and to meditate upon not only as God but also as man Jesus Christ is the natural Son of God very mysterious I'll have to meditate on that one and read about it only the second Divine person became man how can this be when all of the ad extra activities are common to all three persons how can that be I've talked to uh a couple of people about this and uh it seems to be it's an apparent contradiction but there's no real contradiction has to do with the three persons sending the second person into the flesh so uh it's it's not exactly uh intuitive for me and I have to do some gymnastics to really grasp it and then to give a scent to it but I do give a scent obviously because it's a defeated Dogma both of them are defeated elmas the add extra activities are common to all three persons and yet only the second Divine person became man but it was explained to me by um militant Thomas among others and uh Gideon Lazar Byzantine scotus that the second person was sent by all three so that's why it meets the two definitions of these two dogmas which seem to be in contradiction the hypothetic union was affected by the three Divine persons acting in common yeah so that supports the the way of reconciling them the blood in the living body of Jesus Christ is an integral constituent of part of human nature immediately not merely immediately United with the person of the Divine logo so this is why I'm able to belong to the confraternity of the precious blood it's a constituent part of the human nature the hypostatic union will never cease God did not unincarnate he's still incarnate in heaven obviously although some Protestants disagree the Hypersonic Union was never interrupted not even when he descended into the limbo of the just the hypostatic union of Christ's human nature with the Divine logos took place at the moment of conception this is why pro-life anti-abortion is so very important each of the two Natures in Christ possesses its own natural will and its own natural mode of operation amazing and mysterious but not hard to accept in the hubstadtic union each of the two Natures of Christ continues unimpaired untransformed and unmixed with the other the early church fathers emphasize this time and time again those who are Orthodox the church fathers and I've never read a church father that didn't it didn't uh speak about this issue without emphasizing uh in no uncertain terms there's no blending and mixing and so on and so forth the holy virgin is the mother of God and today is the Feast of the mother God since she truly bore the god logos become flesh the human and the Divine activities predicated of Christ in holy writ and in the fathers may not be divided between two persons or hypostasis the man Christ and the god logos but must be attributed to the one Christ the logos become flesh it is the Divine logos who suffered In the Flesh was crucified died and rose again so yeah this is a hairy question that's been understood and articulated by the church um and if you're sloppy in your theology you might get confused and enter into some sort of heretical blasphemies and stuff like that but it's well delineated it's a bit hairy but it's well delineated and uh there are the um there's a technical term for uh um the idioms struggling to remember the exact word the communication of idioms I think is the subject at hand here correct me if I'm wrong the guard logos is connected with the flesh by an inner physical or substantial unification Christ is not the bearer of God but is God really Christ incarnate is a single that is a soul person he is God and man at the same time the Divine and the human Natures are united hypostatically in Christ that is joined to each other in one person that's what hypostatic means Christ is one Divine person that's why Mary is the mother of God because she's the mother of the person not of a nature one nature or the other Christ was truly generated and born of a daughter of Adam the Virgin Mary Christ assumed not only a body but also a rational soul Christ assumed a real body not an apparent body I think that's what the Jehovah's Witnesses want to say Jesus Christ is the true God and the true Son of God so someone asked me recently does that mean he's his own father well no he's not his own father thanks for asking I get pushed back on this Dogma it's a defeated Dogma the devil possesses a certain dominion over mankind by reason of Adam's sin I forget who I was speaking with Protestant probably but they said no we've we've been freed we've been liberated by Christ well that's true that is true to the extent that you're a saint you know what I mean but there is a Dominion that I am experiencing uh and it's I've got one foot in each Camp here and I'm dancing with the devil more than I should be and so I experienced the Dominion of the devil from time to time maybe not to the extent that uh other people are experiencing the Dominion of the devil but it's real and it's undeniable and I'm not a saint I'm not a saint yet I have to become one but I'm not yet I'm not making excuses for myself and I'm not purposely trying to procrastinate but it's just the way it is I have to be honest every one of the faithful has his own special guardian angel from baptism thank God for that we should not neglect our Guardian Angels by the way I pray to my guardian angel every day it's a formal fixed prayer and I blast through it as fast as I can just like all my other formal fixed prayers I'm exaggerating a little bit but you get the idea but I try to think about my guardian angel and to speak with him form a friendship the secondary task of the good Angels is the protection of men and the care for their salvation the primary task of the good Angels is the glorification and the service of God sounds like what we should be doing too the evil spirits demons were created good by God they became evil through their own fault that's the mystery of iniquity I'm very interested to meditate on that it's mind-boggling the Angels were subjected to a moral testing right so I guess that is when and where the fall took place God sent a supernatural Final End excuse me God set a supernatural final end for the Angels the immediate vision of God and endowed them with sanctifying Grace in order that they might achieve this end so it's not like we have in this temporal natural world where we're you know eventually going to come to the beatific Vision in heaven they were given a test and they had on offer an immediate vision of God okay and so it was a different it was a different situation for the Angels than it is for us here this uh physical world the angels are by Nature immortal the nature of angels is spiritual yeah the the word Angel is their office that's what Saint Augustine said if you're speaking of their nature it's Spirit if you're speaking of their office it's