CVS Live - 2020-02-07 - Episode 0007

Author Streamed Friday February 7th, 2020

There are 17 episodes in the Live:Early series.

Streamed February 9th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-09 - Episode 0014

Streamed February 9th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-09 - Episode 0016

Streamed February 9th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-09 - Episode 0015

Streamed February 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-08 - Episode 0010

Streamed February 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-08 - Episode 0013

Streamed February 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-08 - Episode 0011

Streamed February 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-08 - Episode 0012

Streamed February 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-08 - Episode 0009

Streamed February 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-08 - Episode 0008

Streamed February 7th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-07 - Episode 0007

Streamed February 7th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-07 - Episode 0006

Streamed February 5th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-05 - Episode 0005

Streamed February 2nd, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-02-02 - Episode 0004

Streamed January 8th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-01-08 - Episode 0003

Streamed January 5th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-01-05 - Episode 0002

Streamed January 4th, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-01-04 - Episode 0001

Streamed January 3rd, 2020

CVS Live - 2020-01-03 - Episode 0000

This is the 3rd in a series of episodes wherein I reflect on the 16 documents of the Second Vatican Council.

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episode 7 do you live in Canada this is CBS and now here's your host David Ross I am doing a doubleheader today I decided to just go ahead and do another one because I like having a 30-minute blocks it will be good for those who want to go back and listen in 30-minute blocks but I got off work early today because there's a major snowstorm and I'm on bicycle and my boss felt sorry for me and he's like you should leave early so I a bit of extra time so I thought I'd I thought I'd do one tonight but my wife's busy painting she doesn't doing another one back-to-back so let's but the college or body of Bishops has no authority unless it's Simon unless it is simultaneously conceived of in terms of its head the Roman pontiff Peter successor and without any lessening of his power of primacy over all Oster's as well as the general faithful or in virtue of his office that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church the Roman pontiff has full supreme and universal power over the church and he can always exercise this power freely boom this is music to my ears I in love the church I love the Pope I put the Pope at the top of my list because the church puts the Pope at the top of my list God the God man I send it into heaven he if I had the choice of having Jesus Christ walk into this room right now we're having the Pope walk into this room right now I would choose the Pope because Christ said it's better for me it's better for me have the church which is the mystical body of the god man Jesus Christ and just as you and I is rational Reacher's our body and soul so the church is body and soul and the body is the mystical body of Christ the Godman Jesus Christ but the soul is the Holy Spirit of God so let's give a bit of love to Quinton Vaness who's listening watching so this is exciting to me you know this idea of the Pope having how did they phrase it here he has full supreme and universal power over the church and this is how Christ instituted the church it's amazing we need to start pop bashing I'm not popping but those of you who are a pop by port bashing you need to stop it because Christ has ordained it the the father has ordained it and it's the Holy Spirit that's guiding the church so this is really serious stuff if you're a Christian you need to get into the church that Christ built and you need to give respect you need to submit in docile obedience to the current Vicar of Christ and the bishops who teach in union with him the living legend because it's better for you so I can't emphasize that enough it's music to my ears the supreme authority with which this College is empowered over the whole church is exercised in a solemn way through an ecumenical council this is one of the manifestations of the infallibility of the church there are four manifestations the ordinary much esteem the extraordinary Magisterium catheter pronouncements and ecumenical councils and then you have a sensus fidelium and remember what the fourth one is now I may have conflated two of them a council is never ecumenical unless it is confirmed or at least accepted as such by the successor of Peter it is the prerogative of the Roman pontiff to convoke these councils to preside over them and to confirm them just as in Catholic prayer it's God who inspires our prayer God who allows us to pray while we're praying and it's God who concludes our prayer it's like with every good work that we do it's grace before that prepares us it's grace during which allows us to do it and it's grace that brings it to fruition if there's any good that we do it's by grace the grace that inspires that good the grace that proceeds to act through us as instruments with our free will and the grace of God and then the grace of God that brings it to fruition this is this is the constant teaching of the church it's the same thing with the authority of an ecumenical council it has to be called by a pope it needs to presided over and confirmed by the Pope so it's every stage of this is governed by the Pope or delicate of Pope in some cases the same collegiate power can be exercised in union with the Pope by the bishops living in all parts of the world provided that the head of the college calls them the collegiate action or at least so approves or freely accepts the United action of the dispersed bishops that it is made a true collegiate act so the bishops act as a body and but they always need to be subject to the Roman pontiff but there is