CVS Meta - 2018-05-27 - The Pros and Cons of Sedevacantism

Author Recorded Sunday May 27th, 2018

There are 20 episodes in the Meta:Rants series.

In this Meta episode I discuss the history of the 21 ecumenical councils, and the heresies and schisms that accompany these most sacred councils. • Support the CVS Podcast: • Be a guest on a livestream:

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meda as you know my name is David I'm the creator and host of CBS and today I'll be discussing the pros and cons of set of a Kant ISM set of a Kant ISM claims that the seat of Peter in Latin se day is vacant they reject what they judged to be a false and heretical counterfeit Church so what are some of the pros and cons of said of a Kant ISM well let's start with the pros what do all of the set of a Cantus and I agree on obviously there are countless potential truth claims that can and must be rejected as lies falsehoods and fictions by any rational and sane person I can't give an exhaustive list so I'll briefly outline two examples today one having to do with ecumenical councils and the other having to do with popes two issues that lie at the heart of set of account ISM and indeed at the heart of Catholicism just recently I watched a passionate set of a Cantus discussion which was aggressively questioning and actively doubting the validity of the Second Vatican Council now it may come as a surprise to some of you but I honestly found myself agreeing wholeheartedly when the controversial bishop we gave the talk announced that the second so-called vatican ii council was not he's not and never shall be a valid ecumenical council of the church because it's a fraud of fiction and a bad joke i have to agree with him this is a claim that can be verified simply by examining the history of the council's the history of the legitimate councils and the history of the papacy the history of the legitimate Pope's which brings me to my second point as we all know in the past there have been many anti Pope's and even a few strictly fictional popes like Pope John I could give many examples obviously these sorts fake Pope's but I'll just give one example of blatant pope fiction I'm talking about none other than Pope John Paul the sixth he's no saint was he even validly ordained no he wasn't and anyone who says otherwise is either insane or simply has no idea what I'm talking about but you don't need to take my word for it look into it yourself please check the facts I follow the truth wherever it leads me and so I stand by these two examples that I gave of places where I agree with the set of acanthus --tz-- so those are two clear and incontrovertible examples of anti-catholic nonsense that I reject and which all set of accantus --tz-- reject as well and we agree on much much more in that same vein I could go on for days with other examples but I have a lot to cover in this episode and I think I've made my point so I'll leave it there now let's look at the cons where do I disagree with the set of accantus well for the sake of symmetry let's look briefly at two very similar examples one having to do with ecumenical councils and the other having to do with Pope's so first I firmly disagree with the set of a contests when they claim that the so-called Vatican 2 council was not is not and never shall be a valid a chemical council of the church the Second Vatican Council was is and shall always be a valid a chimerical Council of the church it is not a fraud a fiction and or a bad joke it is holy and glorious and it develops and teaches God's infallible revealed truth the Second Vatican Council is infallible and binding on all Catholics to reject the Vatican to is to reject our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to reject the Vicar of Christ obviously is to reject Christ which brings me to my second point I firmly disagree with a set of accantus when they claim that the recent popes are heretics or that they are not valid popes for whatever reason whatsoever john xxiii Paul the sixth John Paul 1 john paul ii benedict xvi and francis are all valid popes and not only that they're all great holy faithful and traditional catholic men only a deluded fool or a malicious liar could come to any other conclusion read the writings look at their lives now if some of you missed it when i was talking about the prose of said of account ism and those two examples of quote potential truth claims that can and must be rejected as lies falsehoods and fictions by any rational and sane person unquote then allow me to spell out the punchline for you there never was a second vatican ii council there was only ever one vatican ii council otherwise known as the Second Vatican Council there's no second vatican ii council there never was and there never will be there may be a vatican 3 a third vatican council but didn't make this up I did actually here the ship Donald Sanborn the set of a contest bishop I heard him make this amusing slip of the tongue during one of his hateful tirades against the so called Novus Ordo Church the church to which I and all Catholics strive to the fictional Pope I created for the second example is Pope John Paul the sixth now of course I don't believe in Pope John Paul of 6 because he never existed and so I don't think there's anyone on this planet that believes in the Second Vatican 2 council or in any one called Pope John Paul the sixth neither has any substance in reality now the reason why I allowed myself to introduce such a silly joke into a serious discussion which involves eternal life and death consequences the reason I allowed myself to do that is to indicate this silly joke that lurks behind all of the persuasive sounding arguments that heretics and schismatics have come up with over the years when they've chosen to separate themselves from the Church of Christ they are all silly jokes when you unmask the wolves in sheep's clothing you'll find a silly joke they're snarling rapidly but it's just a silly joke don't be afraid we have nothing to fear we have Christ on our side Satan cannot hurt us the wolves in sheep's clothing cannot hurt us only the man in the mirror can hurt me and it's the same for you only the person in the mirror can hurt you so don't fear the Wolves they can't hurt you even Socrates knew that nothing can harm a good man so if you're good you have nothing to fear from any wolf or any demon not even Satan himself know the set of a contests today would have you believe that they're engaging in something new and exciting but even a cursory glance at the history of the ecumenical councils will reveal a sad and pathetic pattern a repetition of the same old rebellion again and again the history of the councils is not dull that is exciting because it's Jesus Christ wielding revelation as a double-edged sword sacred tradition and sacred scripture are being wielded like a sword by Jesus Christ's body the Bride of Christ the church so the Bible is exciting but the lies of the enemy the lies of Satan are dull the lies of the set of a contests are dull they're not new they're not exciting Christ is exciting Christ and His Saints are exciting we live in a fallen world and so we should expect confusion resistance and rebellion before during and after each and every ecumenical council