angel in the beginning of time God created spiritual Essences or Angels out of nothing Souls who depart this life in the state of original sin are excluded from the beatific vision of God sad but true in the state of original sin man is deprived of sanctifying Grace and all that this implies as well as of the predo natural Gifts of integrity we lost a lot that day that first day one man well it wasn't the first day it was the sixth day but the first day of man's existence we lost it we lost the preterational gift Predator natural Gifts of Integrity I wonder if we're going to learn about those now original sin is transmitted by natural generation so parents let's do it on this lack of gifts on their offspring sadly but that's the way it is original sin consists in the deprivation of Grace caused by the free Act of sin committed by the head of the race Adam's sin is transmitted to his posterity not by imitation not by bad example but by dissent our first parents became subject to death and to the Dominion of the devil there we have it again through the sin of our first parents loss what does this say through the sin through the sin our first parents lost sanctifying Grace and provoked the anger and indignation of God yeah so we need to understand what the anger and indignation of God are I think this would be called an attribution or a condescension of language in order to communicate to us in our human nature so we can understand but God is Not perturbed in the slightest by emotions Jesus Christ took on human flesh so he was possible he was able to have anger and indicate in indignation and and all sorts of emotions human emotions because he's fully human and his righteous was hanging his anger was righteous okay but uh God is pure Spirit God does not have a body God the Father God the Holy Spirit did not incarnate so they do not have emotions okay emotions her bodily physical things which have obviously a connection with the soul which is Supernatural our first parents in Paradise sinned grievously through transgression of the Divine probationary commandment don't eat the fruit of this one tree Adam received sanctifying Grace not merely for himself but for all his posterity the donum siencier however you pronounced that knowledge I.E a knowledge of natural and Supernatural truths infused by God okay so here I'm going to start listing the Predator natural gift so I'm going to go in order for this little segment here our first parents before the fall were endowed with sanctifying Grace the donum rectitudeness or integritatis in the narrower sense so here we have a second thing that we're endowed with I.E the freedom from irregular desire they were also endowed with the donum immortalitatis which is to say bodily immortality they were also endowed with the donum impassibilitatis which is to say the freedom from suffering and the donumsier or however you pronounce that a knowledge of natural and Supernatural truths infused by God that's how they could name the animals and all these sorts of things in the Garden of Eden okay so those are very interesting to meditate upon and we're going to have those in heaven God has conferred on man a supernatural destiny amen so it's not transhumanism We're Not Gonna you know make a paradise a man-made Paradise because there is no God so we're gonna do a top-down control and social engineering and transhumanism and uh you know build our future and it's not an existential uh philosophy that is the true philosophy or the true anthropology it's the Christian anthropology it's the Christian philosophy that we have a supernatural Destiny okay the supernatural presupposes nature yes the supernatural presupposes the natural this is very essential in talking to atheists a creature has the capacity to receive Supernatural gifts yeah obviously that's when God created his natural creatures he was not frustrated in his design it was not a bad design and it took into consideration all of the needs of man thank you Daniel so thanks for popping by uh we'll talk soon okay God bless you please pray for me and mine every individual soul has immediately created out of nothing excuse me every individual soul was immediately created out of nothing by God every human being possesses an individual soul the rational soul is per se the essential form of the body this is yet another Dogma in favor of young Earth creationism special creation over against any evolutionary theories man consists of two essential Parts a material body and a spiritual soul the whole human race stems from one single human pair again this flies in the face of all evolutionary theories the first Man was created by God through his Providence protects and guides all that he has created God Co-op God cooperates immediately in Every Act of his creatures think about that one God cooperates immediately in Every Act of his creatures including rape torture murder and all the rest okay think about that God keeps all created things in existence God is the Creator and the sustainer no creature can as principle cause that is from its own power create something out of nothing here we have proof positive that special creation is the case and evolution theories are garbage God Alone created the world the whole excuse me the world had a beginning in time God has created a good world this is proof positive that evolutionary theories are all nonsense God was free to create this world or any other God created the world free from exterior compulsion or inner necessity I'll read that again God created the world free from exterior compulsion and inner necessity he didn't have to do it he chose to do it freely the three Divine persons are one single common principle of the creation the World created the world was created for the glorification of God obviously there's a typo in this one I forgot the word was the world was created for the glorification of God God was moved by his goodness to create the world it's a generosity it's an act of love the world is the work of the Divine wisdom all that exists outside God was in its whole substance produced out of nothing by God the Trinity of God can be only known the Trinity of God can only be known through divine revelation we can't know by the natural libraries the father sends the son the father and the son send the Holy Ghost so my Orthodox brothers and sisters may object to this or they may not all the add extra activities of God are common to the three persons so here we have another typo I should correct this I'll read it again all the ad extra activities which means the activities outside of the life of the internal life of the Trinity all the add extra activities of God are common to the three persons the three Divine persons are in one another the three Divine persons are in one another the relations in God are really identical with the