a certain amount of autonomy and freedom that they have and of course there's that principle of subsidiarity in the church which is so beautiful that's what allows me to have this ethic podcast I don't have anyone fleecing me my parish priest knows about it the different ethic priests that I up with know about it my microphone has been blessed by my priest and I've met my bishop I even talked to him about this but he doesn't really need to know because there's a principle but if I got into hot water I would imagine the priest would go to the bishop and then if it was a really big deal then the bishop could go to them hope but and unless there's a reason to go up the hierarchy we don't go up the hierarchy there's a lot of freedom in the Catholic Church we Catholics have a lot of freedom I don't know if if path works if we Catholics appreciate that fresh and breezy ease with which we can move around and join different confraternities and get involved in charities or whatever it is we want to do provided it's not forbidden by natural law or the ten commandments earthen by the church the precepts of the church we have a great latitude of how to express ourselves who want to become if I want to become a third-order Franciscan or whatever it is I can do that oh it's it's amazing the freedom that we have I don't know if we appreciate that it's something to meditate on so I have to keep marking my highlights but I don't lose track of where I am this collegial union is apparent also in the mutual relations of the individual bishops with particular churches and with the universal Church the Roman pontiff as a successor of Peter is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity of the bishops and of the multitude of the faithful so it's a principle of unity that the set of accantus admit they don't have they don't have that principle of unity so how can they be the Catholic Church if they're one of the four marks is blatantly missing so the individual bishop however is the visible principle and foundation of unity in his particular church fashioned after the model of the universal church in and from such individual churches there comes into being the one and only Catholic Church for this reason each individual bishop represents his own church but all of them together in union with the Pope represent the entire church joined in the bond of peace love and unity so you notice if you look at the text here there's a small sea church and there we go of small sea church and of course the big sea church the church the universal church continuing now the individual bishops who are placed in charge of particular churches exercise their pastoral government over the portion of the people of God committed to their care and not over other churches nor over the universal church so you stay within your lane if you're a bishop but each of them as a member of the Episcopal College and a legitimate successor of the Apostles is obliged by Christ's decree in command to be solicitous to the whole for the whole church you have to stay in your lane but you can't just ignore the problems of your neighbor they solicitude though it is not exercised by an act of jurisdiction contributes immensely to the welfare of the universal Church for it is the duty of all bishops to promote and safeguard the unity of faith and the divine and the discipline excuse me common to the whole church to instruct the faithful in love for the whole mystical body of Christ especially for its poorer and sorrowing members and for those who are suffering persecution for Justice's sake and finally to foster every activity which is common to the whole church especially efforts to spread the faith and make the light of full truth dawn on all men for the rest it is a sacred reality that by governing well their own church as a portion of the universal church they themselves are effectively contributing to the welfare of the whole mystical body which is also the body of the churches the task of proclaiming the gospel everywhere on earth devolves on the body of pastors to all of whom in common Christ gave his command thereby imposing upon them a common duty as pope celestine in his time reminded the fathers of the council of ephesus from this it follows that the individual bishops insofar as the discharge of their duty commits are obliged to enter into a community of effort among themselves and with the successor of Peter upon whom was imposed in a special way the great duty of spreading the Christian name with all their energy therefore they must apply they must supply to the missions both workers for the harvest and also spiritual and material aid both directly and on their own account as well as by arousing the ardent cooperation of the faithful and finally in a universal fellowship of charity bishops should gladly extend their fraternal aid to other churches especially to neighboring and more needy diocese in accordance with the venerable example of antiquity by divine providence has it has come about that various churches established in diverse places by the Apostles and their successors have in the course of time coalesced into several groups organically United which persevere preserving the unity of faith and the unique divine constitution of the universal church enjoy their own discipline their own surgical usage their own theological and spiritual heritage some of these churches notably the ancient patriarchal churches as parents talks of the faith so to speak have begotten others as daughter churches with these they are connected down to our own time by a close bond of charity in their sacramental life in their mutual respect so we see the latitude that the bishop has or we see the autonomy of the bishop has and we see the responsibility that the bishop has to care for the church the universal Church not just their own small C Church and we see in that last paragraph also the respect and the freedom that the distinct qualities and characters of these different churches have it's one of the most beautiful things about the universal church is you go to a visit Byzantine Mass or divine liturgy and one of them are Eastern Catholic churches or if you go to a relatively simple and quick Latin Rite like what I go to it's not overly long and it's often not extremely formal