we should expect that sadly there are always foolish and/or malicious people who on the basis of their own fallible private judgement freely choose to separate themselves from the safety of the church these reticle and schismatic groups never fail to claim that it is not they themselves but rather the church that has defected from the true faith of Christ it's always the case I'm going to describe very briefly one or two examples from each of the 21 ecumenical councils and then I want you to tell me if a number one the first Council of Nicaea in 325 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Aryans and the Malaysians thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Aryans claimed that it is impossible for Jesus Christ to be consubstantial with God the Father the Malaysians claimed that it is impossible for the church to allow lapsed Catholics to re-enter communion so easily when they buckle under persecution based on a purely private judgment the Aryans and the Malaysians considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number two the first Council of Constantinople in 381 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Apollinaris --tz-- and the Macedonians thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Apollinaris claimed that it is impossible for Jesus Christ to have a human rational mind the Macedonians claimed that it is impossible for the Holy Spirit to be consubstantial with God the Father based on a purely private judgment the Apollinaris --tz-- and the Macedonians considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number three the Council of Ephesus in 431 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the historians and the monophysites thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the historians claimed that it is impossible for Jesus Christ to be only one person a divine person who assumed a human nature the monophysites claim that it is impossible for jesus christ to have two natures that is to say a human nature and a divine nature based on a purely private judgment the historians and the monophysites considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number four the Council of Chalcedon in 451 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the utopianist s-- thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the utopianist claimed that it is impossible for Jesus Christ's finite human nature to remain distinct from his infinite divine nature based on a purely private judgment the utopianist s-- considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number five the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the origin is and the defenders of the three chapters thought that they and they alone with the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the origin is claim that it is impossible that any man angel or demon can fail to achieve complete union with God the defenders of the three chapters claim that is impossible to condemn otherwise Orthodox writings merely because they have some Nestorian elements based on a purely private judgment the origin is and the defenders of the three chapters considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number six the third Council of Constantinople from 680 to 681 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the manasa lights thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the menorah lights claim that it is impossible for Jesus Christ to have two wills that is to say both a human will and a divine will based on a purely private judgment the menorah lights considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number seven the Second Council of Nicaea in 787 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the iconoclasts thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the iconoclast claimed that it is impossible for the church to permit the veneration of images based on a purely private judgment the iconoclasts considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number eight the fourth council of constantinople from 869 to 870 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the fortunes thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the fortunes claimed that it is impossible for the church to change disciplines or to further develop the wording of the Creed based on a purely private judgment the fortunes considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number nine the first Lateran Council in eleven twenty three before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the imperialists thought that they and they alone with the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the imperialists claimed that it is impossible that spiritual authority can emanate only from the church based on a purely private judgment the imperialists considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 10 the second Lateran council in 1139 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Arnold ists thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Arnold ists claimed that it is impossible to be saved if you are a cleric who owns property a bishop who holds regalia or a monk who has possessions based on a purely private judgment the Arnold ist's considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 11 the 3rd Lateran council in 1179 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the elbe jinseyun and the Waldensians thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the ALPA Jen's Ian's claim that is impossible to reconcile the spiritual world which they see as good with the material world which they see as inherently evil the wall dungeons claim that it is impossible for sinful priests to validly administer the sacraments and that it is impossible for God to purify souls after death in purgatory based on a purely private judgment the elbow jinn ziens and the walled ends Ian's considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 12 the fourth Lateran Council in 1215 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Jew akka mites and the apparitions thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Jew akka mites claim that it is impossible for the organized Church as we know it to continue given the fact that there is a new age of the Holy Spirit coming soon the mo Russians claim that it is impossible for anything that exists to be distinct from God based on a purely private judgment the jakka mites and the apparitions considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number thirteen the first council of Leo in 1245 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the ghibellines thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the ghibellines claimed that it is impossible for the papal power to surpass that of the Holy Roman Emperor based on a purely private judgment the Ghibellines considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number fourteen the Second Council of Lyon in 1274 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Eastern Orthodox thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Eastern Orthodox claimed that it is impossible for the Roman Church to possess supreme and full primacy and authority over the universal Catholic Church based on a purely private judgment the Eastern Orthodox considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number fifteen the Council of Vienna from thirteen eleven to thirteen twelve before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the begins and the Bogardus thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the begins in the my guards claim that it is impossible for the truly perfected soul to be subject to any Commandments of the church for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom based on a purely private judgment the begins and the Bogardus considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number sixteen the Council of Constance from 14 14 to 14 18 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Whiteman fights in the Hussites thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Wycliffe fights claim that it is impossible for immoral ministers to have authority and that it is impossible for the sacred and infallible deposit of faith to include sacred and infallible tradition the Hussites claim that it is impossible to validly receive communion under only one species based on a purely private judgment the Wycliffe lights and the Hussites considered themselves more pure more holy more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 17 the Council of Basel Ferreira Florence from 14 31 to 14 45 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the galerkin's thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the galerkin's claimed that it is impossible for papal primacy to be of divine origin based on a purely private judgement the galerkin's considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 18 the fifth Lateran Council from 1512 to 1517 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the conciliar ists thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the conciliar ists claimed that it is impossible for the Pope to be higher in authority than an ecumenical council based on a purely private judgement the conciliar ist's considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 19 the council of trent from 15 45 to 15 63 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the Protestants and the Jan's Ernests thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the Protestants claimed that it is impossible to justify belief in various Roman Catholic doctrines including papal supremacy and the sacraments the Janzen tests claim that it is impossible even for a just man to keep all of God's commandments and that it is impossible to resist interior grace based on a purely private judgment the Protestants and the Jan's Ernests considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number twenty the first Vatican Council from 1869 to 1870 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the old trajectory's thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the old trajectory is claimed that it is impossible to justify belief in the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility based on a purely private judgment the old trajectories considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church number 21 the Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965 before during and after this most sacred ecumenical council the set of the contests thought that they and they alone were the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church the set of accantus claimed that it is impossible to justify belief in the doctrines of humanism and religious liberty based on a purely private judgment the set of a contests considered themselves more pure more holy and more faithful to the sacred deposit of faith and they condemned as heretics anyone who remained in the church now you tell me if the set of accantus are really and truly unique in the history of rebellious private judgment you tell me if you're a set of a countess you have succumbed to scandal it's as simple as that this is the teaching of the church st. Thomas Aquinas defends this teaching in his Summa Theologica secundus a kunde question 43 article 2 where he says quote passive scandal is always a sin in the person scandalized for he is not scandalized except insofar as he succumbed this to a spiritual downfall and that is a sin end quote you are the prodigal son wasting your energies wasting your intellect wasting your goodwill on a pack of lies the set of Cantus lies in this case look back on history you'll see many intelligent people of goodwill wasting their wealth and the graces and gifts that were showered on them both natural and supernatural please don't be proud pride cannot help you and the only thing that God finds irresistible in his creatures is humility it's the only way so turn from the error of your ways come home to your father the Pope come home to your mother the church come home to Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church don't be afraid don't be shy don't be ashamed don't pay attention to the naysayers and the critics among your family and friends your neighbors you've invested in your set of accantus lifestyle I know that because we all invest in our worldview some more than others but I've met enough set of accantus to know that they invest heavily I don't think I've met a set of accantus to takes his religion lightly and there's much that's holy and good in the people that have gone to set up a can't ISM if you're listening to this I don't think you're a wolf the wolves won't listen to this their hearts are hardened just like Pharaoh's heart was hardened not by God but by God's permission God allowed Pharaoh's heart to be hardened don't allow your heart to be hardened replace your heart of stone with Mary's heart of flesh do it now do it this moment do it this instant don't delay you don't know how much time you have get into the Ark bring as many of your friends and family and neighbors and acquaintances and enemies as you can with you back into the church don't be scandalized by those who are bringing scandal onto the church there have always been men bringing scandal to Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Himself is a stumbling stone don't forget that this story of your life will be told in your particular judgement from the perspective of you and God alone you are not responsible for the sins of the pedophile priests or for the bad bishops who are teaching error or for the lakhs Catholics that you despise you're not allowed to hate them you're not allowed to hate anyone you're not allowed to hate your even your worst enemy you're commanded to love your enemy so don't worry about those who give scandal if you have the opportunity to educate and charitably by all means do so if you're equipped to do that there's no harm in that but it's not your business it's really not your business your business is to get into New York and to invite as many as you can in with you invite them by your words but more importantly invite them in by your deeds show them by example that you can be a good Catholic in the novus ordo vatican ii church otherwise known as the body of christ the Bride of Christ she is black but she is beautiful she really is get in get in today don't hesitate don't wait if you have any questions or any comments as always feel free to reach out to me I'm always looking for guests and as always thanks for listening take you