divine nature the relations in God are really identical with the divine nature they said they feed a teaching the Holy Ghost does not proceed through generation but through spiration the Holy Ghost proceeds from the will or from the mutual love of the father and the son the sun proceeds from the intellect of the Father by way of generation the Holy Ghost proceeds from the father and from the son as from a single principle through a single spiration the second Divine person proceeds from the first Divine person by generation and therefore is related to him as son to a father the Divine persons not the divine nature are the subject of the Eternal Divine processions in the active and in the passive sense in God there are two internal Divine processions in God there are three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost each of the three persons possesses the one numerically Divine Essence God is infinitely merciful god is infinitely just God is the lord of the heavens and of the Earth God is Almighty God loves himself of necessity but loves and wills the creation of extra Divine things on the other hand with freedom God does not per se desire physical evil for example suffering illness death that is not for the sake of the evil or as an aim however God Wills physical evil natural evil as well as punitive evil pear accident that is as a means to a higher end of the physical order so God Wills physical evil this is a Dogma apparently and it's I would say his permissive will but correct me if I'm wrong and maybe an ordaining will I would need to uh look into that further I would prefer that it's a permissive will obviously I don't want God ordaining evil so that uh you know the ends don't justify the means that sort of thing so this is a tough one God's Divine will is infinite God also knows the con okay so this is two part one by knowledge of vision God okay this is another also so I'm going to start with this one I'm going to go forward God knows all real things in the past the present and the future by knowledge of vision God also foresees the free acts of the rational creatures with infallible certainty God also knows the conditioned future free actions with infallible certainty all three of these dogmas are uh you know the subject of a lot of theological ink being spilled over the centuries God knows all that is merely possible by the knowledge of simple intelligence the primary and formal object of the Divine cognition is God himself God's knowledge is independent of extra Divine things he doesn't need to read God's knowledge is comprehensive God's knowledge is subsistent God's knowledge is purely and simply actual there's no potential God's knowledge is infinite God is everywhere present in created space God is immense or absolutely immeasurable God is eternal God is absolutely immutable God is absolute Beauty God is absolute benignity God is absolute moral goodness or holiness God is absolute ontological goodness in himself and in relation to others God is absolutely faithful God is absolute veracity or truth God possesses an infinite power of cognition the one God is in the ontological sense the true God there is only one God some people want to say that the trinitarians believe in three Gods it's complete nonsense there is absolutely God is absolutely simple God is actually infinite in every Perfection this is one of my favorite um talking points when I when I talk about the proofs for the existence of God God is absolutely perfect the Divine attributes are really identical among themselves and with the Divine Essence love this Dogma God's Essence is also incomprehensible to the blessed in heaven so this is a two-parter the soul for the immediate vision of God requires the light of Glory okay so I guess this uh this number 10 joins up with one of the earlier ones the immediate vision of God transcends the natural power of cognition of the human soul and is therefore Supernatural so the beatific vision is not natural because it's beyond our ability our power natural power of cognition the blessed in heaven possess an immediate intuitive knowledge of the Divine Essence that's the beatific vision God's nature is incomprehensible to men our knowledge of God here below is not proper I should go back to this one God's nature is incomprehensible to men but the the um the Mormons said in that video that we can know God and uh that's the good news they said this is the good news that we can know comprehensively we can know God there's no mystery he's just like us but better our knowledge of God here below is not proper but analogical right so we see a family we see a community we see a father we see someone who's wise and these point to God we see well ordered universe and it points to God we everything natural science points to God by analogy everything points to God our natural knowledge of God in this world is not as immediate intuitive cognition but immediate abstractive knowledge because it is obtained attained through the knowledge of creatures I'll read that again our natural knowledge of God in this world is not as immediate intuitive cognition but immediate abstractive knowledge because it is attained through the knowledge of creatures like I said everything points to God and so it's a by analogy that we understand that God exists God's existence is not merely an object of natural rational knowledge but also an object of Supernatural Faith yeah like I said earlier I wouldn't just rest on my Laurels and be contented with the god of philosophy I have to have faith I knew that intuitively I have to worship God I have to have uh the faith-based beliefs to nourish my life my walk with God the existence of God can be proved by means of causality yes that's one of my favorite proofs I like my favorite proof from causality is Blessed John Dunn's scotus his a posteriori proof it's called the um modal proof and it's it's uh it is a demonstration a strict demonstration according to the criteria of Aristotle for a strict demonstration it's a posteriori meaning that we start with manifest reality and it's a slam dunk proof and it's approved from causality um what what is the causality called efficient causality in particular God our creator and Lord can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from created things so we've reached the beginning here which means the video is over I've gone for three and a quarter hours I'm exhausted my throat hurts and I'm hungry so I'm gonna go and eat and hang out with my wife thanks for being here with me I may um have more to say about these dogmas in the future I mean it's one of my favorite books Arts fundamentals of Catholic dogma but I'm going to leave it now uh leave it here and I hope you'll pray for me in mine you and yours are all in my prayers and we'll talk very soon God bless take care