although I do like a high mass also in a Latin Rite but I've been - I've been to Eastern Catholic churches it's a little bit too long for my taste and a lot of standing I've been to Eastern Orthodox churches that are three four hours long it's I'm not used to it it doesn't appeal to me I'm a little bit uncomfortable standing for that long but I could get used to it if that's so if that's how I were raised and I think it's beautiful showing respect by standing that's what the Eastern Desert Fathers recommend as a penance standing standing still I find it very painful but like I said like I'm often repeating not a very disciplined person and very self-indulgent and lazy and I'm just taking baby steps on behind to control my appetites and have discipline and impose penances voluntary penances or at least accept the minor annoyances and inconveniences which seems overwhelming to me in my day to day life anyway continuing with the documents of I just want to check where I am exactly I think I may have skipped something okay just this one I didn't color pink I'll do that now just so I have it and then but where am i exactly am i still in the first document automatic Constitution on the church just making sure that I haven't moved out of that okay I'm still within the dogmatic Constitution on the church the Church recognizes that in many ways she is linked with those who being baptized are honored with the name of Christian though they do not profess the faith in its entirety or do not preserve unity of community with the successor of Peter for their many wonder the Sacred Scripture blahblah this one I've read this one I read mark pink excuse me for my sloppiness as usual it's part of my charm in these live episodes I can't edit it so you have to bear with me continuing out bishops teaching in communion with the Roman pontiff are to be respected by all as witnesses to divine and Catholic truth in matters of faith and morals the bishops speak in the name of Christ and the faithful are to accept their teaching and adhere to it with a religious assent of soul how hard is that to understand I think it's pretty clear I think we need to respect and honor and submit to the Living Magisterium it's not that complicated I don't know why people are saying well Paul you know Paul corrected st. Paul corrected st. Peters so I'm gonna stick my nose and everything - well you're not Saint Paul right and you don't have the proximity with your local bishop to correct him much less proximity to the Vicar of Christ in Rome - correct him unless I'm mistaken if you do and why are you complaining on Facebook and YouTube in the comments section if you have the proximity to your bishop and to Pope Francis then use that proximity to correct him as st. Paul corrected st. Peter if you are Saint Paul to st. Peter and you have the proximity then what are you doing whining in Twitter and Facebook and YouTube in the comments section it did that's energy wasted if you have that proximity and I don't think you have that proximity so stop complaining start submitting to your local bishop in all things butts in given benefit of the doubt interpret everything he teaches in strict continuity with tradition that's what this Vatican Second Vatican Council teaches us that we have to do and if you don't have anything nice to say about your priest or your bishop or the Pope I recommend keeping silent rent so this religious submission of will and of mind must be shown in a special way to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman pontiff even when he is not speaking ex cathedra that is it must be shown in such a way that his supreme Magisterium is acknowledged with excuse me that that is a must be shown in such a way that his supreme Magisterium is acknowledged with reverence the judgment made by him are sincerely adhered to according to his manifest mind and will his mind and will in the matter may be known chiefly either from the character of the documents from his frequent repetition of the same doctrine or from his manner so look at Pope Francis look at what he emphasizes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again look at Pope Francis look at reality I used to do improv theater and one of the games was do the obvious respond in an obvious way so they're two people on stage practicing Improv Theater and one of them says oh I have a flat tire on my bicycle and then the other person just completely ignores that reality which was just created by one of the players and goes off on some other unrelated tangent so the part of this part of this exercise was to remind the Improv Theater student to deal with reality the reality that manifests so if your partner says oh I'm a flat tire on my bicycle and work with that use that acknowledge that deal with that it's a sort of sanity in real life like when you acknowledge reality that's manifest that he's a good symptom that you're saying doesn't guarantee that you're saying but if you ignore if you consistently ignore manifest reality that's a pretty good symptom that you are insane so when it comes to the teachings of Pope Francis which are emphasized over and over and over and over again by him to ignore that is to ignore the infallible ecumenical council Vatican 2 which tells us that we have to his teachings in writing which are manifest and also his teachings which are being emphasized repeatedly and so I don't need to tell you what Pope Francis is emphasizing because everyone listening to this knows everyone knows what Pope Francis is emphasizing so why are these so called traditional Catholics and so-called conservative Catholics constantly saying that Pope Francis is wrong with what he's talking about whether it's stewardship of the planet the environment whatever it is that these so-called conservatives get all uptight about it can't accept they can accept the teaching of Pope Francis but they have to if they want to be half that they have to you have to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is animating the mystical body of the god man Jesus Christ in such a way that in 2020 a Vicar of Christ is emphasizing stewardship of planet Earth it's not rocket science people you get in get into docile submission mode start shifting your emphasis from I'm a right-wing political junkie to I'm a Catholic and to be a Catholic in 2020 under Pope Francis means that you start meditating on this emphasis which rubs you clearly rubs you the wrong way why are you rubbed but that rubbed the wrong way by messages of social justice what's wrong what don't you like about that you don't like the social part you don't like the justice part what don't you like about it social justice is part of Catholic social doctrine it always has been - well balanced doctrine stewardship of planet earth is Catholic it's not communist it's not socialist it's not left-wing it's not its Catholic and the Catholic Church has always emphasized stewardship in a balanced way if you don't like that it's getting emphasis from Pope Francis then you need to unite that mild inconvenience with the infinite sufferings of the god man Jesus Christ who suffered and died for you can you not tolerate that there's a bit of emphasis on things that you consider left-wing politically can you not put Catholic can you not put that aside and acknowledge the fact that Pope Francis is emphasizing things which are Catholic stop complaining and stop saying that he's that he's some sort of left wing nut job he's he's inspired he has hair isms and gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit you may not like it but that reflects poorly on you as a Catholic not on Pope Francis as a political agent he's the Supreme Pontiff he's the Vicar of Jesus Christ man he's got political opinions and as shepherd as servant of the servants of God he's emphasizing things and the Holy Spirit is there if you missed that the living Magisterium and you cannot be a Catholic without the living Magisterium otherwise you're just another set of a contest you're just another rat rat saying in the good old days everyone was conservative and everyone was right-wing like me but it's not the case it's never been the case the church has never been right-wing never so I I just see a comment here sorry I've got to respond to this on verse contender thanks for your little chat messages I'm just reading them now I would like to get you on my show to learn about Catholicism and ask you a question sure sure sounds good Thanks hurt so again in touch with me a message me or email me CBS broadcast at I appreciate your comments in my youtube comment section converse contendere thanks for listening thanks for watching thanks for being that thanks for being civil and generous and kind appreciate it I've got some really nice listeners subscribers very thoughtful very kind moderate that's what I seek I seek people who are moderate let's see if I can squeeze in one more little paragraph here you although the individual bishops do not enjoy the profit of of infallibility as individuals they can nevertheless proclaim Christ's doctrine infallibly this is so even when they were dispersed around the world providing provided that while maintaining the bond of unity among themselves and with Peter successor and while teaching authentically on a matter of faith or morals they concur in a single viewpoint as the one which might which must be held conclusively this Authority is even more clearly verified when gathered together in an ecumenical council their teachers and judges of faith and morals for the universal Church their definitions must then be adhered to with the submission of faith this infallibility with which the divine Redeemer willed his church to be endowed is defining a doctrine of faith and morals in defining a doctrine of faith and morals extends as far as extends the deposit of divine revelation which must be religiously guarded and faithfully expounded this is the infallibility which the Roman pontiff the head of the College of Bishops enjoys in virtue of his office when as as the supreme Shepherd and teacher of all the faithful who confirms his brethren in their faith he proclaims by a definitive act some doctrine of faith and morals therefore his definitions of themselves and not from the consent of the church are justly styled ehre formable where they are pronounced with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and assistance promised to him in blessed Peter I think this is straight out of mattock and one the definition of papal infallibility it sounds a lot like that therefore they need they need no approval of others nor do they allow an appeal to any other judgment for then the Roman pontiff or then the Roman pontiff is not pronouncing judgment as a private person rather as the supreme teacher of the universal Church as one in whom the Terrorism of the infallibility of the church herself is individually present he is expounding or defending a doctrine of the faith the infallibility promised to the church resides also in the body of Bishops when that body exercises supreme teaching Authority with the successor of Peter to the resultant definitions the assent of the church can never be wanting on account of the activity of that same Holy Spirit whereby the whole lack of Christ is preserved and progresses in you in the unity of faith this is that sensus fidelium infallibility prison but when either the roman pontiff or the body of bishops together with him defines a judgment there they pronounce it in accord with revelation itself all are obliged to maintain and be ruled by this revelation which as written or preserved by tradition is transmitted in its entirety through the legitimate succession of bishops and especially through the care of the roman pontiff himself under the guiding light of the spirit of truth revelation is thus religiously preserved and faithfully expounded in the church the roman pontiff and the bishops in view of their office and of the importance of the matter strive painstakingly and by appropriate means to enquire properly into that revelation and to give apt expression to its contents but they do not allow that there could be any new public or level revelation pertaining to the divine deposit of faith that's it Tom we'll talk soon god bless sorry for the rush at the end there for as little as $1 a month we can support the charitable mission of CBS which has already enrolled hundreds of guests and patrons and their immediate families in the Scalabrine League of the missionary fathers